#2 2012-06-02 10:09:18

See, the parents waited too long to turn their kid on to pot. He was 15. He should have been smoking for at least a year by then.

See, here is how it should work (from my summer neighborhood):
(I had to quote the whole thing because the paper just rebuilt their search function and now pages don't link any more)

The Eastern Shore News wrote:

ACCOMAC — A man charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana was acquitted of that charge in a bench trial that lasted over two hours.

Frank E. Downing, 48, of Keller was found guilty of only simple possession of the illegal substance.

The Eastern Shore Drug Task Force executed a search warrant at his home and found 25 plants in various stages of maturity.

They found also a glass smoking device, three bottles of plant food and a digital scale.

State Police Special Agent Scott Wade testified that the marijuana was of a very high quality and said a digital scale was found in the house along with plastic bags containing “high grade bud marijuana” and a vacuum sealer.

“This is not simple possession,” he told the court.

Downing testified that he grew the marijuana so he would not have to deal with the criminal element to obtain it. He denied ever selling it to anyone.

“I use it for an appetite suppressant and for pain,” he said.

He said he had the marijuana measured out in one gram bags and that he smoked one gram a day and that he had been smoking marijuana for 20 years.

He said he measured it out into sandwich bags for his own use.

“I have never sold a bit of marijuana in my life,” he told the court.

He said his vacuum sealer was used for freezing deer meat.

Downing told the court in detail about growing and cloning the plants, which he had in a separate room under special grow lights.

Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Matthew Brenner insisted Downing was growing the marijuana for sale.

“He has had number of contacts with police in the past,” said Brenner. No evidence was presented at the trial that Downing had ever been convicted of selling any illegal drugs.

“There is no witness to say he was engaged in trafficking,” said defense attorney Thomas Northam.

“Making an undercover buy is typical before obtaining a search warrant.”

He said the Commonwealth’s entire case for distribution was based on the scale, box of plastic bags and the vacuum sealer found at Downing’s house.

“I would say people don’t deal drugs out of their bedroom,” Northam said. He was referring to the fact that bags of measured out amounts of marijuana were found in his client’s nightstand drawer.

Northam said the fact that no cash was found in the defendant’s home, there was no security system in place and that there was a well-used smoking device strengthened his argument for simple possession.

“There is no question, you were growing marijuana,” said Judge W. Revell Lewis III. “The Commonwealth’s argument is that the circumstances of scales, baggies and seven different packages of marijuana suggest you were selling it.”

“I have a reasonable doubt, I am not persuaded you are guilty as charged,” he said.
He found Downing guilty of simple possession of marijuana, ordered a presentence report and allowed him to continue on bond.



#3 2012-06-02 10:21:26

In addition to the 15-year-old, the couple have four other children: 17, 14, 12 and 10

Hopefully these parents have the financial wherewithal to recover from this disaster; but I can't help thinking how this stupid, probably vindictive boy and his younger siblings have gone from their prosperous home into the foster care system, however temporarily.  This is one seriously fucked up story.  You know the kid probably did this because he was mad at Mom and Dad over some trivial shit.



#4 2012-06-02 10:42:50

Daddy doesn't seem to be best pleased.  That boy better hide the belts.



#5 2012-06-02 15:31:44

I tried to get into the comment section to wreck some havoc.  No dice.



#6 2012-06-02 16:20:12

Dmtdust wrote:

I tried to get into the comment section to wreck some havoc.  No dice.

Try wreaking havoc... it might work better.



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