#2 2013-03-07 03:13:05

Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be proud.  I'm sure the UOCE (Union of Concerned Educators) from the state run university will say something of some consequence.



#3 2013-03-07 07:18:55

Why not Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush?  What do any of them actually have to do with this?  More likely Rick Scott or his appointees.



#4 2013-03-07 10:44:18

Fled wrote:

Why not Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush?  What do any of them actually have to do with this?  More likely Rick Scott or his appointees.

Yes because republicans dominate universities...



#5 2013-03-07 11:36:41

Gore sells out to oil barons and now this!  It can't be for the money.  Liberals would never sell out for money.  That's the exclusive purview of those nasty conservative capitalists.



#6 2013-03-07 12:30:37

Keep on topic assholes, this is about Prison Corporations and their rising power.  In this discussion the only sides are "Inside" and "Outside"



#7 2013-03-07 12:40:37

Emmeran wrote:

Keep on topic assholes, this is about Prison Corporations and their rising power.  In this discussion the only sides are "Inside" and "Outside"

Liberals in government positions accepting money/influence/favor from a prison corporation is offtopic? 

Somebody call the Waaaaaambulance.



#8 2013-03-07 13:37:54

Sock and puppet cannot resist returning to the only topic that seems to interest them. 

Prison corporations are big business in many states now.  They have a vested interest in preserving laws that will keep as many people as possible incarcerated for as long as possible, and they clearly hope to garner increased support from the game-attending public.  The situation is ripe for perverting the criminal justice system.



#9 2013-03-07 14:05:37

This sponsorship deal is ironic, in that it costs less per year to put someone through college than it does to cage them.  The six million came from taxes used to lock up potheads; it would make more economic sense to force the potheads in the correctional system to join the potheads in college who haven't been caught, and make them get degrees or occupational training in lieu of being caged.



#10 2013-03-08 12:24:24

Fled wrote:

Prison corporations are big business in many states now.  They have a vested interest in preserving laws that will keep as many people as possible incarcerated for as long as possible, and they clearly hope to garner increased support from the game-attending public.  The situation is ripe for perverting the criminal justice system.

And both parties are exploiting it.  Yet you ignore your Party when they do it.



#11 2013-03-08 15:14:50

Yet you ignore your Party when they do it.

My party?  I do not have a political party.  More to the point, are you assuming that the democratic party is pulling the strings of the athletic department of Florida Atlantic University?  Is there any evidence for that assumption?  As the republican party controls every level of Florida state government and has done so for quite a while, I would not make the assumption that democrats somehow control the financial dealings of the public universities. 

Stadiums all over the country are selling naming rights, and it is a financial matter rather than a partisan one.  In this instance, the topic is prison corporations.  Try to stay with it.



#12 2013-03-09 03:57:30

Fled wrote:

Yet you ignore your Party when they do it.

My party?  I do not have a political party.  More to the point, are you assuming that the democratic party is pulling the strings of the athletic department of Florida Atlantic University?  Is there any evidence for that assumption?  As the republican party controls every level of Florida state government and has done so for quite a while, I would not make the assumption that democrats somehow control the financial dealings of the public universities. 

Stadiums all over the country are selling naming rights, and it is a financial matter rather than a partisan one.  In this instance, the topic is prison corporations.  Try to stay with it.

>State controlled university

Pick one.



#13 2013-03-09 09:02:21


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#14 2013-03-09 09:09:04

Fled wrote:

Yet you ignore your Party when they do it.

My party?  I do not have a political party.  More to the point, are you assuming that the democratic party is pulling the strings of the athletic department of Florida Atlantic University?  Is there any evidence for that assumption?  As the republican party controls every level of Florida state government and has done so for quite a while, I would not make the assumption that democrats somehow control the financial dealings of the public universities. 

Stadiums all over the country are selling naming rights, and it is a financial matter rather than a partisan one.  In this instance, the topic is prison corporations.  Try to stay with it.

I still can't figure out what they are trying to achieve by purchasing naming rights - do you get to choose your incarceration location in Florida these days?



#15 2013-03-09 09:57:05

Looking to book snowbird vacationers?



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