#1 2024-06-06 17:33:07

More Idiots Believing Idiotic Shite:




#2 2024-06-06 18:50:23

Fuck it. I say let the Rapture happen. Get all these fuckwits out of my breathing space.



#3 2024-06-06 21:12:43

BorderCount wrote:

Fuck it. I say let the Rapture happen. Get all these fuckwits out of my breathing space.

You know, I'd be down for that, would even put something something in the collection plate every Sunday to hurry it along, but it is just wishing on a star with these people. And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. They never put their money where their mouth is. The doctrine is all wrong, it doesn't require them to take enough personal responsibility for the Rapture.

If only they had a doctrine of "going all in" like the good folks from Heaven's Gate. Hopping a ride on that passing star, no more wishy washy wishing there.



#4 2024-06-06 23:05:18

Most, if not all, the Evangelical leaders are cowards.  They don't want to die, they want money, money, money.



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