#2 2020-05-05 22:27:47

The ill-informed right are so cute when they talk about evil.



#3 2020-05-06 05:24:47

Actually, quite ill-informed.  The nates were fighting among themselves.  That’s what caused the delay.  Old news around these parts.  Another hit piece on Cheetolini from the MSLSDNBC lügenpresse.

Side note:  As a poor college students in Socorro, where back in the day, wifey & I subsisted on a $50/mo food budget, can’t recall ever standing in supermarket line behind any Navajo making a purchase with wampum other than food stamps.  In the p-lot, those groceries most often loaded into a nice Ford pickup...the preferred make and provided quadrennially to head of every household by none other than Uncle Sugar.  They're already handed plenty...plus free med via IHS. That said, much rather see First People on receiving end than scum-sucking Wall Street Banksters.

In other news.  Discovered reason I’ve only had one day off in the past month. 

Boarded Antonov 225...cargo bay (BTW longer than Wright Bro’s. first flight). Transiting back through from medical cargo drop in YYZ. Flight deck was Covid Quarantine off-limits - no access. 

Try as I might, cant seem 2 get pic upright. Wish Smudge was still around to edit.  I miss Smudgie.


edit- Fixed image orientation. Keep 'em, coming. Yes I miss Smudge, he single handedly changed my view of photographic arts - JR

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2020-05-06 09:54:15)



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