#1 2023-05-04 20:12:44

All Kinds Of Brilliant: I will not inject my 2 pence in on this, but to say the last statement he makes applies to the US as well.



#2 2023-05-06 00:02:19

People forget that the South didn't want to break away from England because they believed in the aristocracy.  Just go to Savanna, GA if you want to see an ancient culture thriving in a modern city.  People tell me they're confused; they can't understand why the Q Cult and the MAGAssholes worship Trump.  Because they're still culturally bound to the Monarchy and Donald is their king (and maybe their god, depending on who you talk to).  I'm so thankful to be a first-generation Yankee and that my parents came from a small town in east Tennessee that was all about multi-culturalism back in the 1950's.



#3 2023-05-07 14:19:45

As Seen In South Glasgow Yesterday:




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