#1 2014-04-17 13:26:19

When Obama told Vladi he, "Would have more flexibility after the election", I wonder if he foresaw the Pandora's box he was opening.

The leaflet then described which documents Jews should provide: "ID and passport are required to register your Jewish religion, religious documents of family members, as well as documents establishing the rights to all real estate property that belongs to you, including vehicles."

Consequences for non-compliance will result in citizenship being revoked "and you will be forced outside the country with a confiscation of property." A registration fee of $50 would be required, it said.



#2 2014-04-17 13:33:26

So wait - are you anti-Obama and thus pro-Putin?



#3 2014-04-17 13:46:47

Somehow Obama is connected to Russian thugs in Ukraine who hate Jews? Phreddy, that's a stretch even for you. Try to keep your criticism of Obama grounded in reality by critiquing actions he's clearly responsible for in his capacity as President of the United States.



#4 2014-04-17 13:55:20

fnord wrote:

Somehow Obama is connected to Russian thugs in Ukraine who hate Jews? Phreddy, that's a stretch even for you. Try to keep your criticism of Obama grounded in reality by critiquing actions he's clearly responsible for in his capacity as President of the United States.

Oh please fnord.  Do you really believe Putin when he says he has no control over the thugs in Ukraine?  Because everyone else in the world knows they work directly for him.  I didn't say Obama was complicit in Putin's invasion.  But, his self-important ego combined with a glaring ignorance of geopolitical power have combined to cause a shit storm worldwide problems.



#5 2014-04-17 19:15:34

phreddy wrote:

......his self-important ego combined with a glaring ignorance of geopolitical power have combined to cause a shit storm worldwide problems.




#6 2014-04-17 23:08:30

How soon we forget......reality.



#7 2014-04-20 14:38:32

It's wrong to blame Obama for things like this when it's really his handlers who are at fault.  And since Bush II also took his marching orders from essentially the same set of handlers, it makes little sense to argue whether he or Obama would have handled any given situation in better or worse fashion.  What's left to us is only the opportunity to put forth our reasons for preferring one over the other in the role of Spokesmodel in Chief.



#9 2014-04-20 18:22:33

As much as I hate to say this:  "Where the hell is Dick Cheney's scary ass when we need him?"



#10 2014-04-21 14:53:33

Oops, it was all a hoax.

"I'm asking those behind this not to make us tools in this game," he said. Anti-Semitic incidents in the Russian-speaking east were "rare, unlike in Kiev and western Ukraine,"



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