#1 2013-02-07 11:29:39

Why would Homeland Security need to add another 21.6 million rounds of hollow point ammunition to the 1.6 billion rounds it recently bought?  These are not practice rounds or military full-jacket ammo, this is the stuff designed to tear a hole in you the size of a half dollar.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).



#2 2013-02-07 13:20:28

The lizards who rule us want to go hunting, and perhaps export a few of us overseas for consumption by lizards in other countries?



#3 2013-02-09 11:07:56

Can the delicious irony of this be any better/worse?

At a time when many politicians are telling gun owners “you don’t need all those bullets” in regards to magazines, the government are spending taxpayer dollars to hoard bullets sufficient for 24 year war in Iraq.

Strange days…

I’ll bet they’re not using 7-round magazines, either.



#4 2013-02-09 12:58:11

phreddy wrote:

...21.6 million rounds of hollow point ammunition to the 1.6 billion rounds it recently bought...

Well, hell, that's only enough to kill about 7% of the population.  I wonder which 7% they plan on killing?



#5 2013-02-09 17:45:19

The irony is that hollow point rounds are prohibited under the Geneva Convention for military use. I guess using them on your own citizens by non-"military" officers is outside the bounds of the Geneva Convention.



#6 2013-02-09 19:39:15

Whatever, who needs hollow-point when you have Rockeye and Hellfire in your inventory?



#7 2013-02-10 00:15:32

Good thing we have a democrat in the white house, or this might mean something.



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