#51 2007-11-18 19:46:56

Roger wrote:

bwahah.  I just went into the admin and saw that pALEPHx was changed to pENIx.

You didn't know?  I just naturally assumed that it was your work.



#52 2007-11-18 20:36:16

Decadence wrote:

Roger wrote:

bwahah.  I just went into the admin and saw that pALEPHx was changed to pENIx.

You didn't know?  I just naturally assumed that it was your work.

Nope, I've been typing pENIx, and wondering why he wasn't getting pissed at me...

I have, as promised, not fucked around with any of my glorious admin abilities.  No word replacements, no title changes, no post edits.  See?  I can be good.



#53 2007-11-19 14:25:19

DoucheEllington wrote:

blah blah blah - pot calling kettle black, etc.

Call it whatever you want. It would figure that you considered Felch clever and/or targeted. Your standards are so preciously low.

I'm not here to decide who should or can post. And I've told precisely two people to fuck off, which is made different than when you do it how, exactly? What is "that kind of behavior?" I've merely been following the example set out by 'regulars'--with an expected learning dumbing curve--and I don't give a fuck whether you find my remarks consistently entertaining. They're not meant to solely bemuse you.

I'll bet you consider what you wrote to be conciliatory or purposefully honest. You peppered it with enough "constructive criticism" to almost seem as if you actually cared about anything. You're still fumbling with the same penny ante insults others have wielded before you, and better. I'm sorry I remind you of junior high. It was clearly the last sheltered and pleasant moment in your life.

Things have obviously not fared so well since, if this is how you choose to waste our time. I don't require a consensus to tell you to bite me, but since you're not a mod or an admin, you can't really say you represent anyone either.



#54 2007-11-19 14:41:55


Last edited by Roger_That (2007-11-19 14:42:30)



#55 2007-11-19 15:23:18

Yawn. And to think...I started this thread. It showed some promise for a while, when we began discussing old computer games, but now it's degenerated into uninspired bitch-slapping. Can't we all just get along? We need someone to defuse all this tension. Hmmmm...Zookeeper?



#56 2007-11-19 16:28:18

A black baby is born with wings so he turns to God and says, "since I have wings does this mean I'm an angel?" God looks at the baby and says, "nah nigga you a bat"



#57 2007-11-20 00:39:22

Dirckman voted for November 26th because that is his birthday.... Everyone here should wish Dirckman a happy birthday and buy him stuff.............



#58 2007-11-20 08:09:00

Happy Birfday Dirck!

Perhaps I'll take a picture of my dookie before I flush it, and post it as your birthday gift.

Stay tuned...



#59 2007-11-20 09:35:06

Happy Bidet, Dirck. Did you want a banner? Sorry, but everybody's going to lose this one. It's just a pity I couldn't get the point spread on those dates. I can always use the money.



#60 2007-11-20 11:08:41

pALEPHx wrote:

Happy Bidet, Dirck. Did you want a banner? Sorry, but everybody's going to lose this one. It's just a pity I couldn't get the point spread on those dates. I can always use the money.

Isn't there any way we could goad you into posting more frequently?
Help me win the pool and I'll buy you this guy for Xmas:



#61 2007-11-20 11:15:44

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Isn't there any way we could goad you into posting more frequently? Help me win the pool and I'll buy you this guy for Xmas

Ecch. It's Ben Kingsley as Ma-orph-ma Gandhi. Why should you get the money? I made you a new banner as a consolation prize.



#62 2007-11-20 11:21:54

pALEPHx wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Isn't there any way we could goad you into posting more frequently? Help me win the pool and I'll buy you this guy for Xmas

Ecch. It's Ben Kingsley as Ma-orph-ma Gandhi. Why should you get the money? I made you a new banner as a consolation prize.

Holy crap, pENIx! I'm impressed. Hope you don't mind if I display it below since it will probably take a year or two to show up in the regular rotation.



#63 2007-11-20 11:24:36

Dirckman wrote:

Dirckman voted for November 26th because that is his birthday.... Everyone here should wish Dirckman a happy birthday and buy him stuff.............

Yeah, only a Sagittarius would dress up his wang in Barbie clothes for the amusement of the masses, and get away with doing very little professionally while still being paid well. Being lucky is a real bitch, eh Dirck?

Mine is December 9th. Everyone should be nice to everyone here on my birthday, too. I think everyone should start this today, and stop fucking with my goodbuddy Paleo. There's room for more than one witty person in the food chain.

For fuck's sake, he made the most awesome banners ever. That has to count for something....



#64 2007-11-20 11:51:08

sofaking wrote:

Mine is December 9th. Everyone should be nice to everyone here on my birthday, too. I think everyone should start this today...

Sofie, you had a recent brush with mortality. It's made you aware of how precious life is. Suddenly you value love and friendship. You want the sun to shine every day, and for little birds to land on the brim of your hat and sing sweet songs. You're probably re-reading The Wind in the Willows, Winnie the Pooh and The Secret Garden. I bet you've called some old friends you haven't talked to in years. There's nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with defending pENIx, who I admit has made my two favourite banners. Just the same, you can't ask us to be nice to each other for more than one day. Some of us have vampiric thirsts that need to be slaked. Others, like Roger, must recoup the blood they lose each month in their super-copious menstruations. I've marked off the ninth with a sweet white dove of peace trailing a banner bearing your name in its beak. That will have to suffice.



#65 2007-11-20 12:32:12

bwahaha, nice banner pALEPHx!  That earns you a name substitution redaction...

Looks like someone already beat me to it.  Oh well, it was the thought that counts.

Last edited by Roger_That (2007-11-20 12:33:14)



#66 2007-11-20 17:31:20

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

...who I admit has made my two favourite banners.

What was the other one? In fairness, the background for that was in the Pic Thread. Velvet Zombie's, I believe. I'd get more from there, if only Dusty would stop posting rather unironic porn.

Roger_That wrote:

Oh well, it was the thought that counts.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Damn. I made another post.



#67 2007-11-20 17:54:41

pALEPHx wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

...who I admit has made my two favourite banners.

What was the other one?

Now you're just fishing.

pALEPHx wrote:

Damn. I made another post.

951...and counting.



#68 2007-11-21 00:57:51

pALEPHx wrote:

DoucheEllington wrote:

blah blah blah - pot calling kettle black, etc.

Call it whatever you want. It would figure that you considered Felch clever and/or targeted. Your standards are so preciously low.

I'm not here to decide who should or can post. And I've told precisely two people to fuck off, which is made different than when you do it how, exactly? What is "that kind of behavior?" I've merely been following the example set out by 'regulars'--with an expected learning dumbing curve--and I don't give a fuck whether you find my remarks consistently entertaining. They're not meant to solely bemuse you.

I'll bet you consider what you wrote to be conciliatory or purposefully honest. You peppered it with enough "constructive criticism" to almost seem as if you actually cared about anything. You're still fumbling with the same penny ante insults others have wielded before you, and better. I'm sorry I remind you of junior high. It was clearly the last sheltered and pleasant moment in your life.

Things have obviously not fared so well since, if this is how you choose to waste our time. I don't require a consensus to tell you to bite me, but since you're not a mod or an admin, you can't really say you represent anyone either.

Ahhhh, our time... you're sounding more like the jr. high lunch lady  every day, & it's an improvement.  I'm kind of happy for you that you haven't bothered or had time to page through our comments directed at each other or at others to actually write an informed rejoinder, much less cite specific dates or write footnotes.  And the day I claim to represent anyone not myself who hasn't greased my palm with something other than flop sweat or ivillage jizz, please remind me not to work for free.  You probably have a line of e-cards in you - that would be a fine and acceptable format for such an e-minder.

Good razzmatazz`nat geo banner, btw.



#69 2007-11-21 01:24:53

WilberCuntLicker wrote:


Pale, even near blind one-eye drunk, as I am at the moment, that is fucking awesome.



#70 2007-11-21 01:51:33

DoucheEllington wrote:

Yadda, yadda, yadda...Good razzmatazz`nat geo banner, btw.

Did you have to enquote my whole post just to say that? If you dislike what I write so much, feel free to chop it down when you're doing your Feltch impression, m'kaaay?

Seriously...a few people around here need to get with the BBcode thang. And you're welcome for the mesmerizing banner, Choad, tho I don't recommend looking at it tomorrow morning.



#71 2007-11-21 08:50:19

pALEPHx wrote:

Call it whatever you want. It would figure that you considered Felch clever and/or targeted. Your standards are so preciously low.

I'm not here to decide who should or can post. And I've told precisely two people to fuck off, which is made different than when you do it how, exactly? What is "that kind of behavior?" I've merely been following the example set out by 'regulars'--with an expected learning dumbing curve--and I don't give a fuck whether you find my remarks consistently entertaining. They're not meant to solely bemuse you.

I'll bet you consider what you wrote to be conciliatory or purposefully honest. You peppered it with enough "constructive criticism" to almost seem as if you actually cared about anything. You're still fumbling with the same penny ante insults others have wielded before you, and better. I'm sorry I remind you of junior high. It was clearly the last sheltered and pleasant moment in your life.

Things have obviously not fared so well since, if this is how you choose to waste our time. I don't require a consensus to tell you to bite me, but since you're not a mod or an admin, you can't really say you represent anyone either.

DoucheEllington wrote:

Yadda, yadda, yadda...Good razzmatazz`nat geo banner, btw.

I believe you edited somethings out:Ahhhh, our time... you're sounding more like the jr. high lunch lady  every day, & it's an improvement.  I'm kind of happy for you that you haven't bothered or had time to page through our comments directed at each other or at others to actually write an informed rejoinder, much less cite specific dates or write footnotes.  And the day I claim to represent anyone not myself who hasn't greased my palm with something other than flop sweat or ivillage jizz, please remind me not to work for free.  You probably have a line of e-cards in you - that would be a fine and acceptable format for such an e-minder.

Good razzmatazz`nat geo banner, btw
Did you have to enquote my whole post just to say that? If you dislike what I write so much, feel free to chop it down when you're doing your Feltch impression, m'kaaay?

Seriously...a few people around here need to get with the BBcode thang. And you're welcome for the mesmerizing banner, Choad, tho I don't recommend looking at it tomorrow morning..

Seriously, if you weren't in AZ & probs taking online courses from the community college while your bedsores "heal,"
I'd suspect you were one of the students for whom I most dread grading papers.  Willing to talk in class ( good thing), always needing attention from the grown-ups (can be a good thing), and utterly unwilling to actually read & remember material while being incapable of listening to another student's point of view, & so focused on "expressing yourself" that there is little logical integrity or content in your commentary (makes me want to forcibly enlist you & them in the Israeli army).  I've found it almost impossible to engage in convo w/you, as you think that lame and general "insults" are witty banter.  That may be because I've worked too much with non-human primates and profoundly brain damaged & retarded humans (not in porn, alas - maybe when I've been numbed a little more to human depravity - post more links)- the stuff they do I just don't find that funny anymore.



#72 2007-11-21 16:04:56

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#73 2007-11-21 23:48:08

pALEPHx wrote:

[this page intentionally left blank]

If only you'd do that more often, Paley.



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