#1 2009-07-14 17:07:19

Just a cool site to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing, which is next week. 

The site is a kind of "real-time" recreation of events.  The launch was 40 years ago this Thursday, the 16th.




#2 2009-07-14 19:09:41

I just happened to remember this earlier this morning, and it too deserves some commemoration.

I pray that I someday should be that kind of badass.



#3 2009-07-14 20:56:10

Buzz is a great, but my favorites remain Lovell, Swigert and Haise. Having your tin can explode a quarter million miles away and making it back anyway is hard to top.

I understand the Apollo 11 footage they'll be playing is significantly higher quality than has yet been released.  I'm stoked!



#4 2009-07-14 21:07:25

ah297900 wrote:

I just happened to remember this earlier this morning, and it too deserves some commemoration.

I pray that I someday should be that kind of badass.

Excellent.  That made my evening.



#5 2009-07-14 22:01:35

ah297900 wrote:

I just happened to remember this earlier this morning, and it too deserves some commemoration.

Good for Buzz.  Who put mirrors on the moon and brought back 842lbs of rocks?  Moon landing deniers are more ignorant than genocide deniers.



#6 2009-07-15 01:05:49

phoQ wrote:

ah297900 wrote:

I just happened to remember this earlier this morning, and it too deserves some commemoration.

Good for Buzz.  Who put mirrors on the moon and brought back 842lbs of rocks?  Moon landing deniers are more ignorant than genocide deniers.

Yeah. That's what the government wants you to believe.



#7 2009-07-15 01:59:58

I remember sitting up with my dad (I was almost three) and watching incoming updates--very cool.



#8 2009-07-15 07:44:20

We landed on the moon?



#9 2009-07-15 10:17:33

Speaking of the Moon, go see this.  If you don't you suck.



#11 2009-07-16 19:37:12

Props and parts of the original Nevada sound stage will resurface eventually.



#12 2009-07-16 19:55:02

This is like the National Archives admitting that the Constitution had been mislain. How in the fuck do they lose that?



#13 2009-07-16 20:03:13

ah297900 wrote:

How in the fuck do they lose that?

Not enough funding for a good archival program?



#14 2009-07-16 20:07:17

This was mentioned almost three years ago that the warehouse where they were stored they were lost and improperly archived and the footage was deteriorated.

The only explanation for this is that technology today would prove the moon landing was a hoax.  The video people watched in 1969 wasn't even a direct feed.  TV studios were allowed to film the giant screen at Houston for airing on sets at home.

The moon landing is a hoax.



#15 2009-07-16 20:47:40

Sad face indeed.  I was really looking forward to some better source footage.  My parents let me stay up all night to watch the Apollo 11 landing on a 19" b&w... that will stay with me until the very last stages of Alzheimers.

Scotty wrote:

The moon landing is a hoax.

The Flat Moon Society will soon give a press conference, donations will pour in and I'll be cursing L.Ron and all his ilk for realizing how stupid people are.



#16 2009-07-16 23:51:23

It's unclear from that story - are they saying that these tapes are the ones that are mostly unusable?



#17 2009-07-17 13:48:15

Scotty wrote:

The moon landing is a hoax.

You can't be serious.

Please, tell me you are kidding?

If not, then you just got shelved into the same slot as "evolution denier moron".



#18 2009-07-17 17:44:35

ptah13 wrote:

Scotty wrote:

The moon landing is a hoax.

You can't be serious.

Please, tell me you are kidding?

If not, then you just got shelved into the same slot as "evolution denier moron".

Shelve me where you want.

VHS copies and 8mm prints from a camera pointing at a TV screen?  Erasing the tapes of a supposedly monumental and historic event?  Bullshit.

Technology has come far enough that releasing the originals would put a giant fucking hole through NASA's head as to this cover up.  CGI'ing a bunch of VHS recordings will keep all you sheeple in line with some circuses while Obama fucks this country right down the tubes with his health care bill.




#19 2009-07-17 18:04:59

Scotty wrote:

The moon landing is a hoax

I realize the official stories about many events (JFK assassination, USS Liberty, 9-11 among many others) are total lies and the truth may never be known, but the Moon Landing isn’t one of them.

I appreciate the trolling effort, but this group is too smart to fall for that one.



#20 2009-07-18 04:13:05

I'm just left to wonder how the sobriquet of 'Buzz' was accorded to such a sober individual. Fuck the Flat Earthers and moon landing conspirators.



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