#1 2007-11-28 08:28:50

http://www.motherjones.com/news/update/ … stein.html

Last edited by choad (2007-11-28 08:34:44)



#2 2007-11-28 21:49:54

ok, thanks choad, now I'm even MORE pissed off.



#3 2007-11-28 22:09:39

It's beyond moldy oldy news.

What made it compelling for me was a soldier with enough spine and disregard for the chain of command he was willing to risk everything to fight those tard asswipes.

"Salute the uniform, not the man," is such a hideous monument to a standing army gone so entirely wrong, we ought to applaud every rare exception.

We're a nation of wimp sheeple protected by pussies, right Dhal?



#4 2007-11-28 22:24:17

Was I the only one who got the vapors when they realized that the man in question was a stocky, intelligent boxer Jew?  If he has blue eyes, his wife needs to watch her back.  Where the fuck do these sexual imprints come from anyway?



#5 2007-11-28 22:49:09

choad wrote:

wimp sheeple protected by pussies, right Dhal?

Kill them all....   let [a] god sort it out.

I have heard that before.

Last edited by MSG Tripps (2007-11-28 23:11:07)



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