#51 2009-07-07 19:38:57

opsec wrote:

Fnord, this is disturbing.  You're no longer the pigeonholed as the racist gestalt of the board. You're gay and love cats.  Hell, *I* love cats.

I demand a recount.

Fnord is actually a fairly civilized human being, aside from his preposterous beliefs about race.

I can only assume that something tragic happened to him at a young age to instill this quirk.



#52 2009-07-07 19:58:01

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Fnord is actually a fairly civilized human being, aside from his preposterous beliefs about race.

On some level I was aware of this.  I sincerely wish fnord and his partner the best.

But Gay and Cats?  My Weltanschauung is all out of kilter.



#53 2009-07-07 21:24:58

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Fnord is actually a fairly civilized human being, aside from his preposterous beliefs about race.

I can only assume that something tragic happened to him at a young age to instill this quirk.

Actually Fnord is one of the few honest people I've ever discussed race with, the rest of y'all doorknob suckers hide your true racism behind Political Correctness.

There is a logical reason those tribes were subjugated after millennia of free growth...

...fucking liberals just refuse to admit it.



#54 2009-07-07 21:37:36

Emmeran wrote:

...fucking liberals just refuse to admit it.

Or maybe we actually believe what we're saying, and you're the abnormality.



#55 2009-07-07 21:43:07

Emmeran wrote:

There is a logical reason those tribes were subjugated after millennia of free growth...

I am curious Emmy, what do you mean by this?




#56 2009-07-07 21:46:05

Oh yeah... yum?



#57 2009-07-07 21:50:40

Emmeran wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Fnord is actually a fairly civilized human being, aside from his preposterous beliefs about race.

I can only assume that something tragic happened to him at a young age to instill this quirk.

Actually Fnord is one of the few honest people I've ever discussed race with, the rest of y'all doorknob suckers hide your true racism behind Political Correctness.

There is a logical reason those tribes were subjugated after millennia of free growth...

...fucking liberals just refuse to admit it.

And here is the heart of the reason why I've reacted so vehemently to Fnord's particular brand of racism.  On top of my own disgust with the basic premise, which I wont' bother rehashing (I've said more than my piece in the past), by intellectualizing his racism and collecting pseudoscience to rationalize it, he provides fuel for many other less intelligent racists thirsty for validation.



#58 2009-07-07 21:52:04

Dmtdust wrote:

Oh yeah... yum?

I don't get it.  What does that little boy have to do with that old lady?



#59 2009-07-07 22:43:10

Emmeran wrote:

Brenda Spencer, who opened fire at a California school, killing two children and injuring nine others, had repeatedly abused cats and dogs, often setting their tails on fire.

Yumm ... Brenda Spencer

http://www.wdr.de/themen/kultur/stichta … 9_400h.jpg

It has to do with this Tojo.  Plz keep up.



#60 2009-07-07 22:56:45

Emmeran wrote:

Actually Fnord is one of the few honest people I've ever discussed race with, the rest of y'all doorknob suckers hide your true racism behind Political Correctness.

Ummm, I don't believe the white race is inherently superior.  I do believe cultural trappings create niggers.  As well as spics or honkeys, etc. 

I say this because I grew up with a black as night friend whose family was West Indian.  I know more white people who fall below the work ethic of his family than blacks.

The individual is supreme in my book.  I guess I have a bit of bigotry in me.



#61 2009-07-07 22:59:19

Scotty wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

Actually Fnord is one of the few honest people I've ever discussed race with, the rest of y'all doorknob suckers hide your true racism behind Political Correctness.

Ummm, I don't believe the white race is inherently superior.  I do believe cultural trappings create niggers.  As well as spics or honkeys, etc. 

I say this because I grew up with a black as night friend whose family was West Indian.  I know more white people who fall below the work ethic of his family than blacks.

The individual is supreme in my book.  I guess I have a bit of bigotry in me.

Thanks Scotty for a breath of fresh air.



#62 2009-07-09 12:21:32

I'm still shocked that I seem to be the only straight white male on H.S..

How did I get roped into to being a sideshow freak at gay message board?

What is more freaky is that I have state-of-the-art gaydar, so how is I didn't realize this, sooner?

Quit looking at my ass.

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-07-09 12:22:19)



#63 2009-07-09 12:26:38

ptah13 wrote:

I'm still shocked that I seem to be the only straight white male on H.S..

There's at least two of us, plus at least a couple other probables.



#64 2009-07-09 13:08:32

ptah13 wrote:

I'm still shocked that I seem to be the only straight white male on H.S.

I'm curious as to what indication I have ever given that I love the cock.

*EDIT*  And until I see him actually sucking cock I have this nagging little voice in my head that fnord is trolling the shit outta the board.

Last edited by Scotty (2009-07-09 13:09:43)



#65 2009-07-09 13:45:40

Scotty wrote:

until I see him actually sucking cock

I'll take a miss on that little show, but you go ahead and watch for the rest of us.



#66 2009-07-09 13:54:20

Dmtdust wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

There is a logical reason those tribes were subjugated after millennia of free growth...

I am curious Emmy, what do you mean by this?


Simply put, some brances of each species fail to continue to upward-evolve for a variety of reasons - for example selective breeding (cultural or forced) or isolation.  This includes humans.

You can find scientific theories on each side of that argument, but age old common sense kind wins the war in this one; everyone knows that certain breeds of dogs/parrots/horses/cattle/etc are more prone to attack or are more trainable.  This applies to humans as well.


But we also know that cross breeding breaks those traits, for better or for worse.



#67 2009-07-09 19:42:23

Emmeran wrote:

But we also know that cross breeding breaks those traits, for better or for worse.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#68 2009-07-09 20:40:30

Scotty wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

I'm still shocked that I seem to be the only straight white male on H.S.

I'm curious as to what indication I have ever given that I love the cock.

*EDIT*  And until I see him actually sucking cock I have this nagging little voice in my head that fnord is trolling the shit outta the board.

Sorry. I just lost track.

Yeah, will someone please let Fnord suckle their porksword so we can put this whole messy business to rest?



#69 2009-07-09 20:44:41

ptah13 wrote:

Scotty wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

I'm still shocked that I seem to be the only straight white male on H.S.

I'm curious as to what indication I have ever given that I love the cock.

*EDIT*  And until I see him actually sucking cock I have this nagging little voice in my head that fnord is trolling the shit outta the board.

Sorry. I just lost track.

Yeah, will someone please let Fnord suckle their porksword so we can put this whole messy business to rest?

why not volunteer your services?



#71 2009-07-10 10:01:14

Better make that three straight males, but then I'm a newbie, so it's early days.

As far as racism goes, whenever I hear that white people are superior I remember that it was white males who killed every last bison, which can survive North American winters, then replaced them with European cows, which can't. Beef tastes like shit compared with buffalo as well. I suppose all those redneck fake-cowboy jerkoffs need jobs that challenge their intellects, like pitching hay bales off the back of a truck, but even so.......

Last edited by Tall Paul (2009-07-10 10:02:06)



#72 2009-07-10 10:51:18

Tall Paul wrote:

Better make that three straight males, but then I'm a newbie, so it's early days.

As far as racism goes, whenever I hear that white people are superior I remember that it was white males who killed every last bison, which can survive North American winters, then replaced them with European cows, which can't. Beef tastes like shit compared with buffalo as well. I suppose all those redneck fake-cowboy jerkoffs need jobs that challenge their intellects, like pitching hay bales off the back of a truck, but even so.......

You're a bit weak on your facts, sir.

I've seen huge herds of wild buffalo. Sure, nothing like what existed before the westward expansion but to say "every last bison" is incorrect.

I've also eaten buffalo and I disagree with you on that point, as well. Buffalo was more greasy than most beef I've eaten. Nothing compares to the beef served here!  Get a fillet or porterhouse from the Chop House and then tell me which you think is better?



#73 2009-07-10 10:57:02

Buffalo's goood.  I don't know if it's better than beef; it's certainly sweeter.



#74 2009-07-10 11:09:32

Ptah... range fed buffalo.  Da Kind.  Any day over beef, and I like beef.



#75 2009-07-10 11:32:56

Well, I've only had buffalo burgers, and they were greasy as hell.



#76 2009-07-10 11:34:22

Ummmmm... depends on how they were cooked.  Anyway, range fed.  Try a steak.  Yummy da in da tummy.  Hope you have a HIGH weekend, cuz I am planning on one myself.



#77 2009-07-10 13:17:42

Dmtdust wrote:

Ptah... range fed buffalo.  Da Kind.  Any day over beef, and I like beef.

I don't know, have you ever had any really good beef?  Most Americans never do; for all the cow meat we consume, all of it is corn-fed crap.  Now you get a nice Argentine steak, and you need nothing more than maybe a little bit of lemon...  Man, I had no idea what I had until it was gone.  C'est la vie.

For what it's worth, I hear if you get some good Montana grass-fed beef it's the next best thing.



#78 2009-07-10 16:54:41

Yes.  We used to have half or a whole Scottish Highlander every year.  Went out when it was young, picked it.  Never in a shed, 5 miles from our place on a 1200 acre spread.  There for the butchering, thanks.  I like Beef, said it already.  I like Horse as well, but I don't live in France anymore so there ya go.  Buffalo is pretty damn tasty, and seems now to be easier on my system.

Cheers, and I am pulling out the out door cooker tonight!



#79 2009-07-10 17:11:10

tojo2000 wrote:

For what it's worth, I hear if you get some good Montana grass-fed beef it's the next best thing.

Every now and then we'll take one of our steers and have him butchered.  Grass fed beef is so superior to cornfed it's not even worth comparing the two.



#80 2009-07-10 20:20:33

ah - but the true beef-lover will tell you that you must be selective of the type of grass you feed to the particular breed of cattle, also the age of castration plays a factor as well as the amount of adrenilin you induce and when.

But I do agree - grass finished is far superior to the standard meal finish and better over-all than corn finished beef.

Make mine a  3" thick rib-eye please.



#81 2009-07-10 20:25:47

Ours are fed on a mix of rye, fescue, orchard grass, and clover (and a few other things in small amounts - lespedeza and such) and are generally castrated within 3 days of birth, depending on how hard they are to catch.



#82 2009-07-10 21:46:47

ptah13 wrote:

Tall Paul wrote:

Better make that three straight males, but then I'm a newbie, so it's early days.

As far as racism goes, whenever I hear that white people are superior I remember that it was white males who killed every last bison, which can survive North American winters, then replaced them with European cows, which can't. Beef tastes like shit compared with buffalo as well. I suppose all those redneck fake-cowboy jerkoffs need jobs that challenge their intellects, like pitching hay bales off the back of a truck, but even so.......

You're a bit weak on your facts, sir.

I've seen huge herds of wild buffalo. Sure, nothing like what existed before the westward expansion but to say "every last bison" is incorrect.

I've also eaten buffalo and I disagree with you on that point, as well. Buffalo was more greasy than most beef I've eaten. Nothing compares to the beef served here!  Get a fillet or porterhouse from the Chop House and then tell me which you think is better?

Ok, you busted me, it was an exaggeration. If they didn't kill every last one, though, it was not for lack of trying.

Buffalo burgers greasy, maybe yes. I think they must mix them with beef or pork fat to make them that way. Try slow roasting a big chunk of buffalo then slice it thin: very tasty and almost no fat at all. And I will admit range-fed beef is good, but buffalo is still better.

For a true treat, try whale sashimi sometime.



#83 2009-07-10 22:38:32

Bison is far less fatty than ground cow, easy to overcook.  As TP mentions, some people add suet so they can cook it well done without it winding up a hockey puck.  Bison makes excellent tartare, and the bison I buy is irradiated so it's safe raw meat. 

I'll pass on the raw cetacea.



#84 2009-07-11 12:33:34

tojo2000 wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Ptah... range fed buffalo.  Da Kind.  Any day over beef, and I like beef.

I don't know, have you ever had any really good beef?  Most Americans never do; for all the cow meat we consume, all of it is corn-fed crap.  Now you get a nice Argentine steak, and you need nothing more than maybe a little bit of lemon...  Man, I had no idea what I had until it was gone.  C'est la vie.

For what it's worth, I hear if you get some good Montana grass-fed beef it's the next best thing.

The Chicago Chop House, IMHO, is THE place for beef.

If you get the chance, go there.

Fuck a bunch of Ruths Chris and shit like that. Doesn't even compare.



#85 2009-07-11 12:37:44

opsec wrote:

Bison is far less fatty than ground cow, easy to overcook.  As TP mentions, some people add suet so they can cook it well done without it winding up a hockey puck.  Bison makes excellent tartare, and the bison I buy is irradiated so it's safe raw meat. 

I'll pass on the raw cetacea.

That is kind of my thought on bison. Being less fat = more chewy/less tender.

I think the texture of your meal is an important part. That's why I love sushi so much.

Kobe also kicks ass.



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