#1 2009-06-28 22:05:30


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#2 2009-06-28 23:10:56

And here I didn't think you smarty-type folks fell for this type of thing.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-06-28 23:11:39)



#3 2009-06-29 00:11:29

Yeah, ok, but Barbara Mikkelson is full of crap. All that deconstructed male behaviour and not one word about women and their recreational shopping obsessions?

One example, close at hand. A friend will pick me up tomorrow morning for a monthly food shopping excursion 20 miles away because our local merchants are fucking bandits. We've known each other 40 years. She's smart, well educated, a nice person.

I will sit and twiddle my thumbs, patiently of course, at least as long it took me to stalk the asiles while my friend buys half the food I did. I can repeat this pathology for every woman I've ever known. Not even clothes, damnit, food!

Oh, yeah. I buy ALL my clothes online. Wonder why I'm single?



#4 2009-06-29 00:20:00

choad wrote:

Wonder why I'm single?

Not particularly.

[However, I will play.]

Is it you sound like a self defeating dumb fuck?



#5 2009-06-29 00:22:06

choad wrote:

Yeah, ok, but Barbara Mikkelson is full of crap. All that deconstructed male behaviour and not one word about women and their recreational shopping obsessions?

One example, close at hand. A friend will pick me up tomorrow morning for a monthly food shopping excursion 20 miles away because our local merchants are fucking bandits. We've known each other 40 years. She's smart, well educated, a nice person.

I will sit and twiddle my thumbs, patiently of course, at least as long it took me to stalk the asiles while my friend buys half the food I did. I can repeat this pathology for every woman I've ever known. Not even clothes, damnit, food!

Oh, yeah. I buy ALL my clothes online. Wonder why I'm single?


For anything.

My mom used to have to bribe me to go. I like stuff, but I'm borderline agoraphobic.

Truly, I hate it.

God bless the internets.



#6 2009-06-29 00:39:58

sofaking wrote:

My mom used to have to bribe me to go. I like stuff, but I'm borderline agoraphobic.

When I lived in Providence, I shopped only between 3 and 5am and knew most of my fellow foragers. Somehow, we'd already met elsewhere.

Emergency room, same deal.



#7 2009-06-29 06:18:26

I used to just hide in the circular racks and leap out at people.



#8 2009-06-29 09:47:19

choad wrote:

I will sit and twiddle my thumbs, patiently of course, at least as long it took me to stalk the asiles while my friend buys half the food I did. I can repeat this pathology for every woman I've ever known. Not even clothes, damnit, food!

After the first time we went grocery shopping after getting M'd I told the Boss "From now on YOU can go to the store, or I can go to the store, but WE do not go to the store."

She's tricked me into it a few times since then, but only about every three or four years.  Once there were two lists involved.  My list was stuff from three corners of the store.  Her list, about a fifth as much, was all stuff from one of the three corners I was already visiting.  I suggested moving the things on my list in that corner to her list.  The answer was NO.  I still twiddled up front waiting for her, but only for about five minutes.



#9 2009-06-29 10:28:37

hedgewizard wrote:

"From now on YOU can go to the store, or I can go to the store, but WE do not go to the store."

This is a good formula for a strong and happy marriage.



#10 2009-06-29 12:56:23

As much as I detest shopping (I once began hyperventilating shopping for 'grown-up' clothes in a large department store in Montreal after being confronted with too many fucking choices and suddenly having to try and figure out what went with what), I love shopping for food. So much so, I  become the sort of person I hate going to stores with: I stop and read everything, I comparison shop, I look at new items, and I suddenly remember an obscure item I wished I'd had earlier and decide to go looking for it to have on hand in the future. If I'm at a farmer's market, I talk to the sellers about the food and get all kinds of background and run around looking at everything before I settle on that particular bunch of leeks as opposed to those particular leeks. In Chinatown, I'll stop by all the produce vendors I frequent and see what's available, how it looks, and how it's priced before I make up my mind. Unsurprisingly, people don't like to food shop with me.



#11 2009-06-29 13:22:10

Taint wrote:

I stop and read everything, I comparison shop, I look at new items, and I suddenly remember an obscure item I wished I'd had earlier and decide to go looking for it to have on hand in the future. If I'm at a farmer's market, I talk to the sellers about the food and get all kinds of background and run around looking at everything before I settle on that particular bunch of leeks as opposed to those particular leeks. In Chinatown, I'll stop by all the produce vendors I frequent and see what's available, how it looks, and how it's priced before I make up my mind. Unsurprisingly, people don't like to food shop with me.

Taint and I should've gotten married.



#12 2009-06-29 13:29:57

George Orr wrote:

Taint wrote:

I stop and read everything, I comparison shop, I look at new items, and I suddenly remember an obscure item I wished I'd had earlier and decide to go looking for it to have on hand in the future. If I'm at a farmer's market, I talk to the sellers about the food and get all kinds of background and run around looking at everything before I settle on that particular bunch of leeks as opposed to those particular leeks. In Chinatown, I'll stop by all the produce vendors I frequent and see what's available, how it looks, and how it's priced before I make up my mind. Unsurprisingly, people don't like to food shop with me.

Taint and I should've gotten married.

Dump the guy you're with and we'll run away together to a small village on the Mediterranean coast of France or Spain and we'll spend long days over sumptuous lunches and wine before we decide who we're going to seduce for that evening's entertainment.



#13 2009-06-29 14:39:06

Taint wrote:

Dump the guy you're with and we'll run away together to a small village on the Mediterranean coast of France or Spain and we'll spend long days over sumptuous lunches and wine before we decide who we're going to seduce for that evening's entertainment.

Perhaps you two would be interested in a third...



#14 2009-06-29 15:20:11

Roger_That wrote:

Taint wrote:

Dump the guy you're with and we'll run away together to a small village on the Mediterranean coast of France or Spain and we'll spend long days over sumptuous lunches and wine before we decide who we're going to seduce for that evening's entertainment.

Perhaps you two would be interested in a third...

You're on. A threesome is bound to spark much more gossip among the villagers than a mere couple.



#15 2009-06-29 15:41:24

The defense rests.



#16 2009-06-29 18:09:41

Taint wrote:

...after being confronted with too many fucking choices and suddenly having to try and figure out ....

Interesting memory... when I lived in Czechoslovakia after the freedoms came, one of the really annoying things for many of the older people, and even many of the younger ones, was that when they went to the market for food they couldn't just buy their usual food products - for example, they couldn't just buy a bag of 'flour'... 'cause there were now 6 or 7 brands of bloody 'flour' in the market, and they had *no* idea how to choose amongst them.  All they wanted was a damned bag of flour, not to have to make a decision on every product they wanted to purchase.  Choice, for them, was a curse.

...Which jogs another memory... when K-Mart came to Prague, they gave all their new Czech clerks little badges to wear with their names on them... and they had the typical US phrase on it - "May I Serve You".  However, it lost a little something in the translation, since in Czech it said "May I Service You?... and that phrase means the same raunchy thing in Czech as it means in English.  The Czech clerks were somewhat reluctant to wear the badges.

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2009-06-29 18:15:08)



#17 2009-06-29 19:48:30

You're so Milan Kundera, Sailor.



#18 2009-06-29 21:12:27

choad wrote:

Yeah, ok, but Barbara Mikkelson is full of crap. All that deconstructed male behaviour and not one word about women and their recreational shopping obsessions?

One example, close at hand. A friend will pick me up tomorrow morning for a monthly food shopping excursion 20 miles away because our local merchants are fucking bandits. We've known each other 40 years. She's smart, well educated, a nice person.

I will sit and twiddle my thumbs, patiently of course, at least as long it took me to stalk the asiles while my friend buys half the food I did. I can repeat this pathology for every woman I've ever known. Not even clothes, damnit, food!

Oh, yeah. I buy ALL my clothes online. Wonder why I'm single?

I couldn't agree with you more. I shop alone and won't ever go shopping with a female, for any reason.

I have an entire 20-minute rant on female shoppers.

I was only teasing you, man.

Edit: I might add that not ALL women are like this. I won't name names, but a certain person I dated was the most AWESOME chick shopper of all time. 99% of everything she purchased, was online. As far as groceries, she'd target, acquire, and exit. The most expeditious female shopper I've ever known.

And I don't just say that because I have a healthy "respect" for this person (and know she could, potentially, read my post).

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-06-29 21:22:35)



#19 2009-06-29 21:14:07

George Orr wrote:

hedgewizard wrote:

"From now on YOU can go to the store, or I can go to the store, but WE do not go to the store."

This is a good formula for a strong and happy marriage.


Hedgewizard and I share the same feelings on this. I can be "used" as a surrogate shopper, just to avoid shopping with someone of the female persuasion.



#20 2009-06-29 21:19:33

George Orr wrote:

Taint wrote:

I stop and read everything, I comparison shop, I look at new items, and I suddenly remember an obscure item I wished I'd had earlier and decide to go looking for it to have on hand in the future. If I'm at a farmer's market, I talk to the sellers about the food and get all kinds of background and run around looking at everything before I settle on that particular bunch of leeks as opposed to those particular leeks. In Chinatown, I'll stop by all the produce vendors I frequent and see what's available, how it looks, and how it's priced before I make up my mind. Unsurprisingly, people don't like to food shop with me.

Taint and I should've gotten married.

You'd be so cool as George Orr Taint.



#21 2009-06-29 21:26:11

Taint wrote:

Roger_That wrote:

Taint wrote:

Dump the guy you're with and we'll run away together to a small village on the Mediterranean coast of France or Spain and we'll spend long days over sumptuous lunches and wine before we decide who we're going to seduce for that evening's entertainment.

Perhaps you two would be interested in a third...

You're on. A threesome is bound to spark much more gossip among the villagers than a mere couple.

God, this reminds me of the Daryl Hannah movie, Summer Lovers (circa 1982).

Incredibly bad movie, about a couple who moves to Greece and meets a local and moves her in. (yeah, I loved the movie when I was 13, can't lie)



#22 2009-06-29 21:36:57

3 ways 4 ways... memories!



#23 2009-06-29 22:30:03

icangetyouatoe wrote:

You're so Milan Kundera, Sailor.

Well, I'm not saying I liked communisim  - just that it had certain comforts for those who were raised under it.   Actually, I had met Havel several times, and was very much impressed - he was the perfect leader for the CR.

But if you want to see a film than rivals TULOB, try Kolya.

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2009-06-29 22:35:54)



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