#1 2008-02-14 04:12:59

More civil servents winning hearts and minds.

Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2008-02-14 04:13:30)



#2 2008-02-16 23:26:29

Johnny Rotten wrote:

More civil servents winning hearts and minds.

What a needle-dick.  Nice faggy uniform, too.  Sorry, gay friends on H.S., "lame" doesn't seem strong enough to convey the essential lack of authority conveyed by that get-up.  Not that fags can't have authority, either.  How about another riddle?

What do you call a fairy who needs a bath?

Stinkerbell.  So sue me.  I teach K-clean jokes are an occupational hazard.



#3 2008-02-17 00:02:25

How do you keep abusive pantloads out of police work? The job attracts them the world over, like files to shit.



#4 2008-02-17 00:12:24

choad wrote:

How do you keep abusive pantloads out of police work? The job attracts them the world over, like files to shit.

It's a power trip.  Politicians, cops, military brass, CEO's - whatever - they're all dicks because the kind of clown that wants that power trip is usually a dick in the first place.  Think Niedermayer.



#5 2008-02-17 10:06:54

whosasailorthen wrote:

choad wrote:

How do you keep abusive pantloads out of police work? The job attracts them the world over, like files to shit.

It's a power trip.  Politicians, cops, military brass, CEO's - whatever - they're all dicks because the kind of clown that wants that power trip is usually a dick in the first place.  Think Niedermayer.

The really big turds may always float to the top but they only get fragged and flushed in fairy tales.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 02255.html



#6 2008-02-17 11:44:40

choad wrote:

The really big turds may always float to the top but they only get fragged and flushed in fairy tales.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 02255.html

Thanks for posting that.  I can't decide if economists are deliberately deceptive, or if they are just fucking morons.  It's doesn't take a genius to figure out that a 25% increase in housing costs over a 2 year period, combined with stagnant incomes and questionable loans = a situation that cannot sustain itself.



#7 2008-02-17 11:47:49

Maybe it is the little clown car officer Rivieri has to ride around in. If you thought he was just having a bad day or you hate smartalek kids with limited vocabularies, check this out:

http://www.abc2news.com/mediacenter/loc … greenlight



#8 2008-02-17 11:59:01

choad wrote:

The really big turds may always float to the top but they only get fragged and flushed in fairy tales.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 02255.html

The word of the day is "defenestration".  Back in the good old days they had the gumption to make fairy tales become real.


Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2008-02-17 12:20:28)



#9 2008-02-17 16:04:24

headkicker_girl wrote:

I can't decide if economists are deliberately deceptive, or if they are just fucking morons.

No one's that dumb. Bush is famous for bragging he'd only lap "dance with those what brung me." And who can argue his suitors got great bang for the buck? If you want a docile, clueless and obedient workforce, you could not design an education program better than "No Child Left Behind." Looked at that way, most of Bush's policy initiatives, foriegn and domestic, achieved their objectives.



#10 2008-02-17 17:59:48

choad wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

I can't decide if economists are deliberately deceptive, or if they are just fucking morons.

No one's that dumb. Bush is famous for bragging he'd only lap "dance with those what brung me." And who can argue his suitors got great bang for the buck? If you want a docile, clueless and obedient workforce, you could not design an education program better than "No Child Left Behind." Looked at that way, most of Bush's policy initiatives, foriegn and domestic, achieved their objectives.

You forgot the part about forcing what was left of the exasperated teaching force that actually took the job seriously into early retirement and leaving behind first-year 25-year-olds whose teaching career will last three years tops.



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