#1 2009-02-19 12:32:15

Man's rights trampled by gestapo (local police and secret service) for having anti-Obama sign in car....

So long, Bill of Rights!

We'll know how many former Clinton aids really work for Obama if this guy mysteriously dies in a plane accident in the next few weeks... hehehehe

http://www.newsok.com/okc-officer-pulls … nes_widget



#2 2009-02-19 12:41:35

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'



#3 2009-02-19 12:57:31


When do we get to see dead-soldier coffins?



#4 2009-02-19 13:12:08

Oh, that's right... the Patriot Act enhanced the Bill of Rights.



#5 2009-02-19 13:40:55

oklahoma is so hot right now.



#6 2009-02-19 13:56:59

headkicker_girl wrote:

Oh, that's right... the Patriot Act enhanced the Bill of Rights.

I keep forgetting that, too. Happily, Ptah will continue to enlighten us.



#7 2009-02-19 14:34:37

http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/t … ldier.html
Just remember, what is good for the terrorist could very well be good for you.



#8 2009-02-19 16:59:49

Dmtdust wrote:

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'

The real story here is that these cops are all fucked up.  They're not supposed to pick on Xtians or conservatives in Oklahoma.  Something is amiss in the Oklahoma City PD.  I'll bet the cop who pulled him over is a closet gay.



#9 2009-02-19 18:29:33

Dmtdust wrote:

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'

A change in administration only means a change in who gets harassed.  While part of me is not-so-secretly thrilled when the fundy nuts and anti-choice freaks are harassed, I realize it isn’t in my long term interests for it to be ok for the authorities to harass people I consider shit-eating assholes.



#10 2009-02-19 18:30:07

Dmtdust wrote:

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'

My point, exactly.

When the right was doing this, everyone was up in arms....

Now that the left is pulling this crap, it's all good.

Again, I don't remember seeing anyone get their house searched over a bumper sticker but, hey, if you want to call apples-oranges, who am I to complain?

Believe me, I was (and am) just as concerned as you at any presidents trampling of the Bill of Rights. The only reason I wasn't frothing at the mouth about it then was that we had folks like HKG (and her dad) on here doing it in spades.

I doubt you can find a post of me defending the government for trampling someones 1st amendment rights.

Again, I find it funny how whenever anyone posts anything anti-left wing, it is ridiculed and decried "not cruel/not high street" but HKG (and her dad) can start all the anti-right threads they want and it's all good. I was told, "if it doesn't involve homo-bathroom sex or kiddie porn, then it is for drudge" by the same conceptually-challenged moron who posted a thread dedicated to slamming some minor-league right-wing wacko.

So, now that The One is in charge, if I'm not here to point out when he starts shredding the Constitution, nobody will.



#11 2009-02-19 18:32:12

fnord wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'

A change in administration only means a change in who gets harassed.  While part of me is not-so-secretly thrilled when the fundy nuts and anti-choice freaks are harassed, I realize it isn’t in my long term interests for it to be ok for the authorities to harass people I consider shit-eating assholes.

I'm actually ok with everything right up to the secret service showing up to search the guys house (over a bumper sticker).

I would even consider it more palatable if, say, this guy was screaming to terminate Obama on the internets... but that bumper sticker is obvious in its meaning, making the cops and the S.S. look like gestapo stooges.



#12 2009-02-19 18:49:56

Ptah, you got some splannin to do!  How were you able to piece together that Aladdinsane is HKG’s dad?  He must be saddened by the fact that she’s such a leftist.  And please, don’t be shy!  Name the “conceptually-challenged moron” you referred to.



#13 2009-02-19 18:50:11

ptah13 wrote:

fnord wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'

A change in administration only means a change in who gets harassed.  While part of me is not-so-secretly thrilled when the fundy nuts and anti-choice freaks are harassed, I realize it isn’t in my long term interests for it to be ok for the authorities to harass people I consider shit-eating assholes.

I'm actually ok with everything right up to the secret service showing up to search the guys house (over a bumper sticker).

I would even consider it more palatable if, say, this guy was screaming to terminate Obama on the internets... but that bumper sticker is obvious in its meaning, making the cops and the S.S. look like gestapo stooges.

I think it's bullshit for cops and feds to hassle anyone over such a trivial thing.  On the other hand, any crank who drives around with a homemade sign on his car is just asking for it.



#14 2009-02-19 19:44:08


When the POTUS himself has invoked the the most popular AND the most assassinated presidents in history, the SecServ folks are going to make damn sure that they don't miss the proverbial "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." clue. (Of which, I think, the SecServ has pro'lly received pa-LEN-ty!)

ReGARDLESS...it is no reason to infringe on anyone's rights to bumper sticker free speech. 

We do, however (cough-right wingers-cough) still live in a post-9/11 world.  That's the phrase most commonly invoked since 9/12/01, right?  Better cautious often than wrong once?  But that was then, and this is...NOW?



#15 2009-02-19 19:52:32

ptah13 wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Stooopid is as Stoooopid does.   Where was your concern when this stuff was happening at every mall, street corner, town square, against people wearing anti-war shirts?  Just Askin'

My point, exactly.

When the right was doing this, everyone was up in arms....

Now that the left is pulling this crap, it's all good.

Again, I don't remember seeing anyone get their house searched over a bumper sticker but, hey, if you want to call apples-oranges, who am I to complain?

Believe me, I was (and am) just as concerned as you at any presidents trampling of the Bill of Rights. The only reason I wasn't frothing at the mouth about it then was that we had folks like HKG (and her dad) on here doing it in spades.

I doubt you can find a post of me defending the government for trampling someones 1st amendment rights.

Again, I find it funny how whenever anyone posts anything anti-left wing, it is ridiculed and decried "not cruel/not high street" but HKG (and her dad) can start all the anti-right threads they want and it's all good. I was told, "if it doesn't involve homo-bathroom sex or kiddie porn, then it is for drudge" by the same conceptually-challenged moron who posted a thread dedicated to slamming some minor-league right-wing wacko.

So, now that The One is in charge, if I'm not here to point out when he starts shredding the Constitution, nobody will.

My dad died last April, so I doubt that he's doing much posting, but thanks for bringing it up.

Also, you're still a fucking idiot.  No one on the left would defend pulling over or interrogating every person who expresses anti-Obama sentiment, so your post still has little merit if you're trying to somehow argue that the left condones this, fucktard.

Also, my Bachman thread was pointing out that BACHMAN is a moron.  It was not directed at the right in general, which is another fallacy in the stupid shit that you post.

Last edited by headkicker_girl (2009-02-19 19:54:56)



#16 2009-02-19 19:53:00

Ptah wrote:

When the right was doing this, everyone was up in arms....

Now that the left is pulling this crap, it's all good.

Care to cite some examples, specifically in which such a move has been approved by some official from "the left"?



#17 2009-02-19 19:57:06

Taint wrote:

Ptah wrote:

When the right was doing this, everyone was up in arms....

Now that the left is pulling this crap, it's all good.

Care to cite some examples, specifically in which such a move has been approved by some official from "the left"?

He can't cite any examples.  He's a fucking troll.



#18 2009-02-19 23:38:51

Wait, did anybody read the article?  Abort Obama?  What the fuck did this idiot expect?  If history has taught us anything it's that the Secret Service isn't going to sit there and say, "oh, he probably didn't mean kill him.  He probably just meant impeachment."  Even from the article it was clear that the Secret Service was fairly sure he didn't pose a threat to the President's life, but they sure as hell aren't going to assume that.



#19 2009-02-19 23:55:54

tojo2000 wrote:

Wait, did anybody read the article?  Abort Obama?  What the fuck did this idiot expect?  If history has taught us anything it's that the Secret Service isn't going to sit there and say, "oh, he probably didn't mean kill him.  He probably just meant impeachment."  Even from the article it was clear that the Secret Service was fairly sure he didn't pose a threat to the President's life, but they sure as hell aren't going to assume that.

See, that's the problem with Ptah's argument style, which is typical of a right-wing troll.  He posts something that on its face is fairly benign, then makes the giant leap that this is proof that the left supports gestapo-like techniques against people who disagree with Obama.  Then when you call him on his bullshit, he throws a hissy fit about censorship from the left, engages in some rudimentary insults, then claims that he was just testing you to see how long you would respond to his posts.  Its extremely amateurish.



#20 2009-02-20 10:15:27

While the Secret Service has both their sense of humor and sense of proportion removed during training, it is a little over the top.

But I don't exactly see His Obamaness falling all over Himself to retract all of Bush's signing statements, torture memorandums or special Executive Branch "get out of jail free" cards.

Once a power is given or taken by the Execute Branch, it has historically been very reluctant to give it back, regardless of change of administration.

Last edited by GooberMcNutly (2009-02-20 10:16:11)



#21 2009-02-20 12:05:33

GooberMcNutly wrote:

While the Secret Service has both their sense of humor and sense of proportion removed during training, it is a little over the top.

But I don't exactly see His Obamaness falling all over Himself to retract all of Bush's signing statements, torture memorandums or special Executive Branch "get out of jail free" cards.

Once a power is given or taken by the Execute Branch, it has historically been very reluctant to give it back, regardless of change of administration.

Huh?  You can't retract memorandums, but the current administration has already reversed the old one's stance on torture.  As for signing statements, you can't "retract" them, per se, because they aren't actually executive orders, which is one of the problems with signing statements. 

The one infuriating thing so far (it's been what, a month?) is the staunch refusal to reverse decisions made by the previous DOJ on the invokation of the state secrets privilege or move towards DOJ investigations of things done under the previous administration.  It looks like if that's going to happen it's going to have to wait for Congress to finish its hearings.



#22 2009-02-20 13:38:14

headkicker_girl wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

Wait, did anybody read the article?  Abort Obama?  What the fuck did this idiot expect?  If history has taught us anything it's that the Secret Service isn't going to sit there and say, "oh, he probably didn't mean kill him.  He probably just meant impeachment."  Even from the article it was clear that the Secret Service was fairly sure he didn't pose a threat to the President's life, but they sure as hell aren't going to assume that.

See, that's the problem with Ptah's argument style, which is typical of a right-wing troll.  He posts something that on its face is fairly benign, then makes the giant leap that this is proof that the left supports gestapo-like techniques against people who disagree with Obama.  Then when you call him on his bullshit, he throws a hissy fit about censorship from the left, engages in some rudimentary insults, then claims that he was just testing you to see how long you would respond to his posts.  Its extremely amateurish.

Nice try... oh, by "your dad" I was talking about Tojo, who, once again comes running to your side... hehehe

Funny how, for 8 years people were screaming for the murder of Bush from every rooftop, but one guy has a "benign" bumper sticker and the secret service need to search his house....

Come complain to me when Obama gives up all the powers Bush seized. Until then, how about a nice cup of shut the fuck up?

It isn't that big a deal. Only 3 years and 11 months to go. Even the lefty-journalists are starting to jump off the Obama bandwagon in droves, realizing they backed yet another dirty politician from Chicago.



#23 2009-02-20 13:45:58

ptah13 wrote:

Nice try... oh, by "your dad" I was talking about Tojo, who, once again comes running to your side... hehehe

Funny how, for 8 years people were screaming for the murder of Bush from every rooftop, but one guy has a "benign" bumper sticker and the secret service need to search his house....

Come complain to me when Obama gives up all the powers Bush seized. Until then, how about a nice cup of shut the fuck up?

It isn't that big a deal. Only 3 years and 11 months to go. Even the lefty-journalists are starting to jump off the Obama bandwagon in droves, realizing they backed yet another dirty politician from Chicago.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Who are the lefty journalists that are starting to jump off the Obama bandwagon in droves?  Names, please, or are you just repeating what the conservative pundits are saying these days?



#24 2009-02-20 13:48:49

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Nice try... oh, by "your dad" I was talking about Tojo, who, once again comes running to your side... hehehe

Funny how, for 8 years people were screaming for the murder of Bush from every rooftop, but one guy has a "benign" bumper sticker and the secret service need to search his house....

Come complain to me when Obama gives up all the powers Bush seized. Until then, how about a nice cup of shut the fuck up?

It isn't that big a deal. Only 3 years and 11 months to go. Even the lefty-journalists are starting to jump off the Obama bandwagon in droves, realizing they backed yet another dirty politician from Chicago.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Who are the lefty journalists that are starting to jump off the Obama bandwagon in droves?  Names, please, or are you just repeating what the conservative pundits are saying these days?

Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

You jump to my commands, not the other way around.

Nice try, though. I'm sure Blojo will be along shortly to defend you so hold back the tears!!!



#25 2009-02-20 13:58:32

ptah13 wrote:

Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

You jump to my commands, not the other way around.

Nice try, though. I'm sure Blojo will be along shortly to defend you so hold back the tears!!!

Oh, well I guess I can't respond now, or I'll be accused of defending hkg.  Whatever will I do?  I don't want the cool kids to make fun of me.



#26 2009-02-20 14:22:19

ptah13 wrote:

Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

You jump to my commands, not the other way around.

Nice try, though. I'm sure Blojo will be along shortly to defend you so hold back the tears!!!

Yeah, yeah, of course you're the puppet master.  You don't have to defend any of the foolishness that you post, because you're only doing it to get us to respond.

Now why don't you spend another 10 paragraphs to enlighten us rubes about "privacy manager."  We do hang on to your every word.

Seriously, I've never encountered a troll more desperate for attention.  At least horse was occasionally entertaining. 

It's been fun, but I've decided that you bore me.



#27 2009-02-20 16:43:44

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

You jump to my commands, not the other way around.

Nice try, though. I'm sure Blojo will be along shortly to defend you so hold back the tears!!!

Yeah, yeah, of course you're the puppet master.  You don't have to defend any of the foolishness that you post, because you're only doing it to get us to respond.

Now why don't you spend another 10 paragraphs to enlighten us rubes about "privacy manager."  We do hang on to your every word.

Seriously, I've never encountered a troll more desperate for attention.  At least horse was occasionally entertaining. 

It's been fun, but I've decided that you bore me.


What did it take you, 2 years to decide on that (plus more at Cruel)?

You've been my e-bitch for so long, I won't know what it is like to not have you feverishly refreshing your browser and waiting for my enlightenment?

I'll be real impressed if you can avoid drinking from the sap of my wisdom tree for even a week, we shall see!



#28 2009-02-20 17:20:05


ptah13 wrote:

You've been my e-bitch for so long, I won't know what it is like to not have you feverishly refreshing your browser and waiting for my enlightenment?

I'll be real impressed if you can avoid drinking from the sap of my wisdom tree for even a week, we shall see!

who's superiority cock have YOU been suckin' on?  Fuck, I haven't seen delusions of grandeur this ridiculous in quite some time.



#29 2009-02-20 17:38:36

It's the drugs, or lack there of.  Remember, though a friend he is still cognitively challenged.



#30 2009-02-20 18:28:26

Dmtdust wrote:

It's the drugs, or lack there of.  Remember, though a friend he is still cognitively challenged.

Not any of you can spoil it for me.

Don't blame me for her need to constantly reply to my every word. No matter how you paint it, she's got self-control issues out the wazoo...

Tell me, oh wise one, why is it she would never put me on "ignore"? I'll pitch underhand and enlighten you, it's because she can't HELP but defend herself against a nameless/faceless entity on the internet... sad.. her self-esteem isn't for shit.




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