#2 2009-07-31 08:00:32

It's a dumb move, but I have to come clean and say that I have been caught by the same action. Luckily, all it earned me was a trip onto the shoulder and a scratch on my right rear bag. But I wear all the gear, all the time, so short of getting run over, I expect to survive.



#3 2009-07-31 08:07:57

I was never a "lane-splitter" exactly; But, I "had my moments" when I was young (Laid back on the back-rest with feet resting on the handle-bars on a straight-a-way, standing on the seat, etc.).  Riding on the autobahn cured me of that attitude rather quickly though.

"Stop!  Hold on.  Stay in control.  Paranoia the destroyer!"



#4 2009-07-31 12:53:53

Live by the sword....



#5 2009-07-31 16:32:22

I love how everyone is cool with seatbelt laws but if you try and bring about a helmet law, people lose their minds.

Yeah, we have no helmet law in Indiana. As far as I'm concerned, the lack of a helmet law is simply a helping-hand to Darwinism. Good riddance.

Most of my bike-riding buddies agree with the old saying, "those who have gone down/those who are going down". If you aren't wearing gear, you might as well go out and hand-feed sharks whilst skinny dipping and menstruating.



#6 2009-07-31 23:55:12

ptah13 wrote:

I love how everyone is cool with seatbelt laws but if you try and bring about a helmet law, people lose their minds.

I keep telling you - From age 15 to age 21, no cars, just bikes, and especially, no helmets - wearing of helmets specifically prohibited. Best way to rid the world of fucktards.



#7 2009-08-01 08:49:24

ptah13 wrote:

Yeah, we have no helmet law in Indiana. As far as I'm concerned, the lack of a helmet law is simply a helping-hand to Darwinism. Good riddance.

Then why no helmet laws for cage drivers?  As usual, you've no fucking experience with the subject up-on which you express your alleged expertise.  Try walking a-round all day wearing a DOT approved helmet whilst carrying on your daily tasks, queef-leakage.



#8 2009-08-01 11:30:39

Decadence wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Yeah, we have no helmet law in Indiana. As far as I'm concerned, the lack of a helmet law is simply a helping-hand to Darwinism. Good riddance.

Then why no helmet laws for cage drivers?  As usual, you've no fucking experience with the subject up-on which you express your alleged expertise.  Try walking a-round all day wearing a DOT approved helmet whilst carrying on your daily tasks, queef-leakage.

All I'm saying is, if you ride a motorcycle and don't wear a helmet, you're stupid.

Also, I've ridden a bike before. So how is it I have "no fucking experience"?

idiot. It is no wonder you're one of the people I'm talking about.

My point was, how can you justify a seatbelt law and not a helmet law. I would wager that a higher percentage of folks who die in an accident, riding a bike with no helmet, is greater than the people who die while not wearing a seatbelt, in an accident.

If you'd like to argue this point, go right ahead, subgenius.

I might note, before you further make an idiot of yourself, that I don't believe in either a seatbelt law or a helmet law. I'm just asking why one is a good idea and the other isn't.

Keep making those assumptions, though, Decadunce. It does you a lot of good!

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-08-01 11:36:33)



#9 2009-08-01 11:51:41

As a long term and high mileage rider, I always, always wear a helmet. I put mine on when riding across a parking lot. But I would never force someone else to wear their helmet or seat belt. Let the private insurance companies decide. If they had two policies for motorcycle liability:
1) If you crash and sustain head injuries and are not wearing a DOT approved helmet, we don't pay for head injury treatment. Premium: $200 a year
2) If you crash and sustain head injuries, we treat you no matter what, no helmet required. Premium: $1000 a year.

You would have both freedom and lower costs for people who aren't as high a risk.

But strong-arming someone and forcing them to wear a helmet or seat belt at the point of a gun is just wrong. And I live in Florida where about 10% of the riders wear helmets and 40% of the drivers have on seat belts. Just yesterday I saw a toddler (maybe three years old) sitting in the back window of a pickup truck doing 50 mph, looking over the roof. We try, but Darwinian selection will win in the end...



#10 2009-08-01 11:59:36

Decadence wrote:

Try walking a-round all day wearing a DOT approved helmet whilst carrying on your daily tasks

That is the lamest comment I've ever heard on the subject, the list of people who spend their working days in uncomfortable safety gear is to long to even comprehend.  And the helmet law isn't meant to protect the rider, it's meant to protect the rest of us: from the emergency crew that has to scrape your brains up with a shovel to the tax-payer who has to pay to support your crippled ass for the next 30 years of your life as a worthless gimp - but most of all for those of us stuck in traffic for 2 hours because a simple accident has now become a fatality and they have to shut down the fucking road to investigate.



#11 2009-08-01 12:09:25

The respective legislators sold the public on seat belt (and helmet laws, in some states) on the premise that said laws will, "save the taxpayer countless thousands and lower insurance bills".

Well, just like everything else the legislator tells us, this is also bullshit. Show me one person who's auto insurance went down after seat belt laws were enacted? Sure, SOMEBODY is pocketing a fortune on this (*cough*insurance companies*cough*). The same someone who lined the pockets of the lawmakers to get their bogus laws passed.



#12 2009-08-02 01:59:39

ptah13 wrote:

My point was, how can you justify a seatbelt law and not a helmet law. . . .  Keep making those assumptions, though, Decadunce.

Who is making the assumptions here, smegma-breath*?  What exactly led you to believe that I supported seat-belt laws?

ptah13 wrote:

The respective legislators sold the public on seat belt (and helmet laws, in some states) on the premise that said laws will, "save the taxpayer countless thousands and lower insurance bills".

They went a bit further than that.  The Federal Government basically used extortion to goad every state to en-force seat-belt laws, helmet laws, and to set the legal age for alcohol consumption to twenty-one.  I so miss the Tenth Amendment.

* No offense to our homo-sexual members intended.



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