#2 2022-03-01 17:37:06

...or because of the breaking of a series of agreements with Russia, including the promise by Washington not to extend NATO beyond the borders of a unified Germany, not to deploy thousands of NATO troops in Eastern Europe, not to meddle in the internal affairs of nations on the Russia’s border and the refusal to implement the Minsk II peace agreement. The invasion of Ukraine would, I expect, never have happened if these promises had been kept. Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry.

This!  America blames Russia for doing the very same thing we do in Central America.  I figured that when Agent Orange pulled us out of NATO that the order came from Moscow.  I did not know about the stiff-arm on the Minsk II agreement.  I mean, it's pure shit, or at least "problematic", but it's all they have right now.



#3 2022-03-02 08:57:03

Wow, you two really on top of your game with this one.

First off he's confirming what folks like ron Paul have been saying all along.  Glad we agree. 

Regularly watch (at moment only via VPN) Hedges' show "On Contact" on....wait for it ....RT **gasp**
...along with Dennis Miller (+One), William Shatner (I Don't Understand--like most posters on Cruelery), Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight), Alex Salmand (Alex Salmand Show), Holland Cooke (The Big Picture), Afshin Rattansi (Going Underground), Ross Ashcroft (Renegade Inc.), Mike Papantonio (America's Lawyer), Steve Malzberg (Eat The Press), Jesse Ventura (The World According To Jessee) and one of my faves:  Max Keiser and his  "Keiser Report".  Actually, a better, wider, dare I say "diverse" viewing of opinions/news on RT than on our garbage-dog-wagging MSM.


BTW: Sure glad I (front row R) snagged this selfie with Mriya when i had the chance. 
Not pleased with Vlad upon hearing of her destruction.

That's all...back to your news infusion from that guy Rachel Maddow.

Last edited by JetRx (2022-03-02 09:22:25)



#4 2022-03-02 14:02:53

Uh, i don't have/use a TV. I get most of my news sources from overseas, etc. You watch TV? How quaint.



#5 2022-03-02 16:03:26

https://scheerpost.com/2022/02/27/hedge … il-is-war/

JetRx wrote:

Wow, you two really on top of your game with this one.

First off he's confirming what folks like ron Paul have been saying all along.  Glad we agree.

I second what Scheer says about the nature of war. And appreciate the effort to inject some self awareness for Americans about what military policy we pursue for our own war machine. Something Americans have little self reflection about. Not the east because it is obfuscated and sold part and parcel to us as a package deal.

But he is a bit lacking at pointing out the self interest that Putin plays up in his own war mongering. Maybe he does so elsewhare in his reporting. Russia is no victim in this game deserving justice. There is no justice to be found in war it seems to me.



#6 2022-03-02 19:13:56

MonkeyMan wrote:

Uh, i don't have/use a TV. I get most of my news sources from overseas, etc. You watch TV? How quaint.

Quaint folks watching those damn TVs! 
Guessed you missed the part about VPN

muh sources, yea right. 




#7 2022-03-02 19:42:10

I don't like the medium, vpn or otherwise. It makes people stupid, oh wait ...

Last edited by MonkeyMan (2022-03-02 19:50:58)



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