#1 2008-02-05 10:36:45

I know this isn't really anything topic-wise in particular.  I guess I was just thinking about my trip to Aruba next week.  So I was googling this Van der Sloot kid, just so I know what he looks like...in case I were to see him I could kick him once, good in the nuts or at least taunt him or something.

So I came across this pic of his family, and I just had to share it, if only because of his mom's outfit.  Niiiiiice!




#2 2008-02-05 13:49:09

Make sure you make a pilgrimage to the lighthouse where the dead white girl lost more than her virginity.



#3 2008-02-05 16:03:37

Oh, I plan to.  That will be my first stop.

Virginity my ass.



#4 2008-02-05 17:26:35

Double entendre, RT?



#5 2008-02-05 19:33:39

Wade out from the beach and let your boytoy pretend to drag you out far enough to release you into an offshore current.



#6 2008-02-05 21:40:58

I like how he's positioning himself for at max a lesser charge of manslaughter.  Without evidence to prove he killed her they will pretty much have to accept his fictional chain of events.   Another of the delightful benefits of having a lawyer and judge as parents.



#7 2008-02-05 22:20:50

Fled wrote:

Double entendre, RT?




#8 2008-02-05 22:37:17

Fucking Dutch.  Dead from the neck down.



#9 2008-02-05 22:51:55

Dmtdust wrote:

Fucking Dutch.  Dead from the neck down.

Don't you mean "neck up" ?



#10 2008-02-05 22:53:25

Lurker wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Fucking Dutch.  Dead from the neck down.

Don't you mean "neck up" ?

That too.



#11 2008-02-05 23:03:10

How they ever reproduce is beyond me.



#12 2008-02-05 23:09:48

Dmtdust wrote:

How they ever reproduce is beyond me.

Too bad it's not beyond them...his father looks like a complete wimp.  Mama looks like a real slut as well, wonder if she has the lad spanking the monkey....

Miss Natalie wasn't too bright either, she's gotten more props dead than she ever would have in her, um, "un-lived" life....

I do feel sorry for her mother, the old bitch just won't let go....

Last edited by Lurker (2008-02-05 23:11:13)



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