#2 2009-07-15 02:49:43

This is why I refuse to let black or hispanic workers into my home.  I do not want my place cased for a future robbery.  Any repair or service company I deal with is told upfront that I will not allow minority workers into my home, and if they send them anyway I will refuse to answer the door.

Last edited by fnord (2009-07-15 02:50:36)



#3 2009-07-15 07:46:00

So they can't see you in your skirt?

HAAAAAHAHAHAAAaa, just kidding fnord.



#4 2009-07-15 19:34:19

fnord wrote:

Any repair or service company I deal with is told upfront that I will not allow minority workers into my home, and if they send them anyway I will refuse to answer the door.

Homosexuals are in the minority.



#5 2009-07-15 19:38:58

Fun fact: poor white people who work for service companies never, ever steal.  Ever.



#6 2009-07-15 19:40:34

opsec wrote:

fnord wrote:

Any repair or service company I deal with is told upfront that I will not allow minority workers into my home, and if they send them anyway I will refuse to answer the door.

Homosexuals are in the minority.

Quoted out of context.  Note I specifically mentioned blacks and hispanics in my original statement.



#7 2009-07-15 19:41:21

opsec wrote:

fnord wrote:

Any repair or service company I deal with is told upfront that I will not allow minority workers into my home, and if they send them anyway I will refuse to answer the door.

Homosexuals are in the minority.

True, but we bring a certain sense of class and elegance to most any situation.




#8 2009-07-15 20:53:32

fnord wrote:

opsec wrote:

fnord wrote:

Any repair or service company I deal with is told upfront that I will not allow minority workers into my home, and if they send them anyway I will refuse to answer the door.

Homosexuals are in the minority.

Quoted out of context.  Note I specifically mentioned blacks and hispanics in my original statement.

Your first sentence mentioned blacks and beaners.  Your second sentence referred to minorities.  Those being two discrete sets,  I quoted your second sentence in it's entirety.  I stand by my observation.



#9 2009-07-18 03:04:54

Frankly, I wish there were more homo serial killers. Gacy had a low bar, Dahmer was otherwise psychotic, and Wuornos only shot men. Fags don't generally kill. I know some stats on domestic violence, and it's far lower than the gen pop. Dunno why, really. It's one of the many GLBTQ subjects I expect my thesis to center on. The whole field has so comparatively little data.



#10 2009-07-18 03:10:30

pALEPHx wrote:

Frankly, I wish there were more homo serial killers. Gacy had a low bar, Dahmer was otherwise psychotic, and Wuornos only shot men. Fags don't generally kill. I know some stats on domestic violence, and it's far lower than the gen pop. Dunno why, really. It's one of the many GLBTQ subjects I expect my thesis to center on. The whole field has so comparatively little data.

I believe you mean "thethith"



#11 2009-07-18 05:43:27

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I believe you mean "thethith"

Trust me, the department chair will be neither impressed nor swayed by a limp-wristed, lisping nelly flotzing some paper down in their office. Not to say it hasn't been tried before, but this is a whole new level of pretend acceptance. Regardless of what I eventually choose, it has to pass muster even before I start. My only point before was that there is just so little empirical study on the community.



#12 2009-07-18 11:33:52

He and David Morgan, the Escambia County sheriff, declined to outline the evidence or say what was in the safe, and provided only a partial portrait of how the suspects had come together. There were two groups, Sheriff Morgan said: one that included employees or associates of Leonard P. Gonzalez Sr., 56, who owned a power-washing company that had been hired by Mr. Billings at some point; and another connected to a car detailing company in the area.

The idiot probably kept a few bucks in the safe for spending money and made the mistake of letting one of those guys see that he kept something of worth in the safe.

I keep backup hard drives in my safe. Money and valuables are not stored somewhere obvious.



#13 2009-07-18 11:46:00

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I keep backup hard drives in my safe. Money and valuables are not stored somewhere obvious.

Heat will degauss those things beyond practical readability.  Keep them in the bank in a safety deposit box.



#14 2009-07-20 14:49:38

jesusluvspegging wrote:

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I keep backup hard drives in my safe. Money and valuables are not stored somewhere obvious.

Heat will degauss those things beyond practical readability.  Keep them in the bank in a safety deposit box.

It's a media rated fireproof safe. I live in a 1 story mostly cement building. It is better to have it there and swap it with it's twin weekly than have to make a 35 minute trip to the safety deposit box.



#15 2009-07-20 17:42:28

pALEPHx wrote:

Frankly, I wish there were more homo serial killers. Gacy had a low bar, Dahmer was otherwise psychotic, and Wuornos only shot men. Fags don't generally kill.

What about Wayne Williams, Dean Corll, Patrick Kearney, William Bonin, and Randy Kraft?



#16 2009-07-20 18:37:59

pALEPHx wrote:

Frankly, I wish there were more homo serial killers. Gacy had a low bar, Dahmer was otherwise psychotic, and Wuornos only shot men.

Why would you wish this?  Do you realize how many people believe we are all a bunch of sickos who deliberately spread AIDS for the thrill of murdering people with our penises?  In effect, that we are a bunch of sex crazed serial killers who derive intense sexual thrills fantasizing that our dicks are guns shooting bullets of disease into our partners.  These same people believe serial killers are more likely to be Gay than members of the general population.  The last thing we need is an increase in Gay serial killers.

Look at it this way; most Whites whether they admit it publicly or not believe Blacks are prone to committing extreme acts of violence if they are in any way offended, upset, or don’t have or get what they want.  Do you think this results in a positive perception of Blacks and helps them achieve the group goal of social acceptance when this stereotype accurately describes a significant number of Blacks?



#17 2009-07-20 21:40:20

fnord wrote:

Why would you wish this?  Do you realize how many people believe we are all a bunch of sickos who deliberately spread AIDS for the thrill of murdering people with our penises?  In effect, that we are a bunch of sex crazed serial killers who derive intense sexual thrills fantasizing that our dicks are guns shooting bullets of disease into our partners.  These same people believe serial killers are more likely to be Gay than members of the general population.  The last thing we need is an increase in Gay serial killers.

Look at it this way; most Whites whether they admit it publicly or not believe Blacks are prone to committing extreme acts of violence if they are in any way offended, upset, or don’t have or get what they want.  Do you think this results in a positive perception of Blacks and helps them achieve the group goal of social acceptance when this stereotype accurately describes a significant number of Blacks?

Would it be wrong of me to ask your partners' views on the subject of race?



#18 2009-07-20 22:19:56

Just to tie this thing up a bit, it's even weirder. And Fnord, the killers were white. And the killed were fucking weird.

http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/07/20/flo … index.html



#19 2009-07-20 23:31:43

orangeplus wrote:

Just to tie this thing up a bit, it's even weirder. And Fnord, the killers were white. And the killed were fucking weird.

http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/07/20/flo … index.html

The murder was committed by day laborer hispanics (illegals?), negros, a wigger, and a wiggeress accessory after the fact.


And being weird doesn’t justify killing them.  It sounds like the father of the kids was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.



#20 2009-07-20 23:46:19

Scotty wrote:

Would it be wrong of me to ask your partners' views on the subject of race?

Like most Whites, he mouths the PC line in public and tries to stifle his racism.  In unguarded moments when he hears about yet another WTF crime or statistic involving negros or encounters TNB his true feelings come out.  I on the other hand do not pretend to be PC and do not speak to or deal with negros unless there is no alternative, though I don't go out of my way to be upfront with most people about my views.

Note your question should be partner's views, not partners' views.



#21 2009-07-21 00:27:57

fnord wrote:

do not speak to or deal with negros unless there is no alternative, though I don't go out of my way to be upfront with most people about my views.

Typical "White" supremacist cowardice.  Ain't gonna be no damn race war 'cause y'all won't show up.


Look at that inbred hick hiding his harelip behind a mask!  Hee hee!

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-21 00:29:40)



#22 2009-07-21 02:07:45

phoQ wrote:

pALEPHx wrote:

Frankly, I wish there were more homo serial killers. Gacy had a low bar, Dahmer was otherwise psychotic, and Wuornos only shot men. Fags don't generally kill.

What about Wayne Williams, Dean Corll, Patrick Kearney, William Bonin, and Randy Kraft?

A very interesting list. Where did you get it? My outside guess is it still represents 10% or [far] less than whatever could be called the rest of the serial killer 'population.' The very pathology is so rare, in gen pop, that to have more than a handful of homos, repressed homos, spree killers, and hitchhiker slayers handy to name seems unusual.



#23 2009-07-21 11:30:25

pALEPHx wrote:

A very interesting list. Where did you get it? My outside guess is it still represents 10% or [far] less than whatever could be called the rest of the serial killer 'population.' The very pathology is so rare, in gen pop, that to have more than a handful of homos, repressed homos, spree killers, and hitchhiker slayers handy to name seems unusual.

I’ll take serial killers for $200 please Alex.  More: Dennis Nilsen, Henry Lee Lucas, and Ottis Toole.  Homosexuality is overrepresented in serial killers.



#24 2009-07-21 13:34:17

No one's mentioned Juan Corona yet.



#26 2009-07-21 15:40:50

phoQ wrote:

pALEPHx wrote:

Frankly, I wish there were more homo serial killers. Gacy had a low bar, Dahmer was otherwise psychotic, and Wuornos only shot men. Fags don't generally kill.

What about Wayne Williams, Dean Corll, Patrick Kearney, William Bonin, and Randy Kraft?

Don't forget Andrew Cunanan. He was a homo serial killer who targeted famous homos.



#27 2009-07-21 18:15:21

Hell, it might be easier to list the serial killers who weren't homosexuals.



#28 2009-07-24 03:08:40

ptah13 wrote:

Hell, it might be easier to list the serial killers who weren't homosexuals.

Despite your and phoQ's name games, it's still not physically possible for homosexuals to be over-represented. I suppose I did ask for it, wondering who there might be (Cunanan/Versace aside), but even with all the individuals provided, it's still a subset of the pathology.

Personally, I have fantasies that ALL homos were serial killers of a sort, but that's a John Waters or Andy Warhol movie, not real life. In actuality, I still can't be convinced that they're over-represented among serial killers.

Look, it's like trying to say I WANT what you're implying to be true, but the facts just don't back it up. For every one fag you find, I can still provide ten other hets; still the same ratio as the rest of the population (with or without Kinsey, thank you). Almost invariably those accustomed to tolerance of themselves and others do not commit violent acts such as these. It's the repressed and the disturbed. In which case, their overarching psychological disorders are really more important than where they put their dicks.

Case in point: Several of those listed probably would have ended up nicely assimilated as heterosexuals if their prior rape/abuse hadn't been homosexual in nature. Crime and violence is repetitive and familiar.

Burying shit in your backyard or crawlspace, however, don't ask me to explain. That's all just too "pre CSI."



#29 2009-07-24 19:08:46

pALEPHx wrote:

For every one fag you find, I can still provide ten other hets

So you owe us a list of 100 hooker killers.

Etiology aside, homosexuals account for<3% of the population, but >3% of the serial killer population have had homosex.  However, I will concede that the total number of serial killers is too low for statistical analysis.  Where are the high-profile gay mass murderers?



#30 2009-07-24 19:10:24

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Fun fact: poor white people who work for service companies never, ever steal.  Ever.




#31 2009-07-26 04:52:03

I know the stats and the studies (at least, the latest ones). You are ALWAYS an idiot, Fnord, if you deign to rely on any pseudo-scientific evidence. I don't care for PC talk either, which means I get to be as cruel as I care to be. Your penny ante racism is tiresome. It means nothing to the subject of this thread; it has no value, in general. Though I like to put myself in a place where I can think as you do, it is useless, in practicality. It does not inform or enlighten, which makes it wasteful.

If you prefer to exist only as an online entity, espousing your beliefs, then...how nice for you. You can't do a damned thing in real life. I kick people aside in markets. I terrify Girl Scouts. I torment neighbors who merely walk around too heavily. If you are so impotent that you must present your inadequacy as racism, then I guess we're used to it. I will remind, it's still not cool. Can you never break from this role, or is it just something that Cruel/HS expects of you? I personally believe you're too intelligent for that, but you revert when it's convenient. I do not care for convenience.



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