
BBCode is a collection of formatting tags that are used to change the look of text in this forum. BBCode is based on the same principal as, and is very similar to, HTML. Below is a list of all the available BBCodes and instructions on how to use them.

Administrators have the ability to enable or disable BBCode. You can tell if BBCode is enabled or disabled out in the left margin whenever you post a message or edit your signature.

Text style

The following tags change the appearance of text:

[b]Bold text[/b] produces Bold text
[u]Underlined text[/u] produces Underlined text
[i]Italic text[/i] produces Italic text
[color=#FF0000]Red text[/color] produces Red text
[color=blue]Blue text[/color] produces Blue text

Links and images

You can create links to other documents or to e-mail addresses using the following tags:

[url=]High Street at - The Web's Bitter Afterbirth[/url] produces High Street at - The Web's Bitter Afterbirth
[url][/url] produces
[email][/email] produces
[]My e-mail address[/email] produces My e-mail address

If you want to display an image you can use the img tag.

[img][/img] produces


If you want to quote someone, you should use the quote tag.

    [quote=James]This is the text i want to quote.[/quote]

produces a quote box like this:

James wrote:

This is the text i want to quote.

If you don't want to quote anyone in particular, you can use the quote tag without specifying a name.

    [quote]This is the text i want to quote.[/quote]

produces a quote box like this:

This is the text i want to quote.


When displaying source code you should make sure that you use the code tag. Text displayed with the code tag will use a monospaced font and will not be affected by other tags.

    [code]This is some code.[/code]

produces a code box like this:


This is some code.

Nested tags

BBCode can be nested to create more advanced formatting. For example:

    [b][u]Bold, underlined text[/u][/b] produces Bold, underlined text


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