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  •  » So they can kill us on our own soil,but only if its a special occasion

#2 2013-03-06 02:06:00

I can understand this actually. If a plane has been hijacked and is heading for New York, I feel certain that, after 9/11, our government would shoot it down. There is no time for a trial, and the people on board are mostly innocent. But shooting it down would be the only option. I can see other circumstances where this would happen.



#3 2013-03-06 03:33:07

“And by ‘extraordinary circumstances’ I mean being conservative or a member of some tea party.”




#4 2013-03-06 10:46:06

First they need to make sure you are packing so they can't be accused of killing an unarmed person.  So, Homeland Security hasdeveloped a drone for that.  And we silly paranoids always thought death would come from a black helicopter.



#5 2013-03-06 12:45:49

It's all about maintenance costs. You can buy a good drone for what it costs just to keep even a small human-flight helicopter in spare parts. If a drone crashes, nobody important will get hurt.



#6 2013-03-06 19:48:01

phreddy wrote:

First they need to make sure you are packing so they can't be accused of killing an unarmed person.  So, Homeland Security hasdeveloped a drone for that.  And we silly paranoids always thought death would come from a black helicopter.

Actually, from what I have experienced, a heart attack is my most likely end. But you go on living that life of fearing your government.



#7 2013-03-07 02:06:04

phreddy wrote:

First they need to make sure you are packing so they can't be accused of killing an unarmed person.  So, Homeland Security hasdeveloped a drone for that.  And we silly paranoids always thought death would come from a black helicopter.

They told me if I voted for Rmoney, well you know the rest...


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