#1 2007-12-07 12:17:20

Ah, poetic justice.

The woman linked to a fake MySpace profile of a 16-year-old boy created to start an Internet relationship with Megan Meier, the Missouri teen who hanged herself after receiving hurtful messages, is now believed to be the victim of a cyber-bullying impersonator herself.

Now, I don't expect anyone of you to stand up and take credit, but I would just like to say, "way to go!"



#2 2007-12-07 13:37:41


Or rather, you must be mistaken about your location.  This is not 4chan.



#3 2007-12-07 14:01:36

DoucheEllington wrote:


Or rather, you must be mistaken about your location.  This is not 4chan.

You have to admit this would be the logical place to start the search.  However, I believe the spoofers here are sophisticated enough to leave no trail.



#4 2007-12-07 14:06:38

Dang it, phreddy, you scooped me.  I saw this same story on CNN while at work, but by the time I got home I was too late...

I guess that's what I get for having a day job.



#5 2007-12-07 14:10:31

George Orr wrote:

Dang it, phreddy, you scooped me.  I saw this same story on CNN while at work, but by the time I got home I was too late...

I guess that's what I get for having a day job.

No, that's what you get for not fucking off at work like I do.



#6 2007-12-07 14:36:34

phreddy wrote:

No, that's what you get for not fucking off at work like I do.

Soon's I get settled into my new office, I hope things can get back to normal.



#7 2007-12-07 14:38:41

phreddy wrote:

George Orr wrote:

I guess that's what I get for having a day job.

No, that's what you get for not fucking off at work like I do.

George relocated recently and has yet to break in the new crew of office slackers.



#8 2007-12-07 14:46:55

George O wrote:

Soon's I get settled into my new office, I hope things can get back to normal.

I have gone to the dark side and taken a real job myself.  Gave up the consulting business to go to work for city government.  I hope they don't get nosy and go back through the server to view all the temp web files I've downloaded from this site.



#9 2007-12-08 00:44:05

George Orr wrote:

I guess that's what I get for having a day job.

Getting too old for your night job, Georgette?



#10 2007-12-08 00:51:06

The fuck ya been?



#11 2007-12-08 01:00:27

Searching for crueldom, Georgette. Fruitless searches led me to enter in my browser’s addy bar every combination of random words separated by hyphens.  Looking back, limiting my attempts to urls ending with .com really fucked me in the end.  Then, as a last ditch effort, I googled "Horseonovich" and high-street.org was down at the bottom of the page like a sunken discarded corpse. 

Can I get the quick and dirty on what the fuck this place is all about?

Last edited by benzene (2007-12-08 01:05:58)



#12 2007-12-08 01:32:32

benzene wrote:

Can I get the quick and dirty on what the fuck this place is all about?

Quick and dirty?

I'm sure you know what happened with cruel.com.  Several people were very bummed and wondered where we might go to indulge our cruel predilections and otherwise get our ya-yas out. 
Alas, the Internets contained no such place.

So choad, nee billw, has set us up this nice little den of nastiness, and he and orange and sofa and a couple others are husbanding it and nurturing it and all like that.

It has a MySpace page.

If you know of anyone who would have fit in with the glorious anarchy of the Cruel of Old, bring 'em here.



#13 2007-12-08 02:58:51

benzene wrote:

Searching for crueldom, Georgette. Fruitless searches led me to enter in my browser’s addy bar every combination of random words separated by hyphens.  Looking back, limiting my attempts to urls ending with .com really fucked me in the end.  Then, as a last ditch effort, I googled "Horseonovich" and high-street.org was down at the bottom of the page like a sunken discarded corpse. 

Can I get the quick and dirty on what the fuck this place is all about?

Benze, We were wondering if you just didn't love us anymore. Funny how the rancid smell of  Horse was your oracle to end your oddesy.

We have been wondering how people find this corner of the internets.

It is good you got here in time, many of the regulars and even some newbes have been posting pictures of tattoos, tatas and booboos.

Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-08 03:04:26)



#14 2007-12-09 21:05:49

I hate to admit it, but I have no idea what happened to cruel.com.  My Lil' Benz grew old enough to give daddy a goddamnedmotherfucking spare second or two to carouse the internets.  By the time I got around to it, I was redirected to drudge.com. I figure rcade's riches and fortune from cable news appearances never panned out, and he had to cut the luxuries from the budget.  Whatz teh skoooop?



#15 2007-12-09 22:34:30

benzene wrote:

I hate to admit it, but I have no idea what happened to cruel.com...Whatz teh skoooop?

Oh, man...

Luckily for me AND for you, Roger_That has already written a very good synopsis of Our High-Street History, which I shall take the trouble to cut and paste just for you, benzene, and for no other.

Warning:  It's loooooong.  I don't know where you came in, so I've pasted all of it.  Look out below:

Roger_That wrote:

My memory serves these basics:

1) I surf for some fucked up entertaining links and find cruel.
2) I check daily for the new CSOTD, follow, laugh (or snicker)
3) Bonsai Kitten is posted as CSOTD, shit hits fan
4) Rogers starts a yahoo club for CSOTD.
5) Missythrope, Angie, and Angrylioness (along with Franny Sfuvfy from About.com) show up and yell about how cruel Bonsai Kitten is, and how they are going to sic PETA and the Feebs on the site owners.
6) First Amendment rights battle ensues between original cruellers and animal wackjobs.  BK goes down, BK goes up, BK goes down, Rotten.com hosts it, the Feebs harass and interview some cruel members who they think might be in association with BK, blah blah, Missy gets outed, Angie gets outed, Angrylioness evolves into multiple personality disorder.
7) Cruel revolves around BK and the Cats and Kittens yahoo group (where members migrate daily to harass the animal lovers and bait them with the BK website). 
8) Angie decides to hang out at the Yahoo Cruel group, and eventually becomes less nasty but continues to be the Cruel whipping post.  Smurgles.com is found, and everyone finds a map to Angie's house.
9) Lioness threatens, brings in "Windspirit46" (aka Barry) and her cousin from Australia, KitKat.  They harass the cruel yahoo group members.  A secret task force is formed, and eventually Angrylioness is outed as Sheila Austin.  Her account information is hijacked, and it is foudn that she is not only angrylioness, but windspirit, kitkat, and many others.  She also begs for donations to feed her 50 million cats after a hurricane floods her apartment.  She has a son that works at McDonalds.  Sheila goes apeshit when she finds out someone "broke in" to her email.  She threatens "UncleDave" (a long time crueller) and accuses him of the whole coup.  Although he had nothing to do with it. 
10) About this time, BK dies down, and Rogers creates his own message board, as Yahoo Clubs! merges with egroups or some other shit hole online club group membership crap.  The new Cruel.com message board (that most of you remember) is born.
11) Lioness hangs around a bit, but finally fucks off. 
11A) Smitty brings the word "Asshat" to cruel, as a way of telling someone that their link is old, or already been posted.  When somoene posts a duplicate link, they are given an "asshat".  If you posted a link that was actually a current or recent CSOTD, that was an asshat of mega proportions, more like a Colon Suit.
11B) Smitty meets Ptah, divorces ensue, a 2 year relationship of bizarre and cruel proportions takes place.  Cates and Fiesty will eventually follow with divorces of their own.  Scotty will continually try to get into Fiesty's pants.
12) Trolls come, trolls go.  DJ LilAndy fucks with the cruel members, and his mom is called.
A parade of other idiots show up and maps to their homes follow them closely.  Jew shows up, the regulars come and go, Emily shows her tits with Marinara sauce.
13) Some cruel members find drudge's messageboard and bring over Drudge's trashy remnants, better known as Horseonovich.  Matt Drudge makes an appearance on his own message board, and brings over Horse, Chaiyah, and a few other trolls.
14) Horse turns into the biggest blowhard on the internets.  He brings a wake of hate and animosity.  He stalks a girl up in Canada named FM.  They become friendly, but when Horse's 2nd or 3rd personality takes over, he turncoats on her and pisses her off.
15) A Gift Horse blog is born, to taunt Horse from his 'Mystery" blogger
16) Gift Horse reveals her identity as FM, and "The Morning Oats" blog is born.  Cruellers spend time roasting Horse with his own game flame, and a wonderful repository of all things Horse is born. 
17) To further fuck with Horse, the "White Courtesy Phone" aka Sekkrit Tag Board is born, thanks to Zombie Elvis.  Trusted Cruellers gather behind the scenes to plot ways to fuck with Horse.  Some of them even start to trust each other and swap photos and personal info. 
18) Cruel spirals downwards as Rogers starts fucking with functionality, looks, and code. 
19) Rogers buys the papal domain, and asks for a cool hat in exchange for turning over the domain to the vatican.  He ends up on the news, and the crowd roars because they love his black wire framed glasses.  He never gets his hat. (Although we suspect he has an asshat).
19) Meg Kelso comes on the scene.  The members roast her as many before, but this one decides to go stalk Roger's wife.  Rogers gets scared, and starts censoring posts and removing standard n00b trolling actions.  Rogers becomes tired of Cruel and his red headed step children.  Rogers starts censoring posts and getting snippy.
20) Cruel's days are limited.  Rogers continually baits his children with promises to return the archives, fix teh edit function, and get rid of the ugly black background.
21) Rogers says he won't have any more "CSOTD'S", that certain links posted by users will show up as the top 'link's of the day'
22) Rogers tries to turn Cruel into Drudge.  It doesn't work. 
23) Rogers abandons his children, and watches them beg and flounder in an archive free (but Horse free!) environment.
24) Rogers shuts down Cruel. 
25) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we are.


Does that work for you?  I'm not editing it, so fuck you all.



#16 2007-12-09 22:48:01

George, remember when relatives of a plane crash vicitim from a link benzi posted abused us for our callous disregard for any sense of human decency? Another great moment in crueldom.



#17 2008-05-17 19:14:56

Wooga booga! Topic necromancy! (tho I have to admit, RT's chronology always deserves a second glance). Back on topic. Mush, doggies!

Experts Say MySpace Suicide Indictment Sets 'Scary' Legal Precedent

In their eagerness to visit justice on a 49-year-old woman involved in the Megan Meier MySpace suicide tragedy, federal prosecutors in Los Angeles are resorting to a novel and dangerous interpretation of a decades-old computer crime law -- potentially making a felon out of anybody who violates the terms of service of any website, experts say.

"This is a novel and extreme reading of what [the law] prohibits," says Jennifer Granick, civil liberties director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "To say that you're violating a criminal law by registering to speak under a false name is highly problematic. It's probably an unconstitutional reading of the statute."

Lori Drew, of O'Fallon, Missouri, is charged with one count of conspiracy and three violations of the anti-hacking Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, in a case involving cyberbullying through a fake MySpace profile.

A nationwide community backlash ensued, after a news story published last year revealed Drew's role in the cyberbullying, and pressure was placed on Missouri authorities to charge Drew with a crime. But after investigating the incident, local prosecutors concluded last December that they could find no law under which to charge Drew.

MySpace's user agreement requires registrants, among other things, to provide factual information about themselves and to refrain from soliciting personal information from minors or using information obtained from MySpace services to harass or harm other people. By allegedly violating that click-to-agree contract, Drew committed the same crime as any hacker.

That sets a potentially troubling precedent, given that terms-of-service agreements sometimes contain onerous provisions, and are rarely read by users.

"Empowering terms of use to be key pieces of evidence in criminal matters -- when terms of use are generally thought of by the people who are entering into them as purely contract or civil matters -- is something that should be done carefully," says Andrea Matwyshyn, law professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School. "I think you're going to have strong disagreement as to whether this is an advisable course to take." (read more)

For those of you who think TOSes and EULAs are only meant to be read and obeyed by feebs and 13 yos, the last iTunes agreement I saw included a prohibition against using it as a nuclear weapon. G'won, TRY.



#18 2008-05-17 19:36:19

choad wrote:

George, remember when relatives of a plane crash vicitim from a link benzi posted abused us for our callous disregard for any sense of human decency? Another great moment in crueldom.

I do remember a posted news story about an 11-yr-old soccer player who survived (barely) some kind of freak highway accident.  (The details of what made the accident freakish elude me--I think she went flying through the roof of a minivan or something.) 

We made our usual round of off-kilter jokes, and then a couple people came on claiming to be relatives of the girl and claimed we were "hurting" the child.

I was so proud.  Nobody backed off.  We gave 'em about eight dimensions of hell.



#19 2008-05-17 21:09:08

Nice temporal troll Pale, you sent George half a light year away.

Actually, this is synchronic, I logged on to revive an old thread.



#20 2008-05-17 21:14:29

opsec wrote:

I logged on to revive an old thread.

Which one?



#21 2008-05-17 21:29:04

George Orr wrote:

Which one?


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#22 2008-05-18 04:05:23

No worries Opsec, I can repair the temporal disturbance George created and restore the universe to its normal flow.

George Orr wrote:

choad wrote:

George, remember when relatives of a plane crash vicitim from a link benzi posted abused us for our callous disregard for any sense of human decency? Another great moment in crueldom.

I do remember a posted news story about an 11-yr-old soccer player who survived (barely) some kind of freak highway accident.  (The details of what made the accident freakish elude me--I think she went flying through the roof of a minivan or something.) 

We made our usual round of off-kilter jokes, and then a couple people came on claiming to be relatives of the girl and claimed we were "hurting" the child.

I was so proud.  Nobody backed off.  We gave 'em about eight dimensions of hell.

Given the legal issues surrounding the MYspace bullying indictment in the Wired article psoted by Pale, it is good we don't have a EULA here. Otherwise anyone of us users with a fictional allias who engaged in defending our brand of humor with those supposed relatives of the accident victim would be guilty of exactly what Lori Drew was charged with.

Hell, does anyone know what the EULA of our webhost or ISP? We all could get 5 years in the pokey anytime we badger on about someones ridiculous views and hurt their feelings. Our first High Street reunion could be on cellblock C.

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2008-05-18 04:16:09)



#23 2008-05-18 04:12:41

Edit: Nothing to see here

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2008-05-18 04:13:19)



#24 2008-05-18 06:31:01

opsec wrote:

Nice temporal troll Pale, you sent George half a light year away.

Actually, this is synchronic, I logged on to revive an old thread.

We are what we are. Did you know you'll float down here? ;)



#25 2008-05-18 08:45:40

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

Given the legal issues surrounding the MYspace bullying indictment in the Wired article psoted by Pale, it is good we don't have a EULA here. Otherwise anyone of us users with a fictional allias who engaged in defending our brand of humor with those supposed relatives of the accident victim would be guilty of exactly what Lori Drew was charged with.

Hell, does anyone know what the EULA of our webhost or ISP? We all could get 5 years in the pokey anytime we badger on about someones ridiculous views and hurt their feelings. Our first High Street reunion could be on cellblock C.

That's a good question, although I doubt that even under this reading we as users of the website could be held accountable for the terms of a EULA that we've never seen and didn't agree to.  Choad is the one whose puckerstar would be in peril of penetration.



#26 2008-05-18 08:50:24

DoucheEllington wrote:


Or rather, you must be mistaken about your location.  This is not 4chan.

Douchey, good to hear from you again, I have been searching all of the bars and gutters in Cent. Pa. in case you needed rescued.



#27 2008-05-18 09:00:25

Bigcat wrote:

DoucheEllington wrote:


Or rather, you must be mistaken about your location.  This is not 4chan.

Douchey, good to hear from you again, I have been searching all of the bars and gutters in Cent. Pa. in case you needed rescued.

That's what I thought, too.
Then I looked at the dates.



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