#2 2013-03-07 03:13:40

Perplexing that Rand Paul has to go through this to ask a Nobel Peace Prize winner whether or not he agrees with killing U.S. citizens.



#3 2013-03-07 07:21:38

Rand Paul may be a grandstanding putz, but it is hard to imagine the need to use a drone for a kill on US soil.  I suppose it's best to never-say-never, but the circumstance would have to be truly extraordinary.



#4 2013-03-07 08:13:11

You mean truly extraordinary like allowing corporations an police to examine our dna or bodily fluids, when that is specifically outlawed by the 4th admendment.  Or maybe how you can be thrown in jail for making jokes about the tsa, when that is a clear violation of the 1st admendment?

Funny how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when corporations need it to be so.



#5 2013-03-07 11:58:33

Lip shitz wrote:

Funny how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when corporations need it to be so.

Funny how you diverted the subject of violating the constitution to corporations when it is the Obama administration which is equivocating about killing American citizens on American soil.  I should be shocked that liberal senators were not standing behind Paul in his effort, but that would presume principles are more important to them than politics.



#6 2013-03-07 12:22:46

phreddy wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

Funny how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when corporations need it to be so.

Funny how you diverted the subject of violating the constitution to corporations when it is the Obama administration which is equivocating about killing American citizens on American soil.  I should be shocked that liberal senators were not standing behind Paul in his effort, but that would presume principles are more important to them than politics.

Wait - you're assuming that among politicians principles would out weigh politics?  It appears you live in Xanadu, please let me know how to join you there.



#7 2013-03-07 12:43:22

Fled wrote:

... but it is hard to imagine the need to use a drone for a kill on US soil.  I suppose it's best to never-say-never, but the circumstance would have to be truly extraordinary.

If they possibly show tea party related sympathies, aren't militant SPLC supporters, etc. - Holder



#8 2013-03-07 13:42:38

Phweddy - If you check the record, you will find that at least one democrat (and I believe more) did help Rand in the filibuster. 

Egoist - What the fuck are you talking about?  Return to planet earth, or don't.



#9 2013-03-07 14:20:42

phreddy wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

Funny how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when corporations need it to be so.

Funny how you diverted the subject of violating the constitution to corporations when it is the Obama administration which is equivocating about killing American citizens on American soil.  I should be shocked that liberal senators were not standing behind Paul in his effort, but that would presume principles are more important to them than politics.

Phreddy, there was no diversion.  The whole reason obama and company can be so satisfied that it is fine and dandy to kill innocent americans on american soil is because the constitution was rendered null and void by the Dick Cheney administration when the patriot act and the homeland security act was passed.

Why was it passed?  Because exxon and haliburton wanted those iraqi oil fields.  Why did they want them?  Certainly not to send oil to america.  That oil is and was always destined for china and india.  I remind the flag wavers that their sons and daughters died so china could have a good supply of oil.

So, therefore, drones can killyou because we have no valid constitution.  We have no valid constitution because it was killed for corporations convenience and profit.

If you want to argue politics, please be more prepared.



#10 2013-03-07 20:08:25

Lip shitz wrote:

phreddy wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

Funny how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when corporations need it to be so.

Funny how you diverted the subject of violating the constitution to corporations when it is the Obama administration which is equivocating about killing American citizens on American soil.  I should be shocked that liberal senators were not standing behind Paul in his effort, but that would presume principles are more important to them than politics.

Phreddy, there was no diversion.  The whole reason obama and company can be so satisfied that it is fine and dandy to kill innocent americans on american soil is because the constitution was rendered null and void by the Dick Cheney administration when the patriot act and the homeland security act was passed.

Why was it passed?  Because exxon and haliburton wanted those iraqi oil fields.  Why did they want them?  Certainly not to send oil to america.  That oil is and was always destined for china and india.  I remind the flag wavers that their sons and daughters died so china could have a good supply of oil.

So, therefore, drones can killyou because we have no valid constitution.  We have no valid constitution because it was killed for corporations convenience and profit.

If you want to argue politics, please be more prepared.

A little revolution, now and again, is a good thing.



#11 2013-03-07 21:55:20

politics looks you in the eye and says, 'who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?'  That doesn't make me mad, because used car salesmen have to try to sell cars. 

What makes me angry is that there are actual human beings who fall for it.  And the even sadder part is that some human beings actually indentify themselves based on the lies.



#12 2013-03-08 10:53:40

Silly me.  I forgot the mantra.  It's all Bush's fault.  Obama really wants to curtail the drone program, but it just has so much momentum that it has grown exponentially since he took office.  Damn that Cheney!  He's using Vulcan mind control to force Obama to build drones and kill people.



#13 2013-03-08 12:11:59

Lip shitz wrote:

phreddy wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

Funny how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when corporations need it to be so.

Funny how you diverted the subject of violating the constitution to corporations when it is the Obama administration which is equivocating about killing American citizens on American soil.  I should be shocked that liberal senators were not standing behind Paul in his effort, but that would presume principles are more important to them than politics.

Phreddy, there was no diversion.  The whole reason obama and company can be so satisfied that it is fine and dandy to kill innocent americans on american soil is because the constitution was rendered null and void by the Dick Cheney administration when the patriot act and the homeland security act was passed.

Why was it passed?  Because exxon and haliburton wanted those iraqi oil fields.  Why did they want them?  Certainly not to send oil to america.  That oil is and was always destined for china and india.  I remind the flag wavers that their sons and daughters died so china could have a good supply of oil.

So, therefore, drones can killyou because we have no valid constitution.  We have no valid constitution because it was killed for corporations convenience and profit.

If you want to argue politics, please be more prepared.

I know you're joking because you can't possibly be this stupid.



#14 2013-03-08 14:09:42

Egoist wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

phreddy wrote:

Funny how you diverted the subject of violating the constitution to corporations when it is the Obama administration which is equivocating about killing American citizens on American soil.  I should be shocked that liberal senators were not standing behind Paul in his effort, but that would presume principles are more important to them than politics.

Phreddy, there was no diversion.  The whole reason obama and company can be so satisfied that it is fine and dandy to kill innocent americans on american soil is because the constitution was rendered null and void by the Dick Cheney administration when the patriot act and the homeland security act was passed.

Why was it passed?  Because exxon and haliburton wanted those iraqi oil fields.  Why did they want them?  Certainly not to send oil to america.  That oil is and was always destined for china and india.  I remind the flag wavers that their sons and daughters died so china could have a good supply of oil.

So, therefore, drones can killyou because we have no valid constitution.  We have no valid constitution because it was killed for corporations convenience and profit.

If you want to argue politics, please be more prepared.

I know you're joking because you can't possibly be this stupid.

As an engineer in the oil and gas industry for 30 years, i often have to explain to political pundits the truth.  Just because it is inconvenient for you to believe freely available evidence does not make me stupid, it makes you stupid.

If you want to know the truth, just ask.  Otherwise, i'm not interested in wasting my time trying to educate your dumb ass.  In the interest of peace, i will try once more.

Here are the facts:
1) the only reason to invade iraq was to capture the largest untapped oil fields in the world.
2)i these oil fields were not under western control.
3)the largest future market for oil, in the world is china- america's demand is dropping.
4) a whole logistical system is now being built to transport that oil to china.
5) if you look at a map, you will notice two countries between iraq and china that are not under our control - afganistan and iran.  Ring a bell?

If you can't figure the rest out yourself, please go cry to someone who cares about your willful ignorance.



#15 2013-03-08 14:21:08

And another thing- none of this has a god damn thing to do with bush or obama.  Both of them just do what their corporate overlords tell them to do.

The drones, the prison camps, the loss of constitutional rights are for the future....when they will be needed as it becomes clear, to even the retards, that philosophical america doesn't exist anymore.



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