#2 2009-02-24 18:31:18

I can't wait to see that Nazi from the other thread try and justify this one.

Remember, when it comes to cops, other cops can do no wrong.

I'm sure granny "had it coming" and shouldn't have "sassed" the cop.

You know, in Indiana, talking back to police is justification for you to get shot in the head.....

ziek heil! (yeah, I can't spell auf Deutch, either)



#3 2009-02-24 18:49:08

She did more than “sass” the cops, she fired a shot through the door at what she assumed were bad people who would do terrible things to her if they got in.  This is considered normal behavior by most Southerners of any race; it appears her mistake was defending herself from home invasion while black.



#4 2009-02-24 18:54:43

fnord wrote:

She did more than “sass” the cops, she fired a shot through the door at what she assumed were bad people who would do terrible things to her if they got in.  This is considered normal behavior by most Southerners of any race; it appears her mistake was defending herself from home invasion while black.

Seems she was (rightly) defending herself and the cops are murderers, then.

I hope the guy gets the needle.



#5 2009-02-24 19:33:43

ptah13 wrote:

I can't wait to see that Nazi from the other thread try and justify this one.

Remember, when it comes to cops, other cops can do no wrong.

I'm sure granny "had it coming" and shouldn't have "sassed" the cop.

You know, in Indiana, talking back to police is justification for you to get shot in the head.....

ziek heil! (yeah, I can't spell auf Deutch, either)

You know, calling someone a nazi tends to hurt the credibility of the accuser more than the accused.  Nobody takes that shit seriously.

I did get a chuckle from the cop accusation though, so thanks.  I'm a pot smoker, and a regular exerciser of civil disobedience against all laws victimless, as I see no just reason for their existence.  I just happen to be hardcore about laws and punishment that I do see a just reason for.

Actually, I agree with you 100% on this case though, ptah.  Give'em all the needle.  It is my opinion that any cop/senator/public servant who makes their money on tax dollars, and is found to be taking bribes, exploiting constituents, or generally abusing their position should be summarily executed for treason (I know it's not really treason because you have to aid an enemy of the state, but if it walks like treason and quacks like treason...).   I'm willing to swing the sword of justice both ways.



#6 2009-02-24 19:38:44

Discombobulate wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

I can't wait to see that Nazi from the other thread try and justify this one.

Remember, when it comes to cops, other cops can do no wrong.

I'm sure granny "had it coming" and shouldn't have "sassed" the cop.

You know, in Indiana, talking back to police is justification for you to get shot in the head.....

ziek heil! (yeah, I can't spell auf Deutch, either)

You know, calling someone a nazi tends to hurt the credibility of the accuser more than the accused.  Nobody takes that shit seriously.

I did get a chuckle from the cop accusation though, so thanks.  I'm a pot smoker, and a regular exerciser of civil disobedience against all laws victimless, as I see no just reason for their existence.  I just happen to be hardcore about laws and punishment that I do see a just reason for.

Actually, I agree with you 100% on this case though, ptah.  Give'em all the needle.  It is my opinion that any cop/senator/public servant who makes their money on tax dollars, and is found to be taking bribes, exploiting constituents, or generally abusing their position should be summarily executed for treason (I know it's not really treason because you have to aid an enemy of the state, but if it walks like treason and quacks like treason...).   I'm willing to swing the sword of justice both ways.

Amen, bro.... a-fuckin'-men....

I can see (and this an insult of the highest order, ha ha) that you and I have much in common. I, too, rally against victimless crime.



#7 2009-02-24 22:58:53

It was Obama's fault.



#8 2009-02-24 23:13:53

Emmeran wrote:

It was Obama's fault.

Not yet, but last time these clowns were in office we got Ruby Ridge (remember, sniping the woman holding only a baby) and Waco so, I wouldn't be quick to make jokes like that.



#9 2009-02-24 23:36:12

Emmeran wrote:

It was Obama's fault.

She was murdered on November 21, 2006.  This means it was Shrub’s fault!  I would guess Shrub’s Patriot Act made it possible for her to be killed as a suspected drug terrorist.

Last edited by fnord (2009-02-24 23:36:49)



#10 2009-02-25 06:43:09

fnord wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

It was Obama's fault.

She was murdered on November 21, 2006.  This means it was Shrub’s fault!  I would guess Shrub’s Patriot Act made it possible for her to be killed as a suspected drug terrorist.

Why do you hate 'murica?



#11 2009-02-25 09:04:59

And all this money and manpower spent prosecuting someone for a couple of grams of an herbal supplement.



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