#2 2013-03-10 03:16:16

Children and small adults have always been abducted by swarms of ravenous Florida mosquitoes, their shriveled husks dropped back to earth after the blood had been drained from them.  The only difference this will make is that larger adults can now be taken away by mosquito swarms.

Last edited by fnord (2013-03-10 03:18:37)



#3 2013-03-10 10:41:20

I don't know from the species; but if that article is being honest about the "actual size" of these nasty creatures, we had 'em that big and bigger in Eastern NC when I was growing up.  I've seen 'em nearly as big here in San Antonio.

When I was a teenager we were hanging someplace around one balmy evening and I felt an ache in my calf.  The ache persisted a couple seconds so I looked down.  There was a skeeter nearly the size of my hand (size includes those long spindly horrible legs, of course; not just the body).  It was partially wrapped  around my lower leg and sucking away.

I had what was probably the wrongest possible reaction:  I clobbered that monster with the palm of my hand--and it burst.  It must have been nearly full.

I can still recall the smell of the blood, and the bits of skeeter, plastered to my hand and my leg with my own blood.

I fucking hate mosquitos.



#4 2013-03-10 11:11:07

set to invade Florida this summer

Well now that we know of their plan shouldn't we call in the army and set up some defenses?



#5 2013-03-10 11:13:07



#6 2013-03-10 16:36:53

Horsefly bites hurt far more than any mosquito.  Thankfully, we don't have them in Seattle.



#7 2013-03-10 19:40:32

I hope they develop a taste for love bugs.



#8 2013-03-12 02:30:39

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I hope they develop a taste for love bugs.

That would be ideal.  Love bugs are disgusting.



#9 2013-03-12 11:47:30

I was reading an article the other day (which I am way to lazy to look up) that told us of the news of a new endangered species... crab lice.  Seems with all that muffin shaving that they no longer have a habitat.  I await the environmentalists screaming that women have caused the decline of yet another species and demand furry plots return.



#10 2013-03-12 12:16:38

They can have my  crotch razor when they pry it from my warm, soapy fingers.

It's getting so you can't go outside anywhere in Florida.



#11 2013-03-12 12:25:26

whosasailorthen wrote:

I was reading an article the other day (which I am way to lazy to look up) that told us of the news of a new endangered species... crab lice.  Seems with all that muffin shaving that they no longer have a habitat.  I await the environmentalists screaming that women have caused the decline of yet another species and demand furry plots return.

Sad story here - I actually caught the crabs while in the field at Camp Pendleton.  Nothing fucking worse than getting a case of the crabs and not even getting laid for the trouble.  I had been in boot camp 9 weeks at that point, it was just miserable.  Went down to Sick Bay and the fucking Doc marched me around showing a bunch of their Newbies what a severe case of the crabs looked like, I had more people handle my junk in a single morning than one would ever imagine possible outside of a porn convention.   Considering the circumstances it wasn't a joyful experience; as I was only a recruit I was required to stand at attention while all of these people examined the infestation of my genitals - over and fucking over again.

I wish I could say that I popped a boner just to fuck with them - but no the body refused to accommodate.



#12 2013-03-12 12:50:45

GooberMcNutly wrote:


Actually you've tagged on a serious pet peeve of mine (no pun intended); any animal that must be caged, tied, chained or otherwise restrained is not a pet and shouldn't be allowed to be kept as such.  At best they are living art and it's completely rude & cruel to restrain them from their natural desires and habitat.

A pet is an animal which co-habits with you on reciprocative terms, these reptile people piss me off to the highest degree; my fucking eldest brother is one of them and that asshole gave my son a turtle which I was forced to confine in a miserable habitat for 12 fucking years.  I have several actual pets and their freedom is only restricted for safety reasons, I really don't want them to get hit by a car.  I don't consider myself a PETA person and in fact I despise that organization - I'm more of a Temple Grandin type.

Sorry for my rant but I seriously hate that people bring these creatures into foreign environs just to amuse themselves...



#13 2013-03-12 21:49:19

The article in question.



#14 2013-03-16 12:47:59

Just want to say that I heartily agree with Em above.



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