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  •  » "Ain't nothing post-racial about the United States of America"

#1 2009-07-21 21:27:37

Fnord, have a field day:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090722/ap_ … r_analysis

Can someone please tell me how a Harvard alumnus (Gates' colleague) could say, "ain't nothing post-racial"?

Even if you look past the use of the word "ain't", isn't that a double-negative or something?

Obviously, I'm far from the resident grammar expert, so could someone else weigh in on this issue?



#2 2009-07-21 21:55:09

He was arrested because he was behaving like an asshole.  Shouting at the police and screaming about racism like a low class nigger criminal instead of dealing with the situation in a calm manner is what got him into trouble.  If these people want to live among White people, they need some lessons in how to act like White people.

For those of you who need a refresher course, I will explain the proper White way of dealing with the situation.  Speak to the officers in a calm and non-threatening manner, addressing them as “sir” whenever possible.  After showing them photo ID that shows you are a resident of the house, thank them for their prompt response to a call from the neighbor concerned about a possible burglary, you never know, someday you may have a good reason for wanting them to make a fast trip to your house.  If for some reason this doesn’t work, remain calm and cooperative and at the first opportunity hire a smart nasty lawyer to sue the shit out of the city.  At no time should you smart off or harass the police because you may get the shit kicked out of you.  It is your lawyer’s job to be a vicious asshole on your behalf (think of the lawyer as your designated bitch slapper).  If you have pull with elected officials, you may arrange for the police and/or your neighbor to be investigated if you feel they deserve it.



#3 2009-07-21 22:09:16

Way to keep it real, Chris.



#4 2009-07-22 15:09:13

I gotta agree with Fnord on this one.  His arrest had nothing to do with racism.  He was just acting like a pompous asshole and got what he deserved.

PS -- I've getting shunned by my black friends over this one since I obviously buy into the mindset of the white oppressor.  Sigh.



#5 2009-07-22 16:56:23

headkicker_girl wrote:

I gotta agree with Fnord on this one.  His arrest had nothing to do with racism.  He was just acting like a pompous asshole and got what he deserved.

PS -- I've getting shunned by my black friends over this one since I obviously buy into the mindset of the white oppressor.  Sigh.

It's all good.

Find yourself someone like Tom Willis and it will be all gravy:




#6 2009-07-22 23:41:30

I was involved in something like this once. I was talking nice and calmly to the nice and calm cop, and my excitable buddy was talking to the excitable cop, and 30 seconds later away we went in the back of the squad car. Wound up not being arrested, though.



#7 2009-07-23 08:22:14

fnord wrote:

He was arrested because he was behaving like an asshole.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with that law....

(Can you say fascism?.... I knew you could.)



#8 2009-07-23 08:31:14

Police report:
On Thursday July 16, 2009, Henry Gates, Jr. - -, of Ware Street, Cambridge, MA) was placed under arrest at Ware Street, after being observed exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior, in a public place, directed at a uniformed police officer who was present investigating a report of a crime in progress. These actions on the behalf of Gates served no legitimate purpose and caused citizens passing by this location to stop and take notice while appearing surprised and alarmed.

    ...When I arrived at Ware Street I radioed ECC and asked that they have the caller meet me at the front door to this residence. I was told that the caller was already outside. As I was getting this information, I climbed the porch stairs toward the front door. As [reached the door, a female voice called out to me. I looked in the direction of the voice and observed a white female, later identified {} who was standing on the sidewalk in front of the residence, held a wireless telephone in her hand arid told me that it was she who called. She went on to tell me that she observed what appeared to be two black males with backpacks on the porch of• Ware Street. She told me that her suspicions were aroused when she observed one of the men wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry. Since I was the only police officer on location and had my back to the front door as I spoke with her, I asked that she wait for other responding officers while I investigated further.

    As I turned and faced the door, I could see an older black male standing in the foyer of {} Ware Street. I made this observation through the glass paned front door. As I stood in plain view of this man, later identified as Gates, I asked if he would step out onto the porch and speak with me. He replied “no I will not”. He then demanded to know who I was. I told him that I was “Sgt. Crowley from the Cambridge Police” and that I was “investigating a report of a break in progress” at the residence. While I was making this statement, Gates opened the front door and exclaimed “why, because I’m a black man in America?”. I then asked Gates if there was anyone else in the residence. While yelling, he told me that it was none of my business and accused me of being a racist police officer. I assured Gates that I was responding to a citizen’s call to the Cambridge Police and that the caller was outside as we spoke. Gates seemed to ignore me and picked up a cordless telephone and dialed an unknown telephone number. As he did so, I radioed on channel I that I was off in the residence with someone who appeared to be a resident but very uncooperative. I then overheard Gates asking the person on the other end of his telephone call to “get the chief’ and “whats the chiefs name?’. Gates was telling the person on the other end of the call that he was dealing with a racist police officer in his home. Gates then turned to me and told me that I had no idea who I was “messing” with and that I had not heard the last of it. While I was led to believe that Gates was lawfully in the residence, I was quite surprised and confused with the behavior he exhibited toward me. I asked Gates to provide me with photo identification so that I could verify that he resided at Ware Street and so that I could radio my findings to ECC. Gates initially refused, demanding that I show him identification but then did supply me with a Harvard University identification card. Upon learning that Gates was affiliated with Harvard, I radioed and requested the presence of the Harvard University Police.

    With the Harvard University identification in hand, I radioed my findings to ECC on channel two and prepared to leave. Gates again asked for my name which I began to provide. Gates began to yell over my spoken words by accusing me of being a racist police officer and leveling threats that he wasn’t someone to mess with. At some point during this exchange, I became aware that Off. Carlos Figueroa was standing behind me. When Gates asked a third time for my name, I explained to him that I had provided it at his request two separate times. Gates continued to yell at me. I told Gates that I was leaving his residence and that if he had any other questions regarding the matter, I would speak with him outside of the residence.

    As I began walking through the foyer toward the front door, I could hear Gates agai,n demanding my name. I again told Gates that I would speak with him outside. My reason for wanting to leave the residence was that Gates was yelling very loud and the acoustics of the kitchen and foyer were making it difficult for me to transmit pertinent information to ECC or other responding units. His reply was “ya, I’ll speak with your mama outside”. When I left the residence, I noted that there were several Cambridge and Harvard University police officers assembled on the sidewalk in front of the residence. Additionally, the caller, md at least seven unidentified passers-by were looking in the direction of Gates, who had followed me outside of the residence.

    As I descended the stairs to the sidewalk, Gates continued to yell at me, accusing me of racial bias and continued to tell me that I had not heard the last of him. Due to the tumultuous manner Gates had exhibited in his residence as well as his continued tumultuous behavior outside the residence, in view of the public, I warned Gates that he was becoming disorderly. Gates ignored my warning and continued to yell, which drew the attention of both the police officers and citizens, who appeared surprised and alarmed by Gates’s outburst. For a second time I warned Gates to calm down while I withdrew my department issued handcuffs from their carrying case. Gates again ignored my warning and continued to yell at me. It was at this time that I informed Gates that he was under arrest. I then stepped up the stairs, onto the porch and attempted to place handcuffs on Gates. Gates initially resisted my attempt to handcuff him, yelling that he was “disabled” and would fall without his cane. After the handcuffs were property applied, Gates complained that they were too tight. I ordered Off. Ivey, who was among the responding officers, to handcuff Gates with his arms in front of him for his comfort while I secured a cane for Gates from within the residence. I then asked Gates if he would like an officer to take possession of his house key and secure his front door, which he left wide open. Gates told me that the door was un securable due to a previous break attempt at the residence. Shortly thereafter, a Harvard University maintenance person arrived on scene and appeared familiar with Gates. I asked Gates if he was comfortable with this Harvard University maintenance person securing his residence. He told me that he was.

Last edited by fortinbras (2009-07-23 08:33:14)



#9 2009-07-23 09:18:54

Police reports are gospel, you know.  I am sure the officer maintained a calm and professional demeanor throughout.  Do you really believe that the report would include anything that would support the detainee's contentions? 

Does it bother anyone that this occurred in the middle of the day, plenty of daylight?  There was no attempt at any time to flee or to do anything else suggesting guilt of any crime.  The other guy was his driver.  Has he spoken on the record yet?  I think it is ridiculous to jump to any conclusion (a popular pastime on High-Street) based on the information available to date.

Even if the guy was ranting and acting the asshole, arresting him was a stupid thing to do.  Last I heard you can yell in your own yard, particularly at a trespasser, which the policeman clearly had become.  From what I've heard to date, the better call for the cop would have been to make his way out of there and let the issue die.

Last edited by Fled (2009-07-23 09:19:32)



#10 2009-07-23 09:46:56

headkick wrote:

I gotta agree with Fnord on this one.

Don't you hate when that happens?

People like this, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are the worse things that could happen to "race relations."  Yeah - There's still a bit of racism "here and there;" But, these Fuck-Tards seem to find it in as much as a "Good evening, kind sir."  I didn't hate "niggers" at all un-till about the third or fourth time that I heard Al Sharpton spew his "line of bull-shit."

And, re-member, Kids.  All sexual relations are rape (Femi-Nazi reference - They are "in cahoots" after all).

Women and out-spoken schwartzes don't won't equality now.  They seek only to denigrate the European-bred male.

The line that pisses me off most is "Your ancestors owned slaves; So, you owe me, Mother-Fucker."  My ancestors are entirely  South-Eastern European.  They owned no fucking negroids and I owe you fuck-all.

If I hear one more word out of Al Sharpton's mouth a-gain though, I am joining either Fnord's cause or the Ku Klux Klan*.

You don't suppose that my prior marriage to a Negroid would dis-qualify me, would it?



#11 2009-07-23 10:50:22

Fled wrote:

Does it bother anyone that this occurred in the middle of the day, plenty of daylight?

Just when most break-ins happen in the suburbs.

But I agree, once the police officer identified Gates as the legal resident, he should have said "Good Day" and walked off.



#12 2009-07-23 10:59:35

Quoth my freshman year (college) American history teacher, "up until now you have learned the history of the Rich White Man.  We are not going to study that history."  *classroom full of skinny white GT dudes shifts uncomfortably in their seats while the girl's basketball team over in the corner chuckles quietly.*

Her tests were the easiest since they were multiple choice: just pick the choice that's most loving of the minority/hating of whitey.



#13 2009-07-23 11:08:35

Many of us have stories and I, for one, have a scar from my head being slammed into a wall, while handcuffed and actually inside the police station because I turned my head to look at another person who was being beaten by 2 other cops. As I was standing there bleeding, the cop said "how about I add a resisting arrest to your charges?" (I had already been arrested). The jail doctor was real busy that night....guess most of us low-lifes were resisting that night.

BTW, I was arrested for failing to pay a fine for a cracked windshield.



#14 2009-07-23 11:33:17

This is so clearly a case of "everybody was wrong"

The Smoking Gun is, as always, there



#15 2009-07-23 11:34:25

jesusluvspegging wrote:

This is so clearly a case of "everybody was wrong"

The Smoking Gun is, as always, there




#16 2009-07-23 11:57:46

Decadence wrote:

headkick wrote:

I gotta agree with Fnord on this one.

Don't you hate when that happens?

People like this, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are the worse things that could happen to "race relations."  Yeah - There's still a bit of racism "here and there;" But, these Fuck-Tards seem to find it in as much as a "Good evening, kind sir."  I didn't hate "niggers" at all un-till about the third or fourth time that I heard Al Sharpton spew his "line of bull-shit."

And, re-member, Kids.  All sexual relations are rape (Femi-Nazi reference - They are "in cahoots" after all).

Women and out-spoken schwartzes don't won't equality now.  They seek only to denigrate the European-bred male.

The line that pisses me off most is "Your ancestors owned slaves; So, you owe me, Mother-Fucker."  My ancestors are entirely  South-Eastern European.  They owned no fucking negroids and I owe you fuck-all.

If I hear one more word out of Al Sharpton's mouth a-gain though, I am joining either Fnord's cause or the Ku Klux Klan*.

You don't suppose that my prior marriage to a Negroid would dis-qualify me, would it?

Were you married to Headkick?  The previous husband who fathered her children is a White man. If you weren’t married to Headkick, did you and your former wife have children?  So you were married to a black woman and now you hate black people?  Whatever her faults, even I wouldn’t blame the entire black race for her failings as a wife.  I have to say this revelation has to be as surprising to the gang as my coming out.



#17 2009-07-23 12:18:17

I think we can all agree that the cop was being a dick, but I think we can all agree that this incident had nothing to do with race.  Crying racism has become like crying wolf.  Real cases of racism will not get the attention they deserve because assholes like Gates feel they deserve to be treated like they are special.  I don't fucking argue with cops.  Period.



#18 2009-07-23 13:06:11

Gates has put himself firmly on the police radar.  Should his house be broken into, the response time is going to be glacially slow.  If he smokes a little weed for arthritis or glaucoma, he can expect a felony charge instead of the police looking the other way.  And he had better obey all traffic laws to the “T” from now on.

This incident looks like a setup.  Did he get a bad faculty review? Is he about to face a disciplinary action for sexual harassment?  By playing the “Nigger Lottery” (provoking an incident, blowing it up into a NATIONAL EMERGENCY and suing) he won’t have to worry about his finances if the university lets him go.  In fact, the university may now be afraid to can his ass for cause, so he may get to keep his Affirmative Action job plus get a civil suit payout!  I’m not holding my breath, but it would be what he deserves if he loses both his job and the legal action he is certain to file.

Last edited by fnord (2009-07-23 13:07:22)



#19 2009-07-23 13:16:52

Dec wrote:

The line that pisses me off most is "Your ancestors owned slaves; So, you owe me, Mother-Fucker."  My ancestors are entirely  South-Eastern European.  They owned no fucking negroids and I owe you fuck-all.

Same here Dec.  My response is that many more blacks have slave owners in their ancestry than the average white person does.  Ancestors of the vast majority of whites never had anything to do with slave ownership, or they arrived after slavery was banned.  However, white slave owners often fathered children with their chattel.  I'll bet that most American blacks have at least one slave owner in the woodshed.  Sure, blacks didn't choose their ancestors, but neither did any of the rest of us.  How about they pay reparations to themselves.



#20 2009-07-23 13:19:24

headkicker_girl wrote:

I think we can all agree that the cop was being a dick, but I think we can all agree that this incident had nothing to do with race.  Crying racism has become like crying wolf.  Real cases of racism will not get the attention they deserve because assholes like Gates feel they deserve to be treated like they are special.  I don't fucking argue with cops.  Period.

I see you've never tried a criminal case.



#21 2009-07-23 17:27:45

The other thing Gates seems not to be aware of is that people break into their "own" houses for reasons a cop needs to investigate.  Did a spouse just get a restraining order against someone who's now trying to regain entry?  Have they been evicted legally, and are they trying to get back in when they're not supposed to?

These things, and a few others, are matters that take a little time to rule out, and if Gates is learned enough to be Harvard faculty, he ought to be able to understand that just flashing some I.D. might not be enough.



#22 2009-07-23 19:15:11

Montecore wrote:

The other thing Gates seems not to be aware of is that people break into their "own" houses for reasons a cop needs to investigate.  Did a spouse just get a restraining order against someone who's now trying to regain entry?  Have they been evicted legally, and are they trying to get back in when they're not supposed to?

These things, and a few others, are matters that take a little time to rule out, and if Gates is learned enough to be Harvard faculty, he ought to be able to understand that just flashing some I.D. might not be enough.


I thought you were dead.



#23 2009-07-23 19:42:35

Montecore wrote:

The other thing Gates seems not to be aware of is that people break into their "own" houses for reasons a cop needs to investigate.  Did a spouse just get a restraining order against someone who's now trying to regain entry?  Have they been evicted legally, and are they trying to get back in when they're not supposed to?

These things, and a few others, are matters that take a little time to rule out, and if Gates is learned enough to be Harvard faculty, he ought to be able to understand that just flashing some I.D. might not be enough.

Yeah - Obama made a complete ass of himself by offering any sort of comment on the issue.  Right wing fodder that will go on for years.



#24 2009-07-23 20:03:05

ptah13 wrote:


I thought you were dead.

Nope - just had other things to do for a long time there.



#25 2009-07-23 20:03:36

fnord wrote:

Were you married to Headkick?  The previous husband who fathered her children is a White man. If you weren’t married to Headkick, did you and your former wife have children?  So you were married to a black woman and now you hate black people?  Whatever her faults, even I wouldn’t blame the entire black race for her failings as a wife.  I have to say this revelation has to be as surprising to the gang as my coming out.

I don't believe that the revelation that I was previously married to a black woman is much of a shock to any-body here except you, Dude.  And, I don't hate the entire black race.  I just hate ass-holes like Sharpton, Jackson, and - Now - Gates.  Headkick's comment following yours sums up my feelings rather elegantly (Nicely put in-deed, Headkick).'

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. wrote:

Yea, I'll speak with your mama outside.

Oh, no, he di'n't!

The Smoking Gun wrote:

. . . Cambridge cops, who were condemned last night by President Barack Obama for acting "stupidly."

Two weeks with no comment on the Iranian elections (Which was one of this administration's few decisions with which I agreed); But, one self-righteous Fuck claims a case of racism . . .

phreddy wrote:

However, white slave owners often fathered children with their chattel.  I'll bet that most American blacks have at least one slave owner in the woodshed.  Sure, blacks didn't choose their ancestors, but neither did any of the rest of us.  How about they pay reparations to themselves.

No-Thing to add really.  I just thought that comment was a-musing enough that every-body should read it a-gain.

Post-Script:  High, Monty!  We missed you, Mate.

And, to add on to what Monty said about breaking in-to your own house, when I first read the story, all that I could think to my-self was "Why in the fuck didn't he just show them a piece of mail with his name and ad-dress on it to begin with, and work from there?" Most of us have had dealings with ass-hole cops be-fore.  What in the fuck makes Professor Gates so fucking en-titled?

I believe  that people like him and Al Sharpton with their bull-shit screeches of "Racism" at every turn likely cause some people who wouldn't other-wise be in-clined to be-come a bit racist.

Last edited by Decadence (2009-07-23 20:13:11)



#26 2009-07-23 20:23:46

Decadence wrote:

Post-Script:  High, Monty!  We missed you, Mate.

Aw shit.

Now I gotta stand at the top of the stairs while everyone sings Hello, Dolly?

Seriously, good to be back.



#27 2009-07-24 21:47:45

You know, occasionally you find someone who writes for a living that actually *does* know how to write...  I liked this one...

http://www.ocregister.com/articles/gate … racism-sgt



#28 2009-07-24 22:00:54

whosasailorthen wrote:

Mark Steyn

A Canuck?



#29 2009-07-24 22:16:29

Skip Gates wrote:

"You don't know who you're messin' with."

If a Ivy League white professor had said this we'd all cheer as he was tasered and it'd be included in the next college frat movie.

Instead Obama steps on his dick trying be billy bad ass black boy; he act's like he is unaware that being an intentional nuisance to a police officer is actually "disorderly conduct" and  "impeding a peace officer in pursuit of his duties"  (varies state to state for the wording but is always color blind)

The NY Times writers complain that blacks have to follow a different, unwritten code when stopped/questioned by police; they have to be quiet, obedient and polite - say things like "Yes sir" alot.   Don't they get that is how the rest of us, those that don't want to be arrested (unlike Dusty), always act.

It's called "Pain avoidance"

Last edited by Emmeran (2009-07-24 22:20:50)



#30 2009-07-24 22:29:43

Montecore wrote:

Decadence wrote:

Post-Script:  High, Monty!  We missed you, Mate.

Aw shit.

Now I gotta stand at the top of the stairs while everyone sings Hello, Dolly?

Seriously, good to be back.

Hey Monty!  Nice to see you grace these greasy pages.  I trust and hope all is well with your and yours.

So, the rumor about you being Horse, was that ever settled?



#31 2009-07-24 22:48:12

MSG Tripps wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

Mark Steyn

A Canuck?

Ya take 'em where you find 'em.



#32 2009-07-24 22:51:11

Montecore wrote:

Decadence wrote:

Post-Script:  High, Monty!  We missed you, Mate.

Aw shit.

Now I gotta stand at the top of the stairs while everyone sings Hello, Dolly?

Seriously, good to be back.



#33 2009-07-24 23:06:30

opsec wrote:

Hey Monty!  Nice to see you grace these greasy pages.  I trust and hope all is well with your and yours.

So, the rumor about you being Horse, was that ever settled?

Hey, Ops!

What fun would settling that question be?

Nice to be back around you guys.  I see most of the names are familiar ones.  Pretty much the old Cruel roster, though there are some names I don't see in the postings.   

Roger_That still hang out here?  What about New York Jew?  And jennifer_govt and Cates and klownhater and Dirckman?

Enquiring minds want to know.

As always, love and hisses...

Last edited by Montecore (2009-07-24 23:07:28)



#34 2009-07-24 23:22:59

Montecore wrote:

Roger_That still hang out here?  What about New York Jew?  And jennifer_govt and Cates and klownhater and Dirckman?

I'm not an active player, but as I understand it RT is moving to Eastern Europe, NYJ stopped around a few months ago with little to say, Cates married his bloody sweetheart and moved to California 2 years ago.  Dirckman still pops up, but less pictorially.  I really miss jennifer_govt and really don't miss klownhater.



#35 2009-07-24 23:37:26

opsec wrote:

Montecore wrote:

Decadence wrote:

Post-Script:  High, Monty!  We missed you, Mate.

Aw shit.

Now I gotta stand at the top of the stairs while everyone sings Hello, Dolly?

Seriously, good to be back.

Hey Monty!  Nice to see you grace these greasy pages.  I trust and hope all is well with your and yours.

So, the rumor about you being Horse, was that ever settled?

I have to say that I perpetuated that rumor with much vigor.

Now I get to do it some more! Whoo Hoo!!!

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-07-24 23:37:53)



#36 2009-07-25 00:48:42

ptah13 wrote:

I have to say that I perpetuated that rumor with much vigor.

Now I get to do it some more! Whoo Hoo!!!

Ah,  but will it be the same without Aude and Gray? 


Those two were something else.

Thanks for the YouTube clip, Dusty.



#37 2009-07-25 00:55:03

Oh, Ops:

I wouldn't worry too much about NYJ; he's been away for long stretches before, and always turns up again, like a bad shekel.

I also wonder about Cherry Vanilla, tigerlily and Banjo.



#38 2009-07-25 12:54:29

Montecore wrote:

Oh, Ops:

I wouldn't worry too much about NYJ; he's been away for long stretches before, and always turns up again, like a bad shekel.

I also wonder about Cherry Vanilla, tigerlily and Banjo.

*sigh*.. CV...

I suffer from Dirk-envy. He's a legend.



#39 2009-07-25 14:00:59

ptah13 wrote:

Montecore wrote:

Oh, Ops:

I wouldn't worry too much about NYJ; he's been away for long stretches before, and always turns up again, like a bad shekel.

I also wonder about Cherry Vanilla, tigerlily and Banjo.

*sigh*.. CV...

I suffer from Dirk-envy. He's a legend.

Yeah, CV's a honey, and Tigerlil is also quite the blondette goddess.

Ptah you ungrateful glutton... you dated the legendary and bodacious RT, and what's more lived to tell about it!



#40 2009-07-25 14:49:37

opsec wrote:

Ptah you ungrateful glutton... you dated the legendary and bodacious RT

Yeah, you're right.

Definitely the apex predator of all Cruelite hotties.

The Czech Republic is very fortunate.

opsec wrote:

and what's more lived to tell about it!

Just avoid attempting any certain "verboten" activities, and you're good!

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-07-25 14:54:17)



#41 2009-07-25 15:14:53

Off topic but it's amazing how different everyone I've actually met or talked to on this train wreck has been totally different from their online persona.   The people I've interacted with in person, email or on the phone are for the most part genuine and good peeps.  I would hope I'm nothing like my online presence... I'd slap the shit out of me.

HS. The playground for the Monsters From The Id.



#42 2009-07-25 15:22:36

opsec wrote:

Off topic but it's amazing how different everyone I've actually met or talked to on this train wreck has been totally different from their online persona.   The people I've interacted with in person, email or on the phone are for the most part genuine and good peeps.  I would hope I'm nothing like my online presence... I'd slap the shit out of me.

HS. The playground for the Monsters From The Id.

Yeah. This type of place tends to bring out certain facets of individuals' personalities.

I'm totally not a dick in real life. (I know, I know, but I swear it's true).

You can tell that, in this day and age, most of what is left of R.G.K. are salt-of-the-Earth folk who would probably give you the shirt off their back.

Except Montecore, because he's really Horse and secretly eats people after he kills them and sodomizes their corpses. (damn, that didn't take me long)



#43 2009-07-25 15:25:32

ptah13 wrote:

Except Montecore, because he's really Horse and secretly eats people after he kills them and sodomizes their corpses. (damn, that didn't take me long)

No I think it's highly unlikely that Montehorse is.... shit.  CUT.



#44 2009-07-25 18:18:40

So, Ptah...

Is Woggah's puckerstar all it's cracked up (pun intended) to be?

With my advanced necrophiliac interest in sodomy, please understand, I just gotta know.

P.S.:  Eggs Ackley and Felch Grogan also seem to be among the missing.



#45 2009-07-25 22:08:22

why is it that these puppets only show up when HK comes back???



#46 2009-07-26 00:00:56

Emmeran wrote:

why is it that these puppets only show up when HK comes back???

Who is "HK"?



#47 2009-07-26 01:04:27

Head Kicker?  Please.



#48 2009-07-26 07:07:38

ptah13 wrote:

The Czech Republic is very fortunate.

Why should the Czech's care?  They've all-ready plenty of attractive, young, women who are actually willing to participate in a bit of "anal-play."  Have you never seen any Eastern European pornography?



#49 2009-07-26 11:32:51

Decadence wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

The Czech Republic is very fortunate.

Why should the Czech's care?  They've all-ready plenty of attractive, young, women who are actually willing to participate in a bit of "anal-play."  Have you never seen any Eastern European pornography?

If someone tries to pull that shit on RT, it will become an international incident, I assure you.



#50 2009-07-26 11:33:29

Dmtdust wrote:

Head Kicker?  Please.

I was wondering why Headkicker_Girl wouldn't be "HG", is all.


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