#1 2014-06-18 10:54:01

In a major blow to the Washington Redskins, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday canceled six federal trademarks of the “Washington Redskins” team name because it was found to be “disparaging” to Native Americans.

The best suggestion I have heard lately is to rename them the Foreskins to honor the all the dickheads we send to Washington DC.



#2 2014-06-18 20:29:57

Patrick O'Rourke came up with the Detroit Niggers years ago. For those who want more options try: OTHER STUPID OFFENSIVE FOOTBALL TEAM NAMES and don't forget the comments.



#3 2014-06-18 20:40:16

Jeezsus, people really have too much time on their hands.  Who really gives a fuck if they name their team after aboriginal warriors who would decorate their bodies with red clay before battle.



#5 2014-06-18 23:12:24

Let's get that rename train a running:


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#6 2014-06-19 10:35:12

Not that I really give a shit, but if the team roster wasn't full of niggers, I would suggest giving them a name like the Celtic Warriors and be done with the whole thing.



#7 2014-06-19 13:44:14

Emmeran wrote:

Let's get that rename train a running:


We already know the Cleveland Indians, Golden State Warriors, Atlanta Braves, and the KC Chiefs have to go, but there are others:

Chicago has the Blackhawks and the White Sox, both obviously racist. 
For Christ's sake, the Milwaukee Bucks are as bad as it gets.
The name San Antonio Spurs represent cruelty to horses on its face.
The names S.F. Giants and N.Y. Giants are offensive to midgets.
The 49'ers discriminate against all of us who came to California after that date.
Orlando Magic offends the Christian mind.
Sacramento and L.A. Kings represent everything our founding fathers fought against.
The name Celtics is like fingernails on a chalkboard for non-Irish everywhere.
The name Yankees really pisses off all those southerners still fighting the good fight.
Detroit Red Wings is offensive to every Hells Angel who never earned his.

I could go on, but I'll leave some for the rest of you.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by phreddy (2014-06-19 13:47:11)



#8 2014-06-20 08:59:03

The Redskins name is offensive to Native Americans in the same way that gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage.



#9 2014-06-20 13:00:10

Scotty wrote:

The Redskins name is offensive to Native Americans in the same way that gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage.

Not even close.  Someone being offended because you call them a redskin, or spick, or nigger is real.  Gay marriage being a threat to traditional marriage is a delusion.  If anything threatens "traditional" marriages, it's alcoholism, drug abuse, spousal abuse, ignorance, poverty, and a primitive interpretation of the Old Testament by heterosexual Christians.  40 to 50 Percent of heterosexual marriages end in divorce, and you can't blame Gay Marriage on any of them.  You might blame one or both partners turning out to be homosexuals, but that's not the same thing.



#10 2014-06-23 14:30:02

Scotty wrote:

The Redskins name is offensive to Native Americans in the same way that gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage.

The Redskins name is offensive to Native Americans in the same way beheading of Shiites by Sunnis is offensive to the average high schooler.  99.9% don't really give a rats ass.



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