#1 2013-02-26 22:43:41

I think the whole thing is a sham just to give them an excuse to migrate to a two party electoral system such as ours where a few dozen principle families control the majority of the power.

Call me Kathy and maybe I've been watching too much V for Vendetta...



#2 2013-02-27 09:50:10

I just can't see the average Italian getting excited enough about politics to do anything at all.



#3 2013-02-27 12:22:56

The state education system is poor, as are the universities and the health system. Most of the state-owned enterprises are hopelessly inefficient. Antique World Heritage Sites like Pompeii are crumbling away. And all the while the members of the political class are enriching themselves and handing out jobs and overpriced contracts to their friends.

So what's new?  Corrupt pols have nationalized industry, taxed the populace mercilessly, driven away entrepreneurs, and fattened their friends.  Now it's time to pay the piper, but nobody wants the pain.  So along comes Beppe with his populist message of throw the bums out.  Not much of a surprise since we are on the same track.



#4 2013-02-27 18:27:05

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I just can't see the average Italian getting excited enough about politics to do anything at all.

Agreed.  Italian Politics hasn't changed in over 100 years and the Black Market is still the best way to buy things.



#5 2013-02-28 11:12:41

phreddy wrote:

The state education system is poor, as are the universities and the health system. Most of the state-owned enterprises are hopelessly inefficient. Antique World Heritage Sites like Pompeii are crumbling away. And all the while the members of the political class are enriching themselves and handing out jobs and overpriced contracts to their friends.

So what's new?  Corrupt pols have nationalized industry, taxed the populace mercilessly, driven away entrepreneurs, and fattened their friends.  Now it's time to pay the piper, but nobody wants the pain.  So along comes Beppe with his populist message of throw the bums out.  Not much of a surprise since we are on the same track.




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