#1 2008-08-09 09:28:40

Any speculation on final body count and/or casualties?



#2 2008-08-09 09:58:48

Does the Beijing death pool apply to Westerners only? Because there's no telling what happened to this girl off-camera.



#3 2008-08-09 10:02:21

China will never release their own casualty information.  This speculation could only include outsiders.



#4 2008-08-09 10:22:54

I'll guess 8 dead, 17 wounded.



#5 2008-08-09 14:53:36

karenw wrote:

I'll guess 8 dead, 17 wounded.

With a knife? Japanese steel would have nothing on Chinese.



#6 2008-08-09 15:44:08

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

karenw wrote:

I'll guess 8 dead, 17 wounded.

With a knife? Japanese steel would have nothing on Chinese.

You're forgetting that Chinese guy who recently went into a police station and was able to stab, like, TWELVE cops, five of them badly enough to kill them.

What they perhaps lack in quality of steel, they'll make up for with enthusiasm and single-minded determination!



#7 2008-08-09 16:29:41

George Orr wrote:

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

karenw wrote:

I'll guess 8 dead, 17 wounded.

With a knife? Japanese steel would have nothing on Chinese.

You're forgetting that Chinese guy who recently went into a police station and was able to stab, like, TWELVE cops, five of them badly enough to kill them.

What they perhaps lack in quality of steel, they'll make up for with enthusiasm and single-minded determination!

I guess none of these people ever watched Black Belt Theater which was mostly filmed in China. I once saw a drunk Chinese man kick an entire town's ass with nothing more than a ceramic jug.


Last edited by ptah13 (2008-08-09 16:30:14)



#8 2008-08-10 00:13:39

We're up to 2 dead now.



#9 2008-08-10 01:24:35

karenw wrote:

We're up to 2 dead now.

This one doesn't count--not on the Olympic team, and not in China.

It occurred to me today that whatever violent unrest comes to the surface, the Chinese government is bringing it on themselves--I don't mean by being totalitarian jerkwads; I mean by suppressing all forms of peaceful protest.  You can't speak publicly or assemble; you can't wave placards or the wrong kind of flag; they're even turning away people wearing T-shirts with slogans they don't like.  Dissidents have very few options for expressing themselves, other than violence.

Let the games begin, indeed.



#10 2008-08-10 01:26:04

George Orr wrote:

This one doesn't count--not on the Olympic team, and not in China.

Oh hell, you're right . . . too quick to post. Mea culpa.



#11 2008-08-10 10:10:22

karenw wrote:

Does the Beijing death pool apply to Westerners only? Because there's no telling what happened to this girl off-camera.




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