#1 2020-02-06 11:34:24


~ click ~

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#2 2020-02-06 23:49:14

I think Bill would be shocked if he knew how much "off the books" prostitution goes on in this country.  Probably more so now in the gig/barter economy than say 40 years ago but it even existed then.  Before I got married, I had lady friends who would come over and "clean your apartment" and/or "wash your clothes" for a reasonable price.  There was sex afterwards but the money was always for the legitimate services, the rest was because we were friends.



#3 2020-02-07 11:14:12

Had a triad with two ladies when living in Hawaii. One of the partners worked in a Japanese Tourist "Comfort House". Her mother had worked in the biz, her grandmother.  A family tradition.  Debbie was a sweet heart.  Generous, loving soul, who would take the mickey out of older male Japanese tourist when they were with their wives on the streets of Waikiki. She would openly proposition them... much to horror of the wives.  Priceless.



#4 2020-02-07 12:28:23

Remember, just 15 years ago no politician in this country could say "marijuana" out loud and get away with it.

I was an independent contractor for 22 years. Absolutely no difference in me trading the use of my body for money or them doing the same.



#5 2020-02-07 13:30:23

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I was an independent contractor for 22 years. Absolutely no difference in me trading the use of my body for money or them doing the same.

So, a few steps removed from chattel or should we start with chained to an oar?

Just trying to understand the pecking order.



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