#1 2009-07-06 21:42:27

I'm amazed that this story has yet to be honored with a High-Street topic.


The teenager went on to offer several other bizarre and unsubstantiated trivia...Weinman "became excited and animated" as he told the detective about cat dissection..."Weinman was asked to expound on what he meant and he repeated, with noted excitement, 'It just makes a certain sound, a tearing sound."



#2 2009-07-06 21:58:38

Did this kid not have a lawyer?  Why would someone let him sit there and speculate on how the "real killer" would have done it?

Oh, well, if he did it then I hope he makes a tearing sound of his own.



#3 2009-07-06 22:04:48

tojo2000 wrote:

Did this kid not have a lawyer?  Why would someone let him sit there and speculate on how the "real killer" would have done it?

Yeah, cuz Lord knows shit like that NEVER happens.


Last edited by Scotty (2009-07-06 22:05:46)



#4 2009-07-06 22:07:00

After you've been found not guilty you're free to do whatever boneheaded move you want.  Speculating about how you would do a crime to the police while they're investigating you for a crime is just stupid.



#5 2009-07-06 22:11:11

I hope he gets so much negro jizz pumped into his ass in prison that he has to wear tampons at all times to keep from expelling huge amounts of jizz into his pants every time he farts.



#6 2009-07-06 22:29:38

fnord wrote:

I hope he gets so much negro jizz pumped into his ass in prison that he has to wear tampons at all times to keep from expelling huge amounts of jizz into his pants every time he farts.

That is not an appropriate punishment for destruction of private property.



#7 2009-07-06 22:51:28

jesusluvspegging wrote:

fnord wrote:

I hope he gets so much negro jizz pumped into his ass in prison that he has to wear tampons at all times to keep from expelling huge amounts of jizz into his pants every time he farts.

That is not an appropriate punishment for destruction of private property.

A Sentient Being is property?  Jesus X. Christ...



#8 2009-07-06 22:55:57

Dmtdust wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

That is not an appropriate punishment for destruction of private property.

A Sentient Being is property?  Jesus X. Christ...

Legally speaking, yes.

...and not all cats qualify as sentient.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-06 22:56:15)



#9 2009-07-06 22:58:16

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

That is not an appropriate punishment for destruction of private property.

A Sentient Being is property?  Jesus X. Christ...

Legally speaking, yes.

...and not all cats qualify as sentient.

When did legally speaking enter into it?  Are you under the impression that Fnord actually thinks the legal sentence for torturing and killing an animal would be having your ass filled with jizz?



#10 2009-07-06 23:02:00

tojo2000 wrote:

When did legally speaking enter into it?  Are you under the impression that Fnord actually thinks the legal sentence for torturing and killing an animal would be having your ass filled with jizz?

There's a lot of people in America that seem to view prison rape as an accepted part of the punishment system.



#11 2009-07-06 23:41:28

He killed 19 sentient beings for his sick pleasure.  I truly hope the black prisoners consider his ass to be their very own sperm bank, and that he receives many deposits every day.   I realize frequent anal rape isn’t an accepted part of a sentence, however it happens, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving victim in this case.  In fact, in addition to anal rape, I would like for him to be forced to consume several ounces of dick cheese every day as well.



#12 2009-07-06 23:43:46

No, he killed 19 SAPIENT beings for pleasure.  Not all cats are sentient. 

Also, not all cats are property.  Some are feral.  My understanding is that the cats he killed WERE all property.  He committed a certain dollar value of destruction of property, and cruelty to animals, a misdemeanor in Florida.

As this is a first offense, I think a lot of public service and psychiatric treatment would be appropriate.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-06 23:47:23)



#13 2009-07-07 00:13:22

jesusluvspegging wrote:

No, he killed 19 SAPIENT beings for pleasure.  Not all cats are sentient. 

Also, not all cats are property.  Some are feral.  My understanding is that the cats he killed WERE all property.  He committed a certain dollar value of destruction of property, and cruelty to animals, a misdemeanor in Florida.

As this is a first offense, I think a lot of public service and psychiatric treatment would be appropriate.

Yeah, well apparently some folks are on the wrong message board.

I love cats, as pets. I've owned many cats, and I loved them all. If someone killed my pet, I'd want to shoot them, too. But the law isn't irrational, like a victim.

I'm sorry, but cats AREN'T the same thing as people. I'm sorry if that comes as a shock to some folks on here. People hunt animals all the time, without fear of being convicted of any crime. Many folks hunt for the same reasons this guy did what he did, the shear joy of killing.

I agree that this isn't the same thing, though. This idiot killed someones pet/property and deserves to be punished for it.  C'mon, though, this isn't like he ran over someone's kid while drunk or raped your wife/(husband? I'm sorry, lost track of who is gay/straight, makes it hard to be "pc") or something like that. Not the same thing.

There are many criminals deserving of years of unrequited prison love. This idiot is not one of them. He needs mental help (and someone to teach him how to legally hunt!).



#14 2009-07-07 00:17:05

Also, it cracks me up how some folks are so worried about sweet little kittens, but would kill any snake on their property.

So many hypocrites in the cat-freak world.

On a different note, I wonder if Fnord names his cats things like Adolf and Nathan-Bedford and things like that? If so, that would be way funny.



#15 2009-07-07 00:18:30

ptah13 wrote:

On a different note, I wonder if Fnord names his cats things like Adolf and Nathan-Bedford and things like that? If so, that would be way funny.




#16 2009-07-07 00:50:34

I leave the snakes alone.  They take care of the Rodents.

Little Fuck starts with cats, ends up with people.  Time and again.  Nip it in the bud, Bud.



#17 2009-07-07 00:53:51

Dmtdust wrote:

I leave the snakes alone.  They take care of the Rodents.

Little Fuck starts with cats, ends up with people.  Time and again.  Nip it in the bud, Bud.

Even if we accept the premise (which I have yet to see hard data on) that all serial killers start out with animals, it does NOT imply that all animal killers end up killing people.

Logic 101, bitch.  They taught that shit in public middle school in Georgia, for Fuck's sake.



#18 2009-07-07 01:27:44

your getting a little techty for an online discussion.  You think he'll end up as Gandhi, I got it.   

You went to school in Georgia?  This explains so much.



#19 2009-07-07 01:28:27

And, cool it with the name calling.  Mature up.  It's a discussion, and that is all.



#20 2009-07-07 01:29:16

Dmtdust wrote:

your getting a little techty for an online discussion.  You think he'll end up as Gandhi, I got it.

Actually, I don't know how he'll end up, because I believe in Free Will, which you apparently do not.



#21 2009-07-07 01:30:29

Dmtdust wrote:

And, cool it with the name calling.  Mature up.  It's a discussion, and that is all.

Waaaaaah!  Mooooooommeeeeeee, a known troll on a board completely full of trolls called me a bad word!  Waaaaah!



#22 2009-07-07 01:34:19

That's more like it sissy pants.



#23 2009-07-07 01:36:46

Dmtdust wrote:

That's more like it sissy pants.

Just so long as you admit that your argument is logically invalid, I'm content.



#24 2009-07-07 01:38:47

I am not admitting anything.  Have you ever known a serial killer? 

Granted, not all kids that kill animals are going to end up doing people, but I think there is a few studies that point out a variety of these charming citizens that you seemingly admire graduate to larger items on the menu.



#25 2009-07-07 01:39:26

Dmtdust wrote:

I am not admitting anything.  Have you ever known a serial killer? 

Granted, not all kids that kill animals are going to end up doing people, but I think there is a few studies that point out a variety of these charming citizens that you seemingly admire graduate to larger items on the menu.

You are making the argument:
All A are B
This is a B
Therefore it is A

this is not a logically valid statement.  You are proposing to punish someone based on a statistical possibility.  Should we issue pre-emptive speeding tickets to teenaged boys?

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-07 01:42:35)



#26 2009-07-07 01:51:10

"Little Fuck starts with cats, ends up with people.  Time and again.  Nip it in the bud, Bud."

I didn't say punish, look at the above and I am not advocating butt rape by negroes (take that up with Fnord, a fantasy he has, and his alone).  I would certainly get this lad into therapy and observation.

I would certainly tag him, and he should get to work with animals in a controlled setting.  If he is as excitable about vivisection and killing creatures as he seems, don't you think that it goes beyond "property crimes"? 

He probably needs some deep help.


Last edited by Dmtdust (2009-07-07 01:51:31)



#27 2009-07-07 01:55:19

Dmtdust wrote:

"Little Fuck starts with cats, ends up with people.  Time and again.  Nip it in the bud, Bud."

I didn't say punish, look at the above and I am not advocating butt rape by negroes (take that up with Fnord, a fantasy he has, and his alone).  I would certainly get this lad into therapy and observation.

I would certainly tag him, and he should get to work with animals in a controlled setting.  If he is as excitable about vivisection and killing creatures as he seems, don't you think that it goes beyond "property crimes"? 

He probably needs some deep help.


1 - Psychiatric care, public service, and probation would be an appropriate punishment
2 - I need to stop jumping to conclusions when drunk
3 - You still made an illogical statement that you've yet to own up to.



#28 2009-07-07 02:01:45

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

"Little Fuck starts with cats, ends up with people.  Time and again.  Nip it in the bud, Bud."

I didn't say punish, look at the above and I am not advocating butt rape by negroes (take that up with Fnord, a fantasy he has, and his alone).  I would certainly get this lad into therapy and observation.

I would certainly tag him, and he should get to work with animals in a controlled setting.  If he is as excitable about vivisection and killing creatures as he seems, don't you think that it goes beyond "property crimes"? 

He probably needs some deep help.


1 - Psychiatric care, public service, and probation would be an appropriate punishment
2 - I need to stop jumping to conclusions when drunk
3 - You still made an illogical statement that you've yet to own up to.

I didn't come here to play logic games.  So stuff it.  I did find this though:

http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl … tml?cat=17

and this:

    As a child, serial killer and rapist Ted Bundy—ultimately convicted of two killings but suspected of murdering more than 40 women—witnessed his father’s violence toward animals, and he himself subsequently tortured animals.

    Earl Kenneth Shriner, who raped and stabbed a 7-year-old boy, was known in his neighborhood for hanging cats and torturing dogs.

    David Berkowitz (a.k.a. “Son of Sam”), who pleaded guilty to 13 murder and attempted murder charges, shot a neighbor’s Labrador retriever.

    Brenda Spencer, who opened fire at a California school, killing two children and injuring nine others, had repeatedly abused cats and dogs, often setting their tails on fire.

    Serial killer and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer impaled the heads of dogs and cats on sticks.

And this:

http://books.google.com/books?id=4HvZYX … t&resnum=7

And this:

http://books.google.com/books?id=4HvZYX … t&resnum=7

And this:

http://communities.justicetalking.org/b … rimes.aspx

I contend you are blowing smoke out your ass.  Good Night.



#29 2009-07-07 02:05:09

Ah, Evidence by anecdote.  Yes.  Quite rational of you.



#30 2009-07-07 02:07:15

Here ya go.  Now sleep it off.



#31 2009-07-07 02:08:11

Wait, Wait, I got it!   You tortured animals as a kid, right?



#32 2009-07-07 02:14:58

No, I studied Math.

If logic is, as you assert, a "game," then I assure you it is the only demonstrable game in town.



#33 2009-07-07 02:18:00

Dmtdust wrote:

Wait, Wait, I got it!   You tortured animals as a kid, right?

No, but I know someone who did who turned out quite normal (and very successful).

Not that I'm defending this p.o.s. (the Cat Ripper).

I know plenty of people who hunt and, although they may eat what they kill, they sure ENJOY the killing part. None of them, to my knowledge, have killed any humans, though.



#34 2009-07-07 02:22:19

Killing and eating is different.  Killing an animal, by slicing it open, dissecting and mutlating it as it is still alive is of a different caliber all together. 

Come on we know the difference. 

Again Jezeus, where did I call it a game.  Once, more, you are putting words in that weren't there before.  Sleep It Off.



#35 2009-07-07 02:23:00

Dmtdust wrote:

I didn't come here to play logic games.

I don't know why I should expect someone who has claimed to have made things happen by believing that they will to make rational arguments, but I do.

Perhaps it is foolish of me.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-07 02:24:44)



#36 2009-07-07 02:25:15

jesusluvspegging wrote:

No, I studied Math.

If logic is, as you assert, a "game," then I assure you it is the only demonstrable game in town.

I just had this question on an IQ test:

#36- "High Street message board posters" are to "logic" as "Furries" are to:

A) National Geograpic
B) P.E.T.A.
C) Bonesmen
D) S.P.C.A

(psst- The worst answer, of course, is C. The rest are up for debate.)



#37 2009-07-07 02:26:11

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

I didn't come here to play logic games.

I don't know why I should expect someone who has claimed to have made things happen by believing that they will to make rational arguments, but I do.

Perhaps it is foolish of me.

You don't believe in the power of positive thinking?



#38 2009-07-07 02:27:23

ptah13 wrote:

You don't believe in the power of positive thinking?

I believe it has the power to make one more confident, and more likely to achieve their goals by their own actions.  Nothing more.



#39 2009-07-07 02:27:51

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

I didn't come here to play logic games.

I don't know why I should expect someone who has claimed to have made things happen by believing that they will to make rational arguments, but I do.

Perhaps it is foolish of me.

Good night sweet prince.  I give you the last word, because heaven knows, it seems to be something very, very important for you to assert your superiority in this discussion.  Vested, are we?



#40 2009-07-07 02:29:46

Dmtdust wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

I didn't come here to play logic games.

I don't know why I should expect someone who has claimed to have made things happen by believing that they will to make rational arguments, but I do.

Perhaps it is foolish of me.

Good night sweet prince.  I give you the last word, because heaven knows, it seems to be something very, very important for you to assert your superiority in this discussion.  Vested, are we?

I've yet to successfully kill a single animal, save a couple freak accidents when I was driving a car.  I felt bad about it.

Pick up a math textbook.  It'll do you some good.  I also recommend Dr. Carl Sagan's seminal volume, "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark."

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-07 02:31:14)



#41 2009-07-07 02:31:45

jesusluvspegging wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

You don't believe in the power of positive thinking?

I believe it has the power to make one more confident, and more likely to achieve their goals by their own actions.  Nothing more.

Well, my friend used that power and fireworks money fell from the sky.

No joke. That was 11 months and 3 weeks ago, when her fireworks store had a massive sale. Last Saturday, the the pouring rain, she lit off $3500 worth of fireworks in 45 minutes.

It was a sight to behold. Never seen anything like it, except maybe the Disney one. All we needed was some chick, dressed like a faerie, on a high-wire and a quarter-million foreigners and it would have been JUST LIKE the Magic Kingdom!



#42 2009-07-07 02:33:19

ptah13 wrote:

Well, my friend used that power and fireworks money fell from the sky.

Correlation != causation.



#43 2009-07-07 02:35:48

jesusluvspegging wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

You don't believe in the power of positive thinking?

I believe it has the power to make one more confident, and more likely to achieve their goals by their own actions.  Nothing more.

Actually, there was a recent scientific study about this.  People who already believed in themselves were able to accomplish more; cynical people were made more depressed, if I recall correctly.



#44 2009-07-07 02:36:50

tojo2000 wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

You don't believe in the power of positive thinking?

I believe it has the power to make one more confident, and more likely to achieve their goals by their own actions.  Nothing more.

Actually, there was a recent scientific study about this.  People who already believed in themselves were able to accomplish more; cynical people were made more depressed, if I recall correctly.

Yes.  This is what I just said, in slightly different words and backed by a properly done scientific study that I also skimmed.

EDIT: Fuck, I AM in a mood tonight.  I'm even arguing with people who agree with Me.

Dusty still needs to brush up his logic.  :)

Good night, High Street!  I missed you all last week!

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-07 02:47:20)



#45 2009-07-07 04:36:08

jesusluvspegging wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I believe it has the power to make one more confident, and more likely to achieve their goals by their own actions.  Nothing more.

Actually, there was a recent scientific study about this.  People who already believed in themselves were able to accomplish more; cynical people were made more depressed, if I recall correctly.

Yes.  This is what I just said, in slightly different words and backed by a properly done scientific study that I also skimmed.

EDIT: Fuck, I AM in a mood tonight.  I'm even arguing with people who agree with Me.

Dusty still needs to brush up his logic.  :)

Good night, High Street!  I missed you all last week!

Good Night Jesus!  We always loved you!

Wait, are you going away forevrer, or were you just saying, because it changes my response...



#46 2009-07-07 10:26:09

ptah13 wrote:

Also, it cracks me up how some folks are so worried about sweet little kittens, but would kill any snake on their property.

So many hypocrites in the cat-freak world.

On a different note, I wonder if Fnord names his cats things like Adolf and Nathan-Bedford and things like that? If so, that would be way funny.

Last year a huge snake took up residence under my front porch.  I didn’t get a good enough look to identify it, but I did see it lacked a rattle.  I haven’t seen it this year, so it may have moved on.  I have a lot of lizards living in my yard, which I appreciate for removing the crickets.  Crickets are a primary food for scorpions, which I do not want living on my property.  I wouldn’t mind the scorpions if they weren’t known for coming indoors and climbing into shoes, drawers and other dark places where an unwary person might stick their hand or foot.  I tend to be live and let live with most animals that stay outdoors.

I don’t have any pets at this time.  When I’m very old I may get a few cats.  They will have names along the lines of Elvis, Pookie, Mothra, Godzilla, or Miss Scarlett.



#47 2009-07-07 13:54:39

Brenda Spencer, who opened fire at a California school, killing two children and injuring nine others, had repeatedly abused cats and dogs, often setting their tails on fire.

Yumm ... Brenda Spencer




#48 2009-07-07 14:41:28

Ohmigod! Michael Jackson is dead!



#49 2009-07-07 19:18:15

fnord wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Also, it cracks me up how some folks are so worried about sweet little kittens, but would kill any snake on their property.

So many hypocrites in the cat-freak world.

On a different note, I wonder if Fnord names his cats things like Adolf and Nathan-Bedford and things like that? If so, that would be way funny.

Last year a huge snake took up residence under my front porch.  I didn’t get a good enough look to identify it, but I did see it lacked a rattle.  I haven’t seen it this year, so it may have moved on.  I have a lot of lizards living in my yard, which I appreciate for removing the crickets.  Crickets are a primary food for scorpions, which I do not want living on my property.  I wouldn’t mind the scorpions if they weren’t known for coming indoors and climbing into shoes, drawers and other dark places where an unwary person might stick their hand or foot.  I tend to be live and let live with most animals that stay outdoors.

I don’t have any pets at this time.  When I’m very old I may get a few cats.  They will have names along the lines of Elvis, Pookie, Mothra, Godzilla, or Miss Scarlett.

Well, I'm thrilled you didn't kill the snake. I feel you, regarding scorpions. I hate those things.

Mothra... hahahaha.. great name.



#50 2009-07-07 19:30:57

Fnord, this is disturbing.  You're no longer the pigeonholed as the racist gestalt of the board. You're gay and love cats.  Hell, *I* love cats.

I demand a recount.



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