#1 2008-02-11 14:26:51

Britain kow tows to China as athletes are forced to sign no criticism contracts

The fucking Brits are acting more French than the Frogs.



#2 2008-02-11 14:55:11

Heil Jintao



#3 2008-02-11 20:51:32

I have to side with the Chinese here with rememberance of the '80 and '84 debacles - this is about the sport not a political stage.

Besides, just because someone can run or jump doesn't mean their opinion regarding politics deserves a special voice - who gives a flying fuck what some sprinter thinks???

Last edited by Emmeran (2008-02-11 20:51:50)



#4 2008-02-11 21:42:26

Emmeran wrote:

who gives a flying fuck what some sprinter thinks???

Yes, apparently Hu does.

Not that it makes a big difference.  Nobody remembers John Carlos and Tommie Smith giving a black power salute in 1968, or Mark Spitz protesting Communism by teabagging an East German swimmer after winning his seventh medal in 1972.



#5 2008-02-11 23:52:13

square wrote:

…Mark Spitz protesting Communism by teabagging an East German swimmer after winning his seventh medal in 1972.

Are you sure that was a political statement?  According to the rumors, it occurred during a romantic interlude in the men’s locker room.  The East German government disposed of most of the witnesses rather quickly, so the full truth may never be known.



#6 2008-02-12 00:54:56


Emmeran wrote:

I have to side with the Chinese here with rememberance of the '80 and '84 debacles - this is about the sport not a political stage.

Yeah, its always been about the sport.  Puck Folitics!




#7 2008-02-12 02:59:56

Emmeran wrote:

I have to side with the Chinese here with rememberance of the '80 and '84 debacles - this is about the sport not a political stage.

In what few years were the Olympics not about political one upsmanship? Of course given that for most of its history it was the various nation states that financed the olympics and manipulated the politicing, these latest censorship measures should be seen as a return to the roots.

Emmeran wrote:

Besides, just because someone can run or jump doesn't mean their opinion regarding politics deserves a special voice - who gives a flying fuck what some sprinter thinks???

The people who care the most are those "off the reservation" organizations that know they can use the athletes as willing tools. I for one was looking forward to a PETA inspired clash of cultures.




#8 2008-02-12 10:56:31

I would hope nobody gives a flying fuck about what an athlete thinks of government or politics.  It's just that the Chicoms have the audacity to demand the young airheads remain quiet.  It illustrates how far from civilized that nation remains.

Feeding the lions looks like fun.  Kinda like buying a bag of peanuts at Monkey Island.  "Hey mom, can we buy a lamb to throw in?"  "No Honey, we can't afford a lamb, Daddy's going to let you feed them a bunny."  "Ahhh Mom, they don't fight over the bunnies."



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