#2 2013-02-21 18:48:52

I knew the IOC was corrupt, but this places them in the same league as the Nobel Prize Committee.



#3 2013-02-21 20:12:04

Come on, Obama deserved that medal for all his hard work bringing peace to the world...

Last edited by Emmeran (2013-02-21 20:12:25)



#4 2013-02-22 14:38:05

Emmeran wrote:

Come on, Obama deserved that medal for all his hard work bringing peace to the world...

With all the shooting practice he has been getting at Camp David, he would be a shoo-in for a medal in the pentathlon.  However, he would probably need to give up smoking to get through the 3 K run.  Maybe waterboy for the basketball dream team is a better bet.



#5 2013-02-26 13:39:23

Emmeran wrote:

Come on, Obama deserved that medal for all his hard work bringing peace to the world...

And continuing it by giving guns to mexican drug cartels and continuing to bomb islamic nations that haven't attacked us.  They told me if I voted for Romney this would happen.



#6 2013-02-26 14:16:09

Egoist wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

Come on, Obama deserved that medal for all his hard work bringing peace to the world...

And continuing it by giving guns to mexican drug cartels and continuing to bomb islamic nations that haven't attacked us.  They told me if I voted for Romney this would happen.

You are really stuck on this Romney thing aren't you?



#7 2013-02-27 01:59:07

Emmeran wrote:

Egoist wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

Come on, Obama deserved that medal for all his hard work bringing peace to the world...

And continuing it by giving guns to mexican drug cartels and continuing to bomb islamic nations that haven't attacked us.  They told me if I voted for Romney this would happen.

You are really stuck on this Romney thing aren't you?

It wasn't about Romney...



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