#2 2013-02-28 11:10:11

Oh sure, when the president is followed by a (D), now you care about the military.

http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/02/26/5 … re-committ



#3 2013-02-28 11:27:35

Egoist wrote:

Oh sure, when the president is followed by a (D), now you care about the military.

http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/02/26/5 … re-committ

Have you fucked yourself recently?  If not you should do so and soon.

I have no truck with fools who believe that the warriors who swear to defend our country due so based on a political belief; true patriotism is much more than that.  The only political party I subscribe to these days is followed by a (V) for veteran.  Those heading to Arlington or any other national cemetery have paid their dues to the country, their internment should not in any way be waylaid by any body politic for reasons of political leverage in a budget argument.

Your insinuation of political bent is a gross insult to those who have served and only ask for the due respect promised once their time has come.

You sir, are a troll or provocateur of the most despicable sort.



#4 2013-02-28 11:49:20

Emmeran wrote:

Egoist wrote:

Oh sure, when the president is followed by a (D), now you care about the military.

http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/02/26/5 … re-committ

Have you fucked yourself recently?  If not you should do so and soon.

I have no truck with fools who believe that the warriors who swear to defend our country due so based on a political belief; true patriotism is much more than that.  The only political party I subscribe to these days is followed by a (V) for veteran.  Those heading to Arlington or any other national cemetery have paid their dues to the country, their internment should not in any way be waylaid by any body politic for reasons of political leverage in a budget argument.

Your insinuation of political bent is a gross insult to those who have served and only ask for the due respect promised once their time has come.

You sir, are a troll or provocateur of the most despicable sort.

>Implying I'm not a veteran with two westpacs

Stop trying to cover yourself in their blood.

Facts about sequestration clearly have your grrrr-animal panties in a bunch.  A 5% reduction in discretionary spending after a 14% increase since 2008 will surely mean calamity:  parents will be eating their children, Westboro Baptist and the KKK will merge, we'll finally know what the definition of is is, etc.

http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/201 … e-disagree

They told me if I voted for Rmoney, we'd have an administration that threatens journalists... and they were right.



#5 2013-02-28 12:51:20

Eh?  Who gives a fuck about that political shit?  I stand by my stance that past and fallen warriors waiting to be interned should not in anyway be deterred by political budget maneuvering.

Go troll somewhere else...



#6 2013-02-28 14:03:10

Emmeran wrote:

Eh?  Who gives a fuck about that political shit?  I stand by my stance that past and fallen warriors waiting to be interned should not in anyway be deterred by political budget maneuvering.

Go troll somewhere else...

Where it true I would stand with you on this Em, but it just ain't so.  The Dems have conjured up every conceivable catastrophe imaginable for implementation of the sequester.  Anyone who has ever been subjected governmental wolf cries about budgets hears the same crap.  "Our children will have no teachers, crime will spiral out of control because there won't be any police, layoffs of nurses will close emergency rooms, our water will not get treated" and on and on and on. 

The whole drama is designed to make the Republicans look like the bad guys so the Dems can regain control of the House.  It is that simple.  However, I must give them props for coming up with a whole new horror.  Bodies of our poor veterans rotting in refrigerators, all because the Repubs will not compromise.  Bullshit!



#7 2013-02-28 17:14:21

Hold on to this thought: The sequestration "deep cuts" still don't amount to half of how much the budget was *increased* in the current fiscal year. In other words: If it was running last year, there would be enough money to run it this year even if ALL of the sequestration cuts were made. But if you want your new cake AND your old cake, then you can't have it.



#8 2013-02-28 17:17:03

The drama around sequestration does create a dense fog through which it is difficult to see, granted.  Regardless, the result is that the Department of Defense has to reduce planned expenditures by about $46 Billion over the next 7 months.  It is not difficult to imagine that finding ways to save that amount of money is not as simple as some High Street pundits may believe.  Phweddy, do us all a favor and give it a rest.

I am with Em on this.  It is a travesty to delay the burials, and both congress and the administration are at fault.



#9 2013-02-28 18:08:48

phreddy seems to forget the past four years of the GOP playing the same game. It is all politics. That's it. Remember all his hype about socialism, death panels, etc. Nothing different.

Nothing to see here folks. Please move on.



#10 2013-03-01 01:13:45

doesyourpussyhurt wrote:

phreddy seems to forget the past four years of the GOP playing the same game. It is all politics. That's it. Remember all his hype about socialism, death panels, etc. Nothing different.

Nothing to see here folks. Please move on.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

Yes, taxpayers should be forced to provide unlimited care to the dying, no matter how expensive the procedure, to give grandpa a little more.  That happens when you put things in the personal sphere into the government realm: the individual will always fall to the collective "good."  Ok, let's not call them death panels, but rather that they’re just panels made up of expert bureaucrats, financial advisors and doctors (maybe) who’ll decide if your treatment should be paid for.  Those socialists always run out of other people's money. 

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic … d-die.html

This isn't a dick sucking contest.  If you want to show off how much democrat donkey dick you can deep throat by ignoring the facts of sequestration, you're no different than Todd Akin.



#11 2013-03-01 06:22:27

It appears that Egoist is off his meds again.  Time to convene the panel.



#13 2013-03-01 08:44:01

Egoist wrote:

doesyourpussyhurt wrote:

phreddy seems to forget the past four years of the GOP playing the same game. It is all politics. That's it. Remember all his hype about socialism, death panels, etc. Nothing different.

Nothing to see here folks. Please move on.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

Yes, taxpayers should be forced to provide unlimited care to the dying, no matter how expensive the procedure, to give grandpa a little more.  That happens when you put things in the personal sphere into the government realm: the individual will always fall to the collective "good."  Ok, let's not call them death panels, but rather that they’re just panels made up of expert bureaucrats, financial advisors and doctors (maybe) who’ll decide if your treatment should be paid for.  Those socialists always run out of other people's money. 

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic … d-die.html

This isn't a dick sucking contest.  If you want to show off how much democrat donkey dick you can deep throat by ignoring the facts of sequestration, you're no different than Todd Akin.

Who are you, and more importantly, why do I care what you have to say?



#14 2013-03-01 10:45:29

doesyourpussyhurt wrote:

Who are you, and more importantly, why do I care what you have to say?

That's the sound of butthurt in the morning.



#15 2013-03-01 10:56:22

Fled wrote:

It appears that Egoist is off his meds again.  Time to convene the panel.

RULE 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy...
Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky



#16 2013-03-01 11:08:25

Stay on topic trolls.

I'm frankly shocked that anyone on either side of the budget argument would feel that the veteran's burial budget is an acceptable place to cut costs.  Some things should remain sacrosanct, final internment for public servants pretty much tops that list.



#17 2013-03-01 11:23:09

Egoist wrote:

doesyourpussyhurt wrote:

Who are you, and more importantly, why do I care what you have to say?

That's the sound of butthurt in the morning.

You are right. I got laid last night, and it was GOOD!



#18 2013-03-01 11:25:07

Emmeran wrote:

Stay on topic trolls.

I'm frankly shocked that anyone on either side of the budget argument would feel that the veteran's burial budget is an acceptable place to cut costs.  Some things should remain sacrosanct, final internment for public servants pretty much tops that list.

Yes it does.  However, the threat to defer internment for vets is simply another bogus threat designed to mobilize people who care to hound their congressmen to go along with the Pres on tax increases.  Em, the sequester does not reduce the federal budget.  It merely decreases the proposed increase for this year.  If there was enough money to bury vets last year, there will be enough, with a small increase, to bury them this year.  It's all a sham.



#19 2013-03-01 11:42:50

Yes Phred, it's all a sham.  These are politicians and lying to us is what they do for a living.

I trust Obama only a smidgen more that I trusted Bush; which is to say "not at all".  The Tea Party is a fantastical creation of the astro-turf sort that merely adds to the confusion.

That's all aside from the point - some things should not be threatened by anyone's political circus.  This would be one of them.

We can afford this, it's the proper thing to do and everyone just needs to shut their mouths and do it.



#20 2013-03-01 12:14:12

Surprise is not your strong suit, Phweddy.  For some unknown reason, Eqoist jumped into sucking dicks, donkey dicks and Todd Aiken.  Bringing up Saul Alinsky is every bit as rational.



#21 2013-03-01 12:55:57

Fled wrote:

Surprise is not your strong suit, Phweddy.  For some unknown reason, Eqoist jumped into sucking dicks, donkey dicks and Todd Aiken.  Bringing up Saul Alinsky is every bit as rational.

Perfectly rational when you discover someone following his script.



#22 2013-03-02 06:53:05

Since the 'donkey dick meme' has been thrown out there, can we also now also talk about elephant dicks?

On the 'dick-suckin' scale, I would imagine that an elephant dick takes a lot more suckin' than a donkey dick, but I am just speculating.

I'll be glad when people stop talking about sucking symbolic animal dicks and start talking about the real issue - sucking real international bankers dicks.



#23 2013-03-02 10:52:16

Lip shitz wrote:

I'll be glad when people stop talking about sucking symbolic animal dicks and start talking about the real issue - sucking real international bankers dicks.


The Obama administration has become a house of mirrors.

Wall Street is the wicked enemy.

Goldman Sachs is everywhere in the Obama admin.

Rise up against the evil bankers!

Pay off the evil bankers!

The evil bankers must direct our economy policy or we are doomed!

Last edited by Egoist (2013-03-02 10:52:33)



#24 2013-03-02 11:17:25

Egoist wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

I'll be glad when people stop talking about sucking symbolic animal dicks and start talking about the real issue - sucking real international bankers dicks.


The Obama administration has become a house of mirrors.

Wall Street is the wicked enemy.

Goldman Sachs is everywhere in the Obama admin.

Rise up against the evil bankers!

Pay off the evil bankers!

The evil bankers must direct our economy policy or we are doomed!

Hey! Glad to see you've caught up with 2007 already...



#25 2013-03-04 02:47:56

Emmeran wrote:

Hey! Glad to see you've caught up with 2007 already...

Maybe it's being an octogenarian or having an extra chromosome inhibits your ability to create a coherent argument?



#26 2013-03-04 06:29:24

My uniformed opinion:

Other than Obama-Care, Obama has been the most Republican ever.  He deported the illegals, he bailed out the banks, extended warrantless wire tapping, and other things I don't feel like researching.  Sequestration fixes budget issues, so I don't understand why everyone is complaining.



#27 2013-03-05 02:22:20

Wait, why are we modernizing our nuclear arsenal?  I'm sorry Ike, we should have listened to you.



#28 2013-03-05 17:58:08

Platymingo wrote:

My uniformed opinion:

Other than Obama-Care, Obama has been the most Republican ever.  He deported the illegals, he bailed out the banks, extended warrantless wire tapping, and other things I don't feel like researching.  Sequestration fixes budget issues, so I don't understand why everyone is complaining.

Obama-Care was originally a Republican idea.  They only became against it when a "Democratic" President proposed it.  Romney's state has coverage identical to Obama-Care only at the State level.



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