#51 2009-07-28 10:16:45


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#52 2009-07-28 13:52:16

pALEPHx wrote:

WTF is this? I suppose...I'm not here enough anymore to focus your energy on, but if you care to waste your venom in my direction, you are nothing but a facile, predictable idiot.

In other words, Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!



#53 2009-07-29 00:31:10

Monte?  Horse?  Where's Gray???




#54 2009-07-29 00:36:27

*sigh* I still miss Gray.



#55 2009-07-29 00:50:36

Gray went all bitter and nasty.  Brilliant poster, but in the end...



#56 2009-07-29 01:10:58

They all leave here bitter and nasty...

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  It is the Alpha and Omega of High Street.



#57 2009-07-29 01:37:29

I'll jump in but only because I'm a lemming and absolutely have to be involved just because everyone else is.

I enjoy Pale's postings, and I enjoy Dhal's postings. If I don't care to read a posting, I ignore it and move on. If the poster truly irritates the fecal matter out of me, I block them although - at present - I don't believe I'm blocking anyone's posts.

Now, can we please get back to what truly matters?




#58 2009-07-29 02:03:45

Roger_That wrote:

They all leave here bitter and nasty...

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  It is the Alpha and Omega of High Street.

When I leave again, I shan't go off in an immature huff like Grey or Zooks.  I will disappear, simply disappear.  (Yes Pale not soon enough I am sure)



#59 2009-07-29 02:19:06

Dmtdust wrote:

Gray went all bitter and nasty.  Brilliant poster, but in the end...

Good riddance.

I couldn't stand that poser.

Gray was too weak for prime time.



#60 2009-07-29 02:24:46

Taint wrote:

I'll jump in but only because I'm a lemming and absolutely have to be involved just because everyone else is.

I enjoy Pale's postings, and I enjoy Dhal's postings. If I don't care to read a posting, I ignore it and move on. If the poster truly irritates the fecal matter out of me, I block them although - at present - I don't believe I'm blocking anyone's posts.

Now, can we please get back to what truly matters?

Well said, Taint.

"Please protect us, Mr or Mrs Webmaster. Please ban the evildoer so I am not forced to read this horrible stuff!".

Honestly, though, I think 99% of the folk on here wear the big-boy pants and manage to ignore what they don't like.

It is the only way to explain why more people haven't blocked me.



#61 2009-07-29 07:39:06

Roger_That wrote:

Monte?  Horse?  Where's Gray???



I had the idea you'd exiled yourself somewhere in the Eastern Bloc and weren't going to be around here.  This is great.

Gray?  Well, I kinda hate the idea he's not around.  He was a pain in the ass, and I think he pretty much hated me, but he was fun to spar with.  I know George liked him, but then George tends eventually to find the good in everyone, even me.

Who's the banner-god around here?  Is it Pale?



#62 2009-07-29 13:06:02

Montecore wrote:

Roger_That wrote:

Monte?  Horse?  Where's Gray???



I had the idea you'd exiled yourself somewhere in the Eastern Bloc and weren't going to be around here.  This is great.

Gray?  Well, I kinda hate the idea he's not around.  He was a pain in the ass, and I think he pretty much hated me, but he was fun to spar with.  I know George liked him, but then George tends eventually to find the good in everyone, even me.

Who's the banner-god around here?  Is it Pale?

Nah, I'm stateside until the home sells.  And I'll have net access all the time over there, so I'll be around to harass all.  What's shakin' Monte?

I think Pale is the banner god at the current time.



#63 2009-07-29 22:27:09

Roger_That wrote:

Nah, I'm stateside until the home sells.  And I'll have net access all the time over there, so I'll be around to harass all.  What's shakin' Monte?

Same old same old.  I hope the house sells in some reasonable length of time if that's what you want - tough market these days.

What's with the Eastern Bloc, or won't MI6 let you tell?



#64 2009-07-30 00:22:11

Dusty wrote:

Gray went all bitter and nasty.

Yeah, that was fucking weird.  He was all-ways a bit suspect any-way - Claimed to be Australian but spelled "Grey" as "Gray."  Then a-gain, I'm a United Statesian and I spell it "Grey" (But, every-body knows that I make my own damned rules when it comes to the English language any-way).

Taint wrote:

If the poster truly irritates the fecal matter out of me, I block them although - at present - I don't believe I'm blocking anyone's posts.

I don't believe that you are either.  If I'm not miss-taken, administrators and moderators can't block any-body.  Mind you, I haven't tested the feature to see for my-self; But, I do seem to re-call Square making mention of that when the feature was implemented.



#65 2009-07-30 09:12:32

MSG Tripps wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

It is annoying how he's been on this "you fuckers don't post anything interesting waaaaaah entertain me cretins" bent lately.

There is that also.

Indeed, but who among you feels it without saying it? Gawdz know, that's all about HS. Not by way of excuse, and certainly not to Dhal-ink, since when do you micromanage individual members who post regularly, regardless of how?

Bitch at Choad for his regional shit. Get on Sofie's case for culling YouTube. Argue with Orange for replicating material from Rotten/Fark/Ebaum/CollegeHumor. What the hell am I doing that seems to annoy you so much? I ask not out of specific interest in altering anything, but I would like to know what deserved its own thread.

I truly don't care to please you or comply with your interests, and I ultimately don't give a damn why you focus on me over anyone else. Still, if you think there's some other way I could be posting that might be more agreeable, I would be willing to hear that.

Otherwise, you're just as miserable old ass. One doesn't present a 'problem' without solution(s), and the remedy will not be that I disappear. Quote Queen Victoria all you like, but her ass is dead. This also may not be Cruel, but I am what I am and will make no excuses for it, just as you don't, even though you're a Grade-A bastard. I guess you can be as happy with that as I am, but don't go shooting arrows at someone who does the same thing you do. Excepting the fact that my links are a tad fresher.



#66 2009-07-30 10:10:07

pALEPHx wrote:

Excepting the fact that my links are a tad fresher.

What links? 

Currently, you have 40+ posts [most in a row] with no links, images or topics.  Very little content at all [other than a pathetically piss poor attempt to troll and the usual bitching].

What are you attempting to accomplish?  Were you not a big enough asshole prior to this new tactic?

I do not give a rats ass what your attitude is.  Knock yourself out with teenage type angst if you wish.

The problem is with the spam like attacks of yours. The majority find this unacceptable.

Be a good fellow and curtail the volume some.

pALEPHx wrote:

If not in a tiger cage, then you should have had some ignominious death on a beautiful shoreline that everyone would forget.

Much better men then you have wished me dead, boy.  I am still here.



#67 2009-07-30 11:34:24

P3N1X wrote:

Bitch at Choad for his regional shit.

Are you kidding? Choad's Wareham politics postings have been some of the cruelest shit that we've had on here.  Be-Sides, they make me feel just that much better about our own local, in-competent, city council.



#68 2009-07-30 12:03:00


I'm no friend of Dhal's, God knows (if Dhal weren't real, R. Crumb would have had to invent him), but he has a point.  You've made it clear elsewhere that you don't remember me, which is fine; I've been away for something like fifteen or sixteen months. 

There was more than one reason I was away, so you don't get all the credit, but one fair-sized factor was coming here and seeing "pALEPHx" twenty times on the forum page day after day after day.  Some of what you had to say was interesting enough, but a certain New York Jewishness was coming through in the sheer volume of posts, and quantity is always the enemy of quality. 

Every time anyone criticizes you, you always have a comeback, got to give you that.  But some of the criticism is justified, and sometimes you really don't know what you're talking about.  Here's an example:

"If this forum had an ounce of the old Cruel, then I could merely say "Fuck you, dickless bastard," and that would be all anyone might say."

You obviously don't know much about the old Cruel, because in that site's deliciously wicked heyday, you wouldn't have lasted a week.  Peco in particular would have left you wondering if you could finagle a spot in the Witness Protection Program.  You're on and on and on about how wonderful you are and how hopeless everyone else is, when ten seconds' Googling elicits the information that you're pushing forty, still a student, still single, and none too happy with yourself.

You need to lighten the fuck up about who posts links and who doesn't.  Some people here have a positive genius for finding them, some don't.  Some have more of a talent for comments, some don't.  The old-timers around here (I'm not really counting myself as one; I only go back to January, 2004 on Cruel), generally don't make a big deal out of stuff like that.  You do, without having paid nearly the dues of a George Orr or a Roger_That.   

Seriously, Princess, it's time to put your big girl panties on and stop fending off criticism like you were going to lose your life if someone else was actually right once in a while.



#69 2009-07-30 12:21:11

Wow Montecore.  I am touched [or something].



#70 2009-07-30 12:30:26

MSG Tripps wrote:

Wow Montecore.  I am touched [or something].


That's always been my assessment, too, but I should stress that my interest in psychiatry is only amateur.

In other words, hi.



#71 2009-07-30 12:44:46

Montecore wrote:

That's always been my assessment, too, but I should stress that my interest in psychiatry is only amateur.

You got it.    Hey Montecore.

Last edited by MSG Tripps (2009-07-30 12:52:30)



#72 2009-08-02 00:51:59

Oh, I remember you just fine, Montecore. Like shit you can't get off your shoe. As far as the rest of this is concerned, I do NOT post forty things in a row. It just LOOKS like that because I show up more infrequently now and go through all unread posts at once. I don't hear anyone getting on Goober McNutley's case for doing it every goddamn morning.

Dhal: You're just dying faster. Try not to complain so much.

Taint: I am disappointed in you. If you have to play the middle ground so much, don't even bother.

To the rest: I get the point of the vote as it stands, but "Posting Less with Greater Content" is what I already thought I was doing. I DO try to be judicious about which threads I bother with, and really only post to about one in three, by my current reckoning. Like I said, it just seems like a lot at once simply because it is AT ONCE. How am I supposed to show interest in HS, showing up after a matter of days, and NOT respond to threads I already have or addressing new stuff that interests me?

Ultimately, THIS thread is nonsense, and not the first (second, or third) one presented in some attempt to shut me up, somehow. Is there some general misunderstanding of the concept of 'forum,' or do people believe that I should just close down once I've reached an arbitrary 'daily limit' of replies? If you don't like what I have to say, then skip it, like Taint suggests. If you do enjoy my posts, then know that I've already cut them back drastically, in both length and frequency. Regardless, I'm not here to please anyone else, just like the rest of you are. I simply do it differently. Where "fuck you" might suffice, it seems like I have novella. You should care more that I complete a thought than toss off some random comment that could go in any thread.



#73 2009-08-02 01:43:53

pALEPHx wrote:

Oh, I remember you just fine, Montecore. Like shit you can't get off your shoe. As far as the rest of this is concerned, I do NOT post forty things in a row. It just LOOKS like that because I show up more infrequently now and go through all unread posts at once. I don't hear anyone getting on Goober McNutley's case for doing it every goddamn morning.

Dhal: You're just dying faster. Try not to complain so much.

Taint: I am disappointed in you. If you have to play the middle ground so much, don't even bother.

To the rest: I get the point of the vote as it stands, but "Posting Less with Greater Content" is what I already thought I was doing. I DO try to be judicious about which threads I bother with, and really only post to about one in three, by my current reckoning. Like I said, it just seems like a lot at once simply because it is AT ONCE. How am I supposed to show interest in HS, showing up after a matter of days, and NOT respond to threads I already have or addressing new stuff that interests me?

Ultimately, THIS thread is nonsense, and not the first (second, or third) one presented in some attempt to shut me up, somehow. Is there some general misunderstanding of the concept of 'forum,' or do people believe that I should just close down once I've reached an arbitrary 'daily limit' of replies? If you don't like what I have to say, then skip it, like Taint suggests. If you do enjoy my posts, then know that I've already cut them back drastically, in both length and frequency. Regardless, I'm not here to please anyone else, just like the rest of you are. I simply do it differently. Where "fuck you" might suffice, it seems like I have novella. You should care more that I complete a thought than toss off some random comment that could go in any thread.


I am in awe.  When I said that you were "fending off criticism like you were going to lose your life if someone else was actually right once in a while." I had NO idea you'd go to such lengths to illustrate my point. 

P.S.: You certainly didn't seem to remember me when I said "hi" to HKG in another thread and you excoriated me for presuming to act as if I knew her.

Last edited by Montecore (2009-08-02 01:48:48)



#74 2009-08-02 02:15:54

Ah, but does she know YOU?



#75 2009-08-02 02:27:52

pALEPHx wrote:

Ah, but does she know YOU?

She does indeed:


Posts 12, 13 and 14.

But I have no doubt you'll find a way to explain it away and make yourself feel omniscient again.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#76 2009-08-02 03:03:32

Monty wrote:

But I have no doubt you'll find a way to explain it away and make yourself feel omniscient again.

Try not to mind Pale too much, mate.  It's not his fault that he has such a high estrogen count.



#77 2009-08-02 03:15:58

Decadence wrote:

Try not to mind Pale too much, mate.  It's not his fault that he has such a high estrogen count.


"HIgh estrogen count" doesn't quite describe him.  I'm thinking more Emily_Strange after like, one testosterone treatment.



#78 2009-08-02 04:14:33

Monty wrote:

I'm thinking more Emily_Strange after like, one testosterone treatment.

Un-Like Emily, Pale is actually capable of posting some-thing of value when he's had his Wellbutrin.  But, yeah, I can see the similarity of which you speak in their tenacity.



#79 2009-08-09 02:24:18

Decadence wrote:

Monty wrote:

I'm thinking more Emily_Strange after like, one testosterone treatment.

Un-Like Emily, Pale is actually capable of posting some-thing of value when he's had his Wellbutrin.  But, yeah, I can see the similarity of which you speak in their tenacity.

Well, I supposed I should thank you for damning me with faint praise. Like I've just said elsewhere, but will seem out of order owing to how threads show up, I now know Monty is an older creature. I've also said that I have no particular respect for continuity, especially when one takes a five month vacation.

Anyway... Leave all this shit alone. If you truly have some issue with my posts, how I post, or whatever, then just send me a private message and deal with me, one on one. Don't waste everyone else's time with this. Trying to appeal to the community is always going to get the same set of reactions, and I still wonder what purpose it's supposed to serve.

"Pale, go away," or "Pale, post differently," or "Pale, comply with the 'norms' of High Street." Cruel is dead. Whatever you expected of it is now nearly a year gone. Forum interactions are different, whether you're accustomed to them or not. Believe me, I'd be fine tailoring to the community...but would you respect me even in the slightest if I did?



#80 2009-08-09 02:43:53

Ignore them Pale.  Just be who the heck you are.  I would like to see you more frequently, thanks.



#81 2009-08-09 02:54:20

pALEPHx wrote:

I now know Monty is an older creature.

Last I heard, Lambie Pie, being late in your fourth decade of life ain't exactly no poulet de printemps.



#82 2009-08-09 09:37:31

Montecore wrote:

pALEPHx wrote:

I now know Monty is an older creature.

Last I heard, Lambie Pie, being late in your fourth decade of life ain't exactly no poulet de printemps.

Fresh to here, relatively, not a spring chicken. Nor would I claim to be. As far as HS is concerned, I've been with it from the start, but realize my late arrival to the old Cruel community. I have no choice but to be honest about that. It's not a matter of being obvious, or historical, but I didn't suddenly become a lesser being because I wasn't playing in your particular sandbox long enough prior to this reincarnation.

I've been driving for fresh meat--I mean, of course, 'new joins'--but this whole format is ancient. Surely, someone as adept at forum interaction as yourself knows from other options. I trust that if you had a different focus for your unusual concerns, I would matter a lot less, and have not problem with that.

Basically: Get off my shit. I don't need to earn anything you could award. I'm quite sure we could co-exist happily, even if the very purpose of this site is not to do so. That said, picking on me is not a good choice. Let me find you some others, unless you'd rather describe what irks you particularly, and I might take that into account.



#83 2009-08-09 12:02:34

Be-YondThePale wrote:

Basically: Get off my shit.

Let me see if I under-stand this correctly:  From your point of view, Monty is the one who "started-in on" you?  Really?  Be-Cause, scrolling a bit up the page here, and reading back, would lead a rational person to an entirely different con-clusion.



#84 2009-08-09 12:14:04

pALEPHx wrote:

Basically: Get off my shit. I don't need to earn anything you could award. I'm quite sure we could co-exist happily, even if the very purpose of this site is not to do so. That said, picking on me is not a good choice. Let me find you some others, unless you'd rather describe what irks you particularly, and I might take that into account.

You're priceless, Precious.

You have sashayed in here telling everyone else - from the very beginning of your noisome tenure here - what this forum should be.  You would pick a fight with a lamppost.  You flame worse than an oil rig ablaze.  And for all that, you claim you just wanna be loved. 

Tell you what, Queenie.  I'll leave you alone the day you show some respect for other people here, particularly in the matter of overposting.  Your wretched name was to be seen, quite literally, on fifty threads this morning.  You are not - trust me on this - that interesting or anything close to it.  Seeing "pALEPHx" on the forum page that many times is like trying to settle down to some TV and finding that Dame Edna is on every fucking channel -  perhaps entertaining in a smaller dose, but beyond cloying in such a concentrated one.

You have been told - many times, and by many people here - that you indulge yourself too much on these boards.  Anyone but you would have gotten the message by now.



#86 2009-08-09 16:12:06

Monte... Pale... room, together. plz thnx, bai!



#87 2009-08-09 16:13:37

George Orr wrote:

For real doe. 

Where did I miss pale becoming a pain in someone's ass?  Other than my raging eHomophobia I don't have a problem with you, penix.



#88 2009-08-09 16:15:47

Dmtdust wrote:

Monte... Pale... room, together. plz thnx, bai!


Egad.  Not if the last tree had disappeared from the face of the Earth, taking the last knothole with it.



#89 2009-08-09 18:44:26

I don't know... the way you 2 are going at it...



#90 2009-08-09 19:45:55

Montecore wrote:

Tell you what, Queenie.  I'll leave you alone the day you show some respect for other people here, particularly in the matter of overposting.  Your wretched name was to be seen, quite literally, on fifty threads this morning.


I believe you will find that for reasons unknown [to me at least] most folks around here have decided to roll over on their collective backs for this worthless fuck wad.

This may be a moment of note for this site.

just sayin'



#91 2009-08-09 21:06:56

MSG Tripps wrote:

Montecore wrote:

Tell you what, Queenie.  I'll leave you alone the day you show some respect for other people here, particularly in the matter of overposting.  Your wretched name was to be seen, quite literally, on fifty threads this morning.


I believe you will find that for reasons unknown [to me at least] most folks around here have decided to roll over on their collective backs for this worthless fuck wad.

This may be a moment of note for this site.

just sayin'

Oh, gawd, Dhal, you of all people shouldn't throw stones.  You've been a fixture around these parts, but half of your posts are completely incomprehensible, and the rest are a laughable imitation of a John Wayne wannabe on barbiturates.  I'm not lobbying to get rid of you, I'm just saying to fucking chill out.  Pale posts in batches now.  If that's really something worth complaining about, then you are obviously too tender to be frequenting this board.  Why are people still carrying on with this subject?  Take a deep breath and move on, for fuck's sake.



#92 2009-08-09 21:09:52

tojo2000 wrote:

half of your posts are completely incomprehensible

That's a relief.  I was beginning to think it was just me.



#93 2009-08-09 21:18:24

MSG Tripps wrote:


I believe you will find that for reasons unknown [to me at least] most folks around here have decided to roll over on their collective backs for this worthless fuck wad.

This may be a moment of note for this site.

just sayin'


It is odd, isn't it?  A bunch of folks who successfully fended off or outwaited the likes of Chaiyah, DJLilAndy, Jew, Ged, and Emily_Strange are now okay with someone whose pretentious-yet-mangled syntax indicates he's either posting under the influence or has been educated beyond his capacity.

O tempora! O mores!



#94 2009-08-09 21:21:59

Okay... a three way.  Dhal, Monte & Pale. The 3 of ya get a fucking room!



#95 2009-08-09 21:33:53

If one can not figure out the simple connections in my posts I am very easy to ignore.  Or just check out the link or image. 

How does one ignore a front page full of crap and no content?

Montecore wrote:

O tempora! O mores!

Montecore, it really beats the shit out of me.

Last edited by MSG Tripps (2009-08-09 21:39:36)



#96 2009-08-09 21:38:02

One more little item.

More than two thirds of the vote on this situation would like the boy to chill the fuck out or worse.



#97 2009-08-09 21:42:30

Dmtdust wrote:

Okay... a three way.  Dhal, Monte & Pale. The 3 of ya get a fucking room!


The frequency of your chimings-in would seem to indicate you'd like to be included.




#98 2009-08-09 22:42:08

Good god. Hasn't this thread died yet?



#99 2009-08-10 00:58:40

No Monty, but this shite is getting old.  A video would do thanks.



#100 2009-08-10 01:21:58


I should close this fucktarded topic.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



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