#1 2007-11-22 04:58:39

Just sayin'.




#2 2007-11-22 05:00:07

What I can't figure out is why the metallic taste in your mouth ad has been here since day 1.



#3 2007-11-22 12:12:10

A few minutes ago, the portal was chock fulla ads for "male hosiery" ("hosery" might have been more amusing, if only for Canadians). Face it, Google wants your blood, too. It's Cthoogle.*

(*Don't bother. The domain's already been parked.)



#4 2007-11-22 12:21:09

Google is picking up "bitter aftertaste".



#5 2007-11-22 22:55:55

I pulled a rather interesting Googly-type-advertisement the other night.  Through-out, I was wondering why in the hell it had showed up there; But, as it turns out, it actually is an advertisement.



#6 2007-11-22 23:43:08

I was all into it, and then I see it's an ad for fucking Axe? 

Now I know what it means to have that dirty feeling that won't wash away.  So I guess it was powerful in its meta-meaning, if you will.  David Spade has reached out from the internets qua internets (if you will) and made me feel dirty, while watching his opus on dirtiness, all the while being paid by corporate giants.  I am humbled.



#7 2007-11-22 23:48:50

Swell, dip shit.  Can you code it any more annoying?



#8 2007-11-23 00:29:53

MSG Tripps wrote:

Swell, dip shit.  Can you code it any more annoying?

Dear Mono-Syllabic Neanderthal,

If I - At any point - led you to believe that I was a computer programmer, then we've obviously had a bit of a misunderstanding.  To set the record straight, I am not.  I did create a few rather simplistic text-based games in DOS many years ago; However, that hardly qualifies for such complex coding as we daily face in today's internets.

You see, being incapable of creating such code myself, I tend to rely on the site hosting such clips to provide me with the proper coding for embedding their video clips.  Hey, be it for better or worse, we all get fucked sometimes.  Me, I'm simply a self-amused dipsomaniac - I've neither the need nor patience to learn the intricacies of these dangerous internets in which we roam.  Fear not for me though.  I understand that Dog watches over drunkards and little childrens.  Now, stoners, unfortunately . . .




#9 2007-11-23 00:39:04

Just saying, fuckwad, I demand choice.  This bit has given me none. 

Wait for it.....



#10 2007-11-23 00:47:40

Pah - choice. An illusion. Pull back the lens and see the big picture. Or move your cursor over the box and hit pause.
Cool Dec. A little disconcerting, but cool.



#11 2007-11-23 00:55:30

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

hit pause

Nope, I want to have a choice.  You know, whether to start or stop.  The way I see it, the ability to turn something off is not a  choice.



#12 2007-11-23 01:23:27

Decadence wrote:

I pulled a rather interesting Googly-type-advertisement the other night.

Thank You Mr. Reindeer



#13 2007-11-23 17:57:57

MSG Tripps wrote:

Just saying, fuckwad, I demand choice.  This bit has given me none.

Flash vids like that are nasty, aren't they? As an added bonus, this one featured R. Cadenhead's least favorite celeb. Mine, too, far as that goes. Wait for it, Dec. Your comuppance is near.



#14 2007-11-23 19:59:17

Hey guys, I have a great idea!  How about Decadunce or one of our ever-patient admins edits the post so autostart=false?




#15 2007-11-23 21:42:48

asdf1971 wrote:

Hey guys, I have a great idea!  How about Decadunce or one of our ever-patient admins edits the post so autostart=false?


Asstuft...I believe it's already been explained to you that chirpy requests MUST be accompanied by tit shots. Autostart=true till we see your perkies.



#16 2007-11-23 22:25:47

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

asdf1971 wrote:

Hey guys, I have a great idea!  How about Decadunce or one of our ever-patient admins edits the post so autostart=false?


Asstuft...I believe it's already been explained to you that chirpy requests MUST be accompanied by tit shots. Autostart=true till we see your perkies.

Oh I see how it is.  Now that you think I am more than 50% female, you just want to see tits.  Okay, here's a picture of my dog's nipples with some imaginary marina sauce on them.




#17 2007-11-23 22:27:05

Ha ha, you can't see it until you stop making A S D F = asstuft



#18 2007-11-24 07:05:22

Choad wrote:

Flash vids like that are nasty, aren't they? As an added bonus, this one featured R. Cadenhead's least favorite celeb. Mine, too, far as that goes.

Really?  I mean, he's certainly an annoying, little, Fuck; Still, when it comes to being an annoying celebrity, he's no Tom Cruise or Rosie O'Donnell.

Choad wrote:

Wait for it, Dec. Your comuppance is near.

I certainly hope so; Because, I am long over-due at this point.  Oh, wait . . .  You didn't mean that in the good way, did you?  Never mind.



#19 2007-11-24 10:31:35

asdf1971 wrote:

Ha ha, you can't see it until you stop making A S D F = asstuft

I'll take that as a request. God...you look like my ex-wife.



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