#1 2007-10-07 16:03:27

Romney at the Grass Drag, Without Bud

Hmm. So, the august New York Times has finally hit its critical mass of former Rolling Stone journalists... It's official: Our next two decades will be consumed with marketing for the Boomers. Is there any way I can sleep through this, to wake up when they decide steak and smoking is bad again?



#2 2007-10-07 17:54:33

pALEPHx wrote:

It's official: Our next two decades will be consumed with marketing for the Boomers.

And that will make them different from the last two decades...how?

I belong to the generation that trails the "boomer" generation by just a few years, and for a long time I hated it, just hated it, and them.  But as I slide helplessly into middle age, and the Boomers plummet into geriatricity(...new word?  Good one), I've realized that the Boomers are actually a boon to those of us who follow:  They are the guinea pigs for all those pharmaceuticals we're going to need when we get old.

The finest example?  Hormone therapy for menopausal women.  Boomer gals got cancer so I won't have to.  Thanks, ladies!

Rogaine, Viagra, Cialis, BoTox injections--the list goes on and on.  Their trial-and-error attempts to cling to youth are clearing the way for future generations (me and you) to indulge our vanity in relative safety.  Also, it helps reduce their numbers, which could even mean there'll be a few crumbs left in the Social Security system for us when we retire!



#3 2007-10-07 18:20:21

Still, George, you have to admit: all those drugs will be far more enjoyable once the last Boomer kicks the bucket and we never have to hear about that incredible Stones concert in Vancouver.

Sorry, Dhal.



#4 2007-10-07 18:45:19

Reality check, my aging friends. The post war boom generation peaked in 1954 - a very good year - and didn't peter out until t-e-n years later.




#5 2007-10-07 21:14:55

George Orr wrote:

And that will make them different from the last two decades...how?

I belong to the generation that trails the "boomer" generation by just a few years, and for a long time I hated it, just hated it, and them... They are the guinea pigs for all those pharmaceuticals we're going to need when we get old.

You do make an excellent point, and probably have a greater right to kvetch, being "so close and yet so far" from the demographic in the dead center of advertising's crosshairs. Still, being the younger brothers and sisters of such a generation has its trickle down value, the least of which being, yes, we are all the inheritors of their OsCal overdoses. I knew my own Marketing Mortality Clock had begun ticking when various stations started playing "Eighties" music again, and it appears to be from the decade of a parallel universe...one where Whitesnake, Journey, and Van Halen were the only bands that existed.

But before you can shoot them with a Centrum Silver bullet, they will suck up a lot more capital and resources than the "Greatest Generation" before them. On the bright side, social mores will probably change enough for you to have a drag on that grass with Romney.



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