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  •  » Das Kapital. Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the new model

#1 2020-05-05 10:41:20

Is Capitalism dead?  No, but it's definitely evolving.

But will the US Government get the memo?



#2 2020-05-05 15:26:05

People need to get over the idea that there can be such a thing as "Compassionate Capitalism". Capitalism, as St. Gordon Gecko reminds us, is about greed. It's about a 100% self interested party in direct and even competition with every other interested party to buy low and sell high. There is no trickle down, up, sideways or in-n-out. If you want that, what you want is something else, not Capitalism.

The issue here is the concept of even playing fields. If one party pays the government to un-balance the field for their own interest, that isn't Capitalism anymore either.

Unfortunately most people can't hold more than 2 options in their heads and they are hard wired to consider one "good" and one "bad".



#3 2020-05-13 10:52:08

Further proof that Capitalism is eroding.

The latest threat to the economy: people are saving money instead of spending it.

Last edited by Baywolfe (2020-05-13 10:52:27)



#4 2020-05-13 14:50:37

What does it tell you when the economy is crashing because people are spending money only on necessities?

Last edited by GooberMcNutly (2020-05-13 14:50:50)



#5 2020-05-13 16:49:14

Well, the Market dropped over 516 points today.  So it tells me that our entire economy is based on people going to work almost exclusively so they can buy things.  Without the consumer economy, rich people have a limit on how much money their investments can earn.  If this were to continue, Trust Fund Babies and descendants could bankrupt themselves within three generations.


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