#1 2007-11-20 21:27:44

What a bunch of fucking STOOPID motherfuckers....


Tom Wisniowski bagged a rare albino black bear Monday on the season's opening day. The female cub weighed 47 pounds.

Too rare to leave alone apparently........  isn't there a size/age limit for killing bears?   I have nothing against hunting, as long as you EAT what you kill.



#2 2007-11-20 21:38:56

Bear meat be tasty . . . a bit rich though.  I can send some jerky over if you like.



#3 2007-11-20 21:45:03

Emmeran wrote:

Bear meat be tasty . . . a bit rich though.  I can send some jerky over if you like.

Had some once (not jerky) at a kegger in high school...fucking tough and greasy...
it was also green....



#4 2007-11-20 22:10:06

Actually, as a hunter myself I'm totally in favour of hunting in general.  However, every decent hunter knows it's *horribly* bad luck to shoot an albino of any game.... it's just not done.  Bad form, and all that, don't you know.  If you see one, you relish the opportunity and let it go free.  NEVER kill an albino - I wouldn't like to be that guy now.

However, what makes this bozo a COMPLETE IDIOT is this bit:

"I couldn’t tell what it was at first because there was a lot of snow and fog”....

OK, so he's shooting at stuff when he can't even bloody tell what he's shooting.  SUPERB.  Really nice to be in the woods with assclowns like that.

BTW, before you crucify me, let me explain why I am in favour of hunting... For those of you who do eat meat, would you rather eat an animal that lived all it's life inside a pen - or worse yet, a cage - and who was basically living in a death-camp all of it's life and never had any variety in food or life.... or.... would you rather eat an animal who was able to drink from natural streams, sleep in meadows, eat it's own native foods, chase the does (or be chased by the bucks), and basically be able to breathe free, and who was killed quickly before he even knew what was happening?

I'll take the latter.



#5 2007-11-20 22:21:16


I have no problem with hunting, and I have no problem with fishing. I go fishing a lot, actually. What I cannot stand are inbred assholes like this. Also, those fuckers who leave fucking K-mart bags and knoting up fishing line and CORNNUT bags all over the beach. They also jig for the small fish - god damn it - people just fucking suck. I'm high so I can't really make the point I wanted to make.  Fuck you, too Scotty dear.



#6 2007-11-20 22:58:25

Where do you live, kim?



#7 2007-11-20 22:59:49

Got to agree here - shooting cubs is pussy ass shit.  Shooting through the fog is citiot crap.  Leaving the wilderness cleaner than you found it was surprisingly doubly re-inforced to me by the Marines.

shooting Albino's or other exceptional creatures is flat out bad karma.

Harvesting the deer however is far better than re-introducing the wolf.



#8 2007-11-21 01:05:19

whosasailorthen wrote:

Actually, as a hunter myself I'm totally in favour of hunting in general . . .

BTW, before you crucify me, let me explain why I am in favour of hunting... For those of you who do eat meat, would you rather eat an animal that lived all it's life inside a pen - or worse yet, a cage . . .

Despite your overly-dramatic, drawn-out, explanation, I've still no fucking clue as to why you are in favor of hunting "in general."    What does killing an animal for "sport" have to do with consuming an animal's flesh?  Not that you're likely to sway my opinion in any way, I'm simply intrigued by the cognitive dissonance which you've obviously employed to make such a connection.



#9 2007-11-21 02:24:59

Decadence wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

Actually, as a hunter myself I'm totally in favour of hunting in general . . .

BTW, before you crucify me, let me explain why I am in favour of hunting... For those of you who do eat meat, would you rather eat an animal that lived all it's life inside a pen - or worse yet, a cage . . .

Despite your overly-dramatic, drawn-out, explanation, I've still no fucking clue as to why you are in favor of hunting "in general."    What does killing an animal for "sport" have to do with consuming an animal's flesh?  Not that you're likely to sway my opinion in any way, I'm simply intrigued by the cognitive dissonance which you've obviously employed to make such a connection.

I don't kill them for sport.  I kill them for meat.  We consume nearly all of the animal... even the entrails get boiled and made into dogfood for our hunting dogs... and the skins get sold to folks who know how to tan them (I've never wanted to deal with all the chemicals required for that).   We eat venison, duck, goose and other game meats instead of buying the 'caged animals' from the store.  Healthier, tastier, and, I think, more humane.



#10 2007-11-21 03:06:11

I want to eat an animal that's had a life of misery.  I like them undercooked, so I can still taste their life of pain with every bite. 

Afterwards I like to take a shit in the woods, that way I feel like I'm just a part of nature's cycle of life.



#11 2007-11-21 05:00:51

whosasailorthen wrote:

would you rather eat an animal that lived all it's life inside a pen - or worse yet, a cage - and who was basically living in a death-camp all of it's life and never had any variety in food or life.... or.... would you rather eat an animal who was able to drink from natural streams, sleep in meadows, eat it's own native foods, chase the does (or be chased by the bucks), and basically be able to breathe free, and who was killed quickly before he even knew what was happening?

That might be fine for you, but I live in an urban area.  What are we supposed to hunt?



#12 2007-11-21 05:05:22

If you feed them first, I think you'll find that the homeless can make excellent prey.



#13 2007-11-21 08:34:20

Good post Lurky.  I always enjoy a good pile of dead bears.

Call them stupid, but they may well elect the next president.  Have a nice day.



#14 2007-11-21 09:27:11

phoQ wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

would you rather eat an animal that lived all it's life inside a pen - or worse yet, a cage - and who was basically living in a death-camp all of it's life and never had any variety in food or life.... or.... would you rather eat an animal who was able to drink from natural streams, sleep in meadows, eat it's own native foods, chase the does (or be chased by the bucks), and basically be able to breathe free, and who was killed quickly before he even knew what was happening?

That might be fine for you, but I live in an urban area.  What are we supposed to hunt?

I live in the suburbs of a major US city, so I can relate.  But in an hour or two's drive there's plenty of state game lands... and I'd venture to say if you're living in the U.S. there's likely to be similar land near you as well.  Buy a hunting license (OBTW, which provides nearly all of the state conservation funds), get properly trained with a rifle, and then go with another hunter to learn the way to track, hunt and properly take game as humanely as possible.  There's hunting clubs near a lot of the game lands and even some in suburban areas, so have a Google.



#15 2007-11-21 10:52:17

Do they teach you how to track and kill mutants and genetic anomalies?  That is a more specialized skill.



#16 2007-11-21 12:12:47

tojo2000 wrote:

I want to eat an animal that's had a life of misery.  I like them undercooked, so I can still taste their life of pain with every bite. 

Afterwards I like to take a shit in the woods, that way I feel like I'm just a part of nature's cycle of life.




#17 2007-11-21 12:13:46

tojo2000 wrote:

If you feed them first, I think you'll find that the homeless can make excellent prey.

You can practice Coon huntin' in most urban areas.



#18 2007-11-21 12:49:50

whosasailorthen wrote:

We consume nearly all of the animal...

Offal Good



#19 2007-11-21 12:53:50

tojo2000 wrote:

I want to eat an animal that's had a life of misery.  I like them undercooked, so I can still taste their life of pain with every bite. 

Afterwards I like to take a shit in the woods, that way I feel like I'm just a part of nature's cycle of life.

I myself like my miserable creatures undercooked.

Misery Tartare for everyone!



#20 2007-11-21 13:26:33

opsec wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

We consume nearly all of the animal...

Offal Good

Actually, we nearly always eat the liver & heart (and tongue on larger game) - they are absolutely delicious and since the animal hasn't been eating pesticides and hormones they're pretty healthy.  However we're not fans of kidneys - yeech.  But then, the kidneys and the rest of the 'offal' make a very nutritious dog-food - the hounds jump for it when it's available - but I must say, it smells like shit when it's being cooked... we throw in veggies and some mild spices to balance the food's nutrition and to help kill the smell.



#21 2007-11-21 13:37:52

I'm not against hunting for the whole "animal killing" reasons.  I'm against hunting because most hunters are stupid as fuck and I've nearly been shot by two of them.  (I grew up in the middle of the woods on a hill on a river... however, hunting was prohibited because there were too many residences back there).

Besides, a dumb fucking hunter killed my dog.

Although there are a few people I know who go to hunting preserves once a year and hunt wild turkey and deer, and I get the most fantastic venison and make a MEAN venison chili.  They are not dumb fucking hunters, they are more along the lines of Sailor.  Thank God for hunters like you, who dont' just leave the carcasses out to rot.

I'm much more of a fisherman myself.  I'm right there with kim, and I assume asdf is quite a fisherman as well. ;)



#22 2007-11-21 13:58:46

As a vegetarian, I encourage meat eaters to hunt. Many years, in many areas, the size of local deer (and human) populations threatens to overwhelm the carrying capacity of the environment. Wildlife departments (and the US military) regularly perform deer (or sand-nigger) culls, and the meat goes to waste. As it lies on the ground rotting, people feed their families 2nd-rate under-aged meat from the supermarket, processed in Auschwitz-style abbatoirs. I find it harder to create an argument to justify shooting less prolific game, and I do think that people who kill animals gleefully are emotionally disturbed or under-developed, or, in rare cases, psychopathic. But to shoot a deer (or human) to feed your family can be a noble thing, if done with mercy and respect.



#23 2007-11-21 14:02:17


Wow, who knew that my totally lame, easy to type, never used anywhere else screen name would morph into such an accurate description of my body hair.

Everybody be sure to thank Willllbur for thinking up such a colourful name.

Asstuft, asstuft, asstuft.

Little Miss Muffet sat on her asstuffet, eating her nerds and gheys

Along came a wanker, who tried hard to spank her,

But Miss Muffet said, I like it that way.



#24 2007-11-21 14:26:32

phoQ wrote:

That might be fine for you, but I live in an urban area.  What are we supposed to hunt?

Niggers.  They taste just like fried chicken.



#25 2007-11-21 14:30:53

headkicker_girl wrote:

phoQ wrote:

That might be fine for you, but I live in an urban area.  What are we supposed to hunt?

Niggers.  They taste just like fried chicken.

Everytime I eat a nigger I get cotton-mouth.



#26 2007-11-21 15:00:54


WilberCuntLicker wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

phoQ wrote:

That might be fine for you, but I live in an urban area.  What are we supposed to hunt?

Niggers.  They taste just like fried chicken.

Everytime I eat a nigger I get cotton-mouth.




#27 2007-11-21 15:13:51

whosasailorthen wrote:

Actually, we nearly always eat the liver & heart (and tongue on larger game) - they are absolutely delicious and since the animal hasn't been eating pesticides and hormones they're pretty healthy.  However we're not fans of kidneys - yeech.

I'm quite a fan of steak and kidney pie, but *I* have to be the one to clean the kidneys.  It's not something I'd order in a British Pub.  I'm not a big fan of liver, but I love beef tongue and and heart.  Of course, I'm talking factory raised murder meat here, not game.  I don't have a lot of experience with other than standard cuts of game. 

I will say there's very little parts I found that can't be tossed in a pressure cooker at 15 atmospheres for a hour that won't make tasty stock.



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