#1 2013-02-12 08:41:36

Where I grew up on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and where I still maintain a house, there has been a serial arsonist working in my county, Accomac, since November. In the last 3 months they have burned down more than 40 unoccupied structures, usually abandoned houses or barns, but sometimes just unoccupied houses. Often they have burned more than one in a night.


All of the arsons have been in a single county, never across the line into Maryland or down into Northampton County. Obviously the police have been working overtime to try to figure it out, but they don't have even the most tenuous lead.

So the question remains: Who is it? You all are most excellent at jumping to conclusions, so let's hear them. Neighborhood cleanup vigilante or extra sneaky kid? Bored firefighter? What would cause someone to go out night after night and burn down abandoned buildings (of which Accomac probably has 2,000+) yet be smart enough to keep the cops guessing after nearly 3 months of intensive investigation in a small county?



#2 2013-02-12 08:55:33

Jewish Lightning, subcontracted to moonlighting firefighters.



#3 2013-02-12 09:23:13

We had one in our neighborhood. He loved to burn down new unoccupied homes. I guess they love the thrill of the fire but don't want to hurt anyone. He was caught a few years ago but started up again as soon as he was released. Funny thing is, it took about five more new unoccupied houses being destroyed in our small town over the span of a couple of months before the cops went and talked to this guy . Great detective work.

BTW, he was a pissed off loner kid just out of high school.



#4 2013-02-12 09:57:39

There was one in houston a while back.  He really did the area a great service.  He only burned houses that needed to be burned.  It actually revitalized a derelict area that is now home to hipsters and folks that watch hgtv.



#5 2013-02-12 11:32:21

+1 on the firefighter.  That's where I'd put my money.



#6 2013-02-12 12:27:42

Perhaps we can convince him to move to Detroit...



#7 2013-02-12 12:47:00

Emmeran wrote:

Perhaps we can convince him to move to Detroit...

Happy to contribute matches and kerosene.



#8 2013-02-12 12:47:29

I thought the same thing sailor. Always check who gets the most out of an action first.



#9 2013-02-12 13:18:58

Yep, the arsonist turns out to be a fireman.



#10 2013-02-12 17:18:36

Of course all of the armchair profilers around here pick "firefighters" too, but I'm sure that both the County Mounties and the state coppers have them all under the microscope already.

I agree with Em, we could use his services around where I'm living now. I know he's raising the property values all up and down the Shore. I'm just a bit worried because we lose our tenants on March 1 and then my house will be vacant probably at least until the summer.

Now, where did I leave that phone number for my insurance guy...



#11 2013-02-12 19:27:40

My armchair guess:  It's a literal pyromaniac--someone who gets off sexually from setting and watching fires.  He's young, maybe even below driving age.  He doesn't torch occupied structures because that would cause too much commotion/repercussions, but the fires get him off so he can't stop. 

This would explain why the cops haven't caught him yet...an older person would confide in someone at some point; a firefighter would arouse suspicion among his co-workers; but in my theory, a pubescent boy is keeping a shameful secret--he isn't telling anyone anything, and he's taking all the precautions he can think of to avoid being exposed.

You just remember to update this thread when he's caught, so we all know who turned out to be right.



#12 2013-02-12 20:10:14

George Orr wrote:

My armchair guess:  It's a literal pyromaniac--someone who gets off sexually from setting and watching fires.  He's young, maybe even below driving age.  He doesn't torch occupied structures because that would cause too much commotion/repercussions, but the fires get him off so he can't stop. 

This would explain why the cops haven't caught him yet...an older person would confide in someone at some point; a firefighter would arouse suspicion among his co-workers; but in my theory, a pubescent boy is keeping a shameful secret--he isn't telling anyone anything, and he's taking all the precautions he can think of to avoid being exposed.

You just remember to update this thread when he's caught, so we all know who turned out to be right.

Right on, GO. Add the detective skills to your resume.The arsonist in my neighborhood is that guy.



#13 2013-02-12 20:33:58

I'm going with the radical neighborhood clean-up arsonist.



#14 2013-02-12 21:59:35

My only issue with the 'kid' theory is that he'd have to be able to get out often enough, and he'd have to have ready access to lots of burning supplies (petrol, etc.) and that costs money.  So, if your flamer *is* a kid, he's a rich kid.

I'm still banking on a young (19-35) firefighter.



#15 2013-02-12 23:08:16

I've known two major arsonists, both of which did some major national news level shit.  They were both single moms, they were both short, left handed and too ugly too fuck.



#16 2013-02-13 06:04:08

I've been watching this story since the start (I'm just $12 away from there).  I am guessing more than one person.  One dedicated arsonist who knows how to start a fire and get away (volunteer firefighter, maybe). And the occasional opportunist, who comes along and throws in unrelated evidence that is screwing up the investigation.

Out in Caroline County, VA, near where I grew up, a volunteer firefighter started setting fires in abandoned buildings.  He got caught when he rolled his truck, trying to get away before the fire got going.



#17 2013-02-13 10:41:29

Dirckman wrote:

I've known two major arsonists, both of which did some major national news level shit.  They were both single moms, they were both short, left handed and too ugly too fuck.

Thanks, Ill pass that on to the authorities. Unfortunately, except for being a south paw, that describes most of the porch monkey breeders on the Shore.

I don't like the "kid" angle. What kid, even sexually repressed, can keep a secret for that long? It doesn't cost much money, maybe 1/2 gallon of fuel, a pack of matches and a cigarette for a delayed fuse, but you have to be able to come and go at all hours and not be noticed. But buildings have been burned right on the main road and nobody has reported strange cars in the area.

I can't put it down to a neighborhood beautification process either. Some of the houses burned have been very historical including two built before the Revolution.

Perhaps this one will just keep working until they feel the job is done and go back underground for a while. They dropped out for nearly a month over the holidays. Maybe they work at WalMart and couldn't get the time off.

I'm keeping an eye on the story and if they catch them Ill be sure to let everyone know. When they do, I'm sure they won't get the usual lenient "20 years and all suspended except time served" that our judges usually hand out because we're too broke to feed people in jail.



#18 2013-02-13 16:55:56

I live in an area which has far more undeveloped timber and range land than urban areas.  Arsonists here tend to be seasonal fire fighters who get paid to fight the wildfires they set. The sexual gratification sort, on the other hand, could easily be hiding in a firehouse disguised as a real fireman.  They are drawn to this profession much like pedos are drawn to youth activity counseling.  I'm betting it is neither in this case.

My bet is on two or three young men who hang out together, get drunk, snort crank, and engage in their favorite sport.  They will fuck up eventually and get caught.



#19 2013-02-13 19:13:19

I still think it is a community-conscious hipster who thinks he can improve the neighborhood by attracting metrosexuals and people who drive priuses.

The reason you can't catch him is because he burned some historic houses - not the normal MO for a regular hipster, but this hipster watches Bob Villa and he knows that historic houses are very expensive to renovate into metrosuxual apartments.

How will you catch him?  Go to starbucks and wait till some guy comes in with a singed beard.



#20 2013-02-14 08:40:19

Lip shitz wrote:

Go to starbucks and wait till some guy comes in with a singed beard.

One of the singularly most attractive aspects of living on the Shore is that there isn't a single Starbucks in either county. (Shhh, don't tell corporate...)



#21 2013-02-15 18:32:05

It could be Goober himself roasting his weenie over an open flame, it's always the character you least suspect that turns out to be guilty. If his real name is Butler then I think we have this case solved.



#22 2013-02-17 08:20:23

Tall Paul wrote:

It could be Goober himself roasting his weenie over an open flame, it's always the character you least suspect that turns out to be guilty. If his real name is Butler then I think we have this case solved.

I can't deny this analysis, but I would expect a little more 'flair' from Goob.  It's easy to burn a house, but, and I may be wrong about this, I would expect someone of Goob's brain wattage would do something much more interesting, like trying to burn down stop signs or putting shit colored food color in the milk supply.

Anyone can create havoc, but to do it with real class and style.....



#23 2013-02-18 10:54:50

I am humbled by your confidence, but I am a Monday Morning Quarterback on this one as I am currently residing 870 miles away. Plus, if I was to burn down houses I would be sure to leave lots of literature from the local Baptists or Acorn Office, or both, just to make sure everyone is feeling the love.

About the only thing I could do is fuck up your chicken supply, and there is very little I could do to that that Perdue or Mountaire hasn't already tried.



#24 2013-04-03 02:40:26

GooberMcNutly wrote:

Where I grew up on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and where I still maintain a house, there has been a serial arsonist working in my county, Accomac, since November. In the last 3 months they have burned down more than 40 unoccupied structures, usually abandoned houses or barns, but sometimes just unoccupied houses. Often they have burned more than one in a night.

If this was the location this thread was about, it seems they've been arrested. Former Firefighter, girlfriend charged with arsons



#25 2013-04-03 02:54:05

nfidelbastard wrote:

GooberMcNutly wrote:

Where I grew up on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and where I still maintain a house, there has been a serial arsonist working in my county, Accomac, since November. In the last 3 months they have burned down more than 40 unoccupied structures, usually abandoned houses or barns, but sometimes just unoccupied houses. Often they have burned more than one in a night.

If this was the location this thread was about, it seems they've been arrested. Former Firefighter, girlfriend charged with arsons

No, No, NO video news - we don't come here to watch TV; we are, if you hadn't noticed, readers.



#26 2013-04-03 03:09:36

Emmeran wrote:

No, No, NO video news - we don't come here to watch TV; we are, if you hadn't noticed, readers.

Fine, Here are written words.



#27 2013-04-03 03:26:12

Damn - I'd bet they had hot sex after each and every fire.  Do think the dates of the fires could actually be tied to her ovary cycle?



#28 2013-04-03 07:52:26




#29 2013-04-03 09:00:14

Emmeran wrote:

Damn - I'd bet they had hot sex after each and every fire.

That's the first thing that ran through my head when they were caught. I thought they were just another couple out looking to get some nookie and maybe smoke a rock or crystal or two, but as the story developed, it seemed like more a Jack and Diane kind of thing.

BTW, pretty much every male over the age of 30 on the Shore is a "former firefighter" as the VFD and the VFW are the two biggest social clubs after the churches. Pretty much everyone I know has been a volunteer firefighter at one time or another.

So far I would have to say that Platymingo hit the nail closest on the head. One arsonist, one wheelman (who was a woman, but I refuse to say "wheelwoman"). Good job.

Now the media circus is really going to grind into motion. We have the Marcus Shale of ignorant rednecks that would love to give their learned opinions on TV, so I'm expecting hours of entertaining interviews with all of their high school classmates, coworkers, fellow parishoners and the like.



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