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#1 2012-06-01 04:43:43



#2 2012-06-01 08:19:11

I thought that Chavez was the AIDS of the Americas.



#3 2012-06-01 16:41:23

I noticed when I gave blood a couple weeks ago they ask about (and presumably test for) Chagas.

It's hardly new though-- isn't this what Charles Darwin died of?



#4 2012-06-01 18:23:23

It isn't "new"; but like all the other Turd World diseases (AIDS, Amebiasis, multi-antibiotic resistant TB, Dengue, Malaria, West Nile Disease, Hanson's Disease, not to mention bedbugs) which have come to America in recent years with the Turd World scum oozing across the border, it's new to the White people in danger of catching it.



#5 2012-06-01 19:23:11

fnord wrote:

It isn't "new"; but like all the other Turd World diseases (AIDS, Amebiasis, multi-antibiotic resistant TB, Dengue, Malaria, West Nile Disease, Hanson's Disease, not to mention bedbugs) which have come to America in recent years with the Turd World scum oozing across the border, it's new to the White people in danger of catching it.

Wait, did you happen to forget that America was settled by the Turd world - friggin Irish, Eyetalians, Poles and even the fucking Czechs!!  Lot's of cheap ass diseases also....


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