#2 2019-12-24 17:47:34

The old saying used to be, "If I'm not a Liberal at 18, I have no heart;  if I'm not a Conservative at 30, I have no head."  I'm not sure if that was ever true but true north has to lie somewhere more in the center.  The notion that a government can give, without taking or take, without giving is idiocy.



#3 2019-12-24 19:28:27

Holy cow paddies. Fox and friends was right! There really is a "War on Christmas."

Who knew?


We hope that the above clarified some of what we see as crucial for a correct analysis of classes in the North Pole. Let the “war on Christmas” recommence on a more scientific basis.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2019-12-24 19:29:04)



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