#1 2016-07-08 14:56:19

"An Elegant Life," a blog by "Jennifer"

I am not sure whether I want to nominate this blog for the Short Bus.

The further you scroll, the more you'll wonder; but Jennifer will set you straight soon enough:

First and foremost it is not only hurtful but very insulting to me that people would accuse me of merely being a “joke” or a “satire” as if mocking Christ and making fun of my beliefs is something that I would ever find humorous. I just do not understand.  Maybe I am naive to how all of this works but it certainly doesn’t make me feel very positive. I can only speak my own thoughts and the words of my Lord as He wrote them.



#2 2016-07-08 15:13:15





#3 2016-07-09 20:48:28

Ho hum, another stupid racist white person.  This one happens to be a woman.  Because, if the police shot and killed two black men they must be thugs, right?  And Christ hates thugs, right?  Can I get an amen?



#4 2016-07-09 23:58:57

This has to be satire. She claims at one point she is of Guatemalan origin, and yet she considers herself the epitome of White perfection. She rants about miscegenation, and then says Nicole Simpson should have been a better wife to OJ. Of course she could just be a delusional Guatemalan nut.



#5 2016-07-10 10:13:17

Poe's Law.



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