#2 2009-07-12 00:00:45

Don't hate us all for our retarded brothers...



#3 2009-07-12 07:11:20

It cracks me up, the effort society goes to to play on the "men are bad/women are good" stereotype. Nearly every commercial features a idiot husband doing something stupid while his brilliant wife saves the day (and kindly forgives his mistakes, without a single stern word, no less).

Nearly every day I get 1-2 emails from older-generation female relatives about why men are so stupid and all the stupid things men do and how women are so great and I can't help but laugh. It really does take me back to the 2nd grade when the girls would gather together on the playground and would rant and rave about, "girls are SOOOOO MUCH better than BOYS ARE!!!" and how little, it seems, some women have progressed since the age of 8.

Amazing (and sad, really). The funny part is, a good portion of women I've known have more male friends than female because they can't stand women (isn't that ironic). Maybe that's why so many women NEED for the commercials (and society, as a whole) to portray themselves as both the hero and the genius.



#4 2009-07-12 11:11:34

ptah13 wrote:

Nearly every commercial features a idiot husband doing something stupid while his brilliant wife saves the day (and kindly forgives his mistakes, without a single stern word, no less).

Commercials, hell, *any* TV sitcom as well. And most 'family' movies, too.  In fact, I defy anyone to name a sitcom or family movie (like The Incredibles or similar) where the husband or male role model was not in large part shown to be inferior to the more 'crafty' or 'bright' woman role.  Even in 'Cosby', where the male role model was one of the few that had any respectability, the woman role model was still shown to be superior.

It does get a little old.

BTW, while we're on the male discrimination subject, can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?  I'll start you off with two: Richard Branson and Ted Turner... but they were both 'self made' men, not ones who rose through the ranks.

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2009-07-12 11:12:15)



#5 2009-07-12 11:16:39

whosasailorthen wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Nearly every commercial features a idiot husband doing something stupid while his brilliant wife saves the day (and kindly forgives his mistakes, without a single stern word, no less).

Commercials, hell, *any* TV sitcom as well. And most 'family' movies, too.  In fact, I defy anyone to name a sitcom or family movie (like The Incredibles or similar) where the husband or male role model was not in large part shown to be inferior to the more 'crafty' or 'bright' woman role.  Even in 'Cosby', where the male role model was one of the few that had any respectability, the woman role model was still shown to be superior.

It does get a little old.

BTW, while we're on the male discrimination subject, can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?  I'll start you off with two: Richard Branson and Ted Turner... but they were both 'self made' men, not ones who rose through the ranks.

That's because it's not accepted in our society for men to dye their hair, not due to any discrimination against blond men.



#6 2009-07-12 11:27:06

whosasailorthen wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Nearly every commercial features a idiot husband doing something stupid while his brilliant wife saves the day (and kindly forgives his mistakes, without a single stern word, no less).

Commercials, hell, *any* TV sitcom as well. And most 'family' movies, too.  In fact, I defy anyone to name a sitcom or family movie (like The Incredibles or similar) where the husband or male role model was not in large part shown to be inferior to the more 'crafty' or 'bright' woman role.  Even in 'Cosby', where the male role model was one of the few that had any respectability, the woman role model was still shown to be superior.

It does get a little old.

BTW, while we're on the male discrimination subject, can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?  I'll start you off with two: Richard Branson and Ted Turner... but they were both 'self made' men, not ones who rose through the ranks.

The dead muskrat that used to be Donald Trump's hair was blond.



#7 2009-07-12 11:29:49

On the other hand, there's "women can't drive/park", and the subjects of blond jokes are invariably female.



#8 2009-07-12 11:34:51

sigmoid freud wrote:

On the other hand, there's "women can't drive/park", and the subjects of blond jokes are invariably female.

Yes, but loads of blond females do very well indeed in society.  But amongst blond males, very, very few.  Speaking as a blond male myself, I've seen the discrimination personally.  And I don't dye my hair... it's naturally blond, and there are quite a lot of naturally blond men... they just never get promoted.



#9 2009-07-12 11:36:57

sofaking wrote:

The dead muskrat that used to be Donald Trump's hair was blond.

Actually, I think it was red, but even if it *was* blond, here again, not someone who rose through the ranks, but instead someone who's daddy was loaded and then he, depending on your opinion, either became a 'self-made man' or squandered everything he'd been given.



#10 2009-07-12 11:41:22

whosasailorthen wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Nearly every commercial features a idiot husband doing something stupid while his brilliant wife saves the day (and kindly forgives his mistakes, without a single stern word, no less).

Commercials, hell, *any* TV sitcom as well. And most 'family' movies, too.  In fact, I defy anyone to name a sitcom or family movie (like The Incredibles or similar) where the husband or male role model was not in large part shown to be inferior to the more 'crafty' or 'bright' woman role.  Even in 'Cosby', where the male role model was one of the few that had any respectability, the woman role model was still shown to be superior.

It does get a little old.

BTW, while we're on the male discrimination subject, can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?  I'll start you off with two: Richard Branson and Ted Turner... but they were both 'self made' men, not ones who rose through the ranks.

Andrew Jackson.



#11 2009-07-12 11:44:01

whosasailorthen wrote:

sigmoid freud wrote:

On the other hand, there's "women can't drive/park", and the subjects of blond jokes are invariably female.

Yes, but loads of blond females do very well indeed in society.  But amongst blond males, very, very few.  Speaking as a blond male myself, I've seen the discrimination personally.  And I don't dye my hair... it's naturally blond, and there are quite a lot of naturally blond men... they just never get promoted.

They are the minority by a long shot, and the same is true of women's natural color, that's my point.  Many blond children's hair turns brown as they get older.  This would make it normal for more blond women to be promoted, since the ratio of blond to non-blond women is so much higher.



#12 2009-07-12 11:47:20

And by the way...I don't hate men at all. I was often one of the only women in all my college computer science classes, and I always got along great with them (they elected me president of the computer club, or as my sister liked to call it, "Queen of the Nerds"). Almost all of my employees are men, and the people I deal with to ship cars are mostly men (car dealers). I also have tons of female friends, too, so I'm not one of those women who can't get along with other women, either.

I have a similar problem as you guys do with the way parents in general are portrayed on programming for kids. They make us all look like imbeciles, or neglectful, or both. I think it's the only way to develop the conflict needed to carry a plotline, but it still pisses me off.

The problem is just the weirdos on craigslist that are totally convinced that all women need to see is a blurry picture of their mantackle and some wildly inappropriate and/or insane demands, and they'll be hooked forever. Women's minds don't work that way, and whoever answers those ads is beyond fucktarded. Women know most guys are not nearly that crass, and even if they are, they have the good sense to keep their mental checklist to themselves. Consider that this site is written by a guy. I think these ads might bother men who don't want to be lumped into the same group as these cretins.

My favorite on this site was the 50-something "sex addict" dude who offered the ladies a meal at Sizzler ($15.00 or less), and wanted to make sure the lady was under 35 (oh, snap! I don't make the cut!).

Last edited by sofaking (2009-07-12 13:42:05)



#13 2009-07-12 19:39:37

whiskytangofoxtrot wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Nearly every commercial features a idiot husband doing something stupid while his brilliant wife saves the day (and kindly forgives his mistakes, without a single stern word, no less).

Commercials, hell, *any* TV sitcom as well. And most 'family' movies, too.  In fact, I defy anyone to name a sitcom or family movie (like The Incredibles or similar) where the husband or male role model was not in large part shown to be inferior to the more 'crafty' or 'bright' woman role.  Even in 'Cosby', where the male role model was one of the few that had any respectability, the woman role model was still shown to be superior.

It does get a little old.

BTW, while we're on the male discrimination subject, can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?  I'll start you off with two: Richard Branson and Ted Turner... but they were both 'self made' men, not ones who rose through the ranks.

Andrew Jackson.

One.  And you had to go back as far as 1840 to get it.

I'm still waiting.....



#14 2009-07-13 09:39:34

WWHM wrote:

Statistics reveal that our kids now lose their virginity at an average age of less than 15 years. I lost my virginity at 16, a relatively late bloomer amongst my own peers in the late 1980's. Boys now generally lose their virginity at age 14, and girls trail boys just a bit at 15. So I wasn't surprised when I recently asked my friend's 13 year-old daughter what she fed her rabbit, and she responded "2 D batteries," followed quickly by "Oh, I ... mean.....lettuce."

This guy needs to be a Short Bus friend for both sites and an invite needs to be sent his way to come join our reindeer games.



#15 2009-07-13 11:08:36

whosasailorthen wrote:

can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?

Charles Lindbergh, Benjamin Harrson, Millard Fillmore, Charlemagne, and Bill Gates




#16 2009-07-13 12:32:36

Hair color is genetically regressive and in any case darkens, greys and thins with age. And still, no one takes you seriously, sailor?



#17 2009-07-13 15:53:32

whosasailorthen wrote:

One.  And you had to go back as far as 1840 to get it.

I'm still waiting.....

Ooo, I have someone more recent. How about George Armstrong Custer.



#18 2009-07-13 17:05:59

Kevin Nealon dissed a male character's business acumen in last week's episode of weeds because of his blond hair.

I'm still waiting for fnord to chime in and dhal's forceful reminder of the preponderance of dumb Swedes among pigmentless pygmies. I was towheaded blond with dimples as a kid and thrilled when I lost both.



#19 2009-07-13 17:06:53

Dennis Rodman.



#20 2009-07-13 19:17:51

phreddy wrote:

Dennis Rodman.




#21 2009-07-13 21:06:46

phoQ wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

can anyone here name 5 famous male leaders who are blond?

phoQ wrote:

Charles Lindbergh

No, sorry...

phoQ wrote:

Benjamin Harrson

Nope.. prematurely gray, yes, but originally dark haired when young...

phoQ wrote:

Millard Fillmore

Nope.. again, another one who went prematurely gray but was originally dark haired when young...

phoQ wrote:


Debatable, but not according to several sources...

phoQ wrote:

Bill Gates

When he was young, yes...

But he lost it...

And besides, he's another 'self-made man'... he didn't get where he is via promotion or vote by others.

Still waiting for a list of 5 blond (*not* prematurely gray or white haired) men who made it up the ladder or were voted in as leaders.

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2009-07-13 21:16:55)



#22 2009-07-13 21:10:37

choad wrote:

Hair color is genetically regressive and in any case darkens, greys and thins with age. And still, no one takes you seriously, sailor?

It does not necessarily darken with age - mine hasn't... it's going right from blond to gray.

As for taking me seriously, they do now, but it's been a long hard road and I've had to basically make my way by myself by doing some very crafty deals over the years that happened to have paid off handsomely - again, self made rather than promotion.  But I guarantee I'd have been better off in business had I started with dark hair.

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2009-07-13 21:11:10)



#23 2009-07-13 21:13:10

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

One.  And you had to go back as far as 1840 to get it.

I'm still waiting.....

Ooo, I have someone more recent. How about George Armstrong Custer.

One.  And again, an oldie (i.e. not born in the 20th century).

But we'll accept it.

The count stands at ONE.



#24 2009-07-13 22:08:20

Hey sailor, I’m not sure black and white photos are the best way to judge blondeness, unless you're only looking for towheaded adults.  I’m with choad and wikipedia; that’s real rare.  Benjamin Harrison most certainly had “corn silk blond” hair as a youth and it looks like dirty blonde in the pic you posted.  Lindy looks dirty blonde in this photo too. 
So we have Lindbergh, Harrison, Custer, Jackson, George S Patton, and Gerald Ford.  However, I will concede that your hypothesis has merit and warrants future study.  Let’s start writing a grant.



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