#51 2009-07-29 12:28:43

floorcookie23 wrote:

Thanks for reminding me why I don't post. I was truly interested in what everyone here was into, I wasn't trying to be a link whore. Take that shit down if you want, it doesn't cost me anything. I was just sincerely curious, but seeing as there isn't one serious reply, ( I can't believe I expected one.) I'll just go back to lurking.

MOM-MYYYYYYY!  The horrible people who pride themselves on being horrible were mean to me 'cause I'm a dumbfuck!  MAKE THEM STOP MOMMY!



#52 2009-07-29 12:30:49

Sofie wrote:

I'm a 5'11" female who could KICK your fucking ASS if I met you in person.

Oooooooo!  Thanks for reminding me.  I want to add long-legged women to my list of fantasies.



#53 2009-07-29 12:30:56

sofaking wrote:

You are lucky we were playing along.

This is a public forum, but we all "know" each other pretty well, which for you, means that:

1.) We all have a general idea of each other's likes/dislikes, and have been discussing them for years. If you really wanted to know, you could wade through this site. Hint: Not one person here likes to dress in a nasty fursuit and fuck mental cases who think they're animals. In fact we all think it's gross, which is why we all post things ridiculing them.

2.) We don't "know" you yet, and it would seem pretty fucking lame to open up our individual and/or collective psyche to a hitwhore interested in catering to a specific dominant/submissive demographic for financial gain.

3.) We all generally try to make things that make the rest of the world recoil in horror funny. This doesn't mean we're scat lovers, or furries, or interested in licking your boots. It means that if you ask us (as a group) something that would make a normal person uncomfortable, we would tend to respond in a smartassed manner.

4.) When you add in your inquiry something that is so off base (like, "I see you all are a bunch of furries!"), you are setting yourself up for a smackdown. Where the FUCK did you get that ANY of us was/is/considering becoming a furry? You obviously have only lurked here long enough to assess the hitwhorability (not a word? is now!) of our site, and how you could creatively spam your link.

5.) After I joked about some shit, I tried to tell you mine (or part of it). Mine is bald guys, and hair removal. So I'd be the opposite of a person who likes hairy people. I find most body hair repulsive. Fnord also told you his (which is the opposite of mine), Phreddy likes slender and smart women, and Jesusluvspegging tried to tell you he doesn't have a particular fetish.

6.) Dominatrix training? HA! I'm a 5'11" female who could KICK your fucking ASS if I met you in person. It's not a fetish, though. I wouldn't get off doing it, and I'm not necessarily ever inclined to start fights with people I don't know (unless they ask me a stupid-assed, inappropriate question that assumes my friends and I are a bunch of fucking FURRIES).

*Steps back*



#54 2009-07-29 12:57:46

sofaking wrote:

6.) Dominatrix training? HA! I'm a 5'11" female who could KICK your fucking ASS if I met you in person. It's not a fetish, though. I wouldn't get off doing it, and I'm not necessarily ever inclined to start fights with people I don't know (unless they ask me a stupid-assed, inappropriate question that assumes my friends and I are a bunch of fucking FURRIES).

I'd pay you top dollar to kick my ass, Sofie.

(I might add, too, that I shave my head)(I also get, what all I know consider as, "the dankest pot on the lot".)

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-07-29 12:58:51)



#55 2009-07-29 13:23:10

ptah13 wrote:

sofaking wrote:

6.) Dominatrix training? HA! I'm a 5'11" female who could KICK your fucking ASS if I met you in person. It's not a fetish, though. I wouldn't get off doing it, and I'm not necessarily ever inclined to start fights with people I don't know (unless they ask me a stupid-assed, inappropriate question that assumes my friends and I are a bunch of fucking FURRIES).

I'd pay you top dollar to kick my ass, Sofie.

(I might add, too, that I shave my head)(I also get, what all I know consider as, "the dankest pot on the lot".)

That's really sweet, but I don't need money.

I kick ass for free.

How about I match you bowl for bowl:


Also, I apologize for the loss of my cool in the earlier post.

I posted before I toasted, if you all catch my drift.

I'm feeling a lot more mellow now.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#56 2009-07-29 13:32:18

I have never "named" my cock, but today for some reason I have decided to do so.

My penis is now christened "Plissken"



#57 2009-07-29 13:42:53

orangeplus wrote:

My penis is now christened "Plissken"

That is an awesome cock name.

I have encountered only one male in my life who, to my knowledge, did not give his favorite toy a nickname.  (I married him.) 

I propose, as thread salvage, that all you "outies" come clean and tell us your cock names.

(Conversely, I don't know of any "innies" who give a name to their cooterginas; but in my youth I referred to my breasts as "Jane and Louise."  I cannot recall why.)



#58 2009-07-29 13:51:00

Ptah, you can go ahead and have Sofie kick you ass.  I'm holding out for a thorough thrashing from Jane and Louise.

And Georgi, you may not get too many responses to your request for tallywacker names.  The ones my friends have blurted out in drunken stupor are so lame as to be an embarrassment.  However, Little Elvis does my thinking for me.



#59 2009-07-29 14:30:39

sofaking wrote:

Also, I apologize for the loss of my cool in the earlier post.

I posted before I toasted, if you all catch my drift.

I'm feeling a lot more mellow now.

You may apologize all you like, sofaking.

I must say, I am turned on.



#60 2009-07-29 16:09:55

Do guys really name their cocks?  I can understand measuring it, or looking at your sperm under a microscope, but naming body parts makes no sense to me.



#61 2009-07-29 17:19:46

phoQ wrote:

Do guys really name their cocks?  I can understand measuring it, or looking at your sperm under a microscope, but naming body parts makes no sense to me.

We name our women's body parts too.



#62 2009-07-29 17:25:17

phoQ wrote:

Do guys really name their cocks?  I can understand measuring it, or looking at your sperm under a microscope, but naming body parts makes no sense to me.

I never understood the practice either.

EDIT: However, Plissken is probably the best name I've heard of for a wang.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-07-29 17:55:30)



#64 2009-07-29 17:55:24

I never named mine before, but have had a couple of girlfriends give it names. This morning I had to piss really bad but a little bit of underwear fabric got caught in the zipper so I couldn't get the zipper down.

Thus I was in a situation where he had to escape before he exploded.

Last edited by orangeplus (2009-07-29 17:55:34)



#65 2009-07-29 17:57:17

Sophie, you're a sweetie, but you gave this (_)*(_) waaayyy too much of your time. 

And as for naming body parts, I've recently decided to name my personal Mr. Happy "Nipsey".  Formerly it was called "Orson"..



#66 2009-07-29 18:02:40

I think Mr. Winky is a standby favorite.  As in, "time to dust off Mr. Winky".



#67 2009-07-29 18:06:55

I have to call mine "Sir."



#68 2009-07-29 18:17:25

orangeplus wrote:

Thus I was in a situation where he had to escape before he exploded.

I will be good for nothing the rest of today after reading that explanation.



#69 2009-07-29 18:27:00

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I have to call mine "Sir."

As you would address any other tyrannical boss.



#70 2009-07-29 19:33:23

Floorcookie came to us via our MySpace page.  She is known on MySpace as Discordian Tea Time.  I have to say she did a good job of getting under some people’s skin with her choice of barb.  All hail Eris!



#71 2009-07-29 20:36:38

fnord wrote:

Floorcookie came to us via our MySpace page.  She is known on MySpace as Discordian Tea Time.  I have to say she did a good job of getting under some people’s skin with her choice of barb.  All hail Eris!

And the same to you, Pope!
And thanks you low-lifes, now I'm going to have to come up with something that can top 'plissken'. Namewise, that is.



#72 2009-07-29 20:39:39


Were I to choose to name my schlong I would reckon it would have to be Richard

Dick for short....

Last edited by Emmeran (2009-07-29 20:40:04)



#73 2009-07-29 21:27:29

I've only known one man who named his cock - and I believe I have all of you outnumbered in my experiences with men and their cocks - and he named it "Donkey Sarge".

Trust me. It fits.



#74 2009-07-29 21:36:42

Taint wrote:

I've only known one man who named his cock - and I believe I have all of you outnumbered in my experiences with men and their cocks - and he named it "Donkey Sarge".

Trust me. It fits.

Anybody seeking the title of King (or Queen) Whore here at High Street must present proof of qualifications and best any other claimants to the title in a Whore Off!



#75 2009-07-29 21:52:02

fnord wrote:

Taint wrote:

I've only known one man who named his cock - and I believe I have all of you outnumbered in my experiences with men and their cocks - and he named it "Donkey Sarge".

Trust me. It fits.

Anybody seeking the title of King (or Queen) Whore here at High Street must present proof of qualifications and best any other claimants to the title in a Whore Off!

I won't even compete. You'd all lose.



#76 2009-07-29 23:08:59

fnord wrote:

Whore Off!



#77 2009-07-29 23:14:09

George Orr wrote:

fnord wrote:

Whore Off!

It's so much classier in Italian.



#78 2009-07-29 23:55:56

Sofie wrote:

Hint: Not one person here likes to dress in a nasty fursuit and fuck mental cases who think they're animals. In fact we all think it's gross, which is why we all post things ridiculing them.

To be honest, I tend not to judge others' kinks.  Whilst I do find the concept of furries some-what a-musing, they don't really bother me as their fetish hardly affects any-body else other than to provide a laugh or two.  On the plus-side for furries, I think it's about the only fetish that you can legally get a-way with participating in in a public environment.

Snowball wrote:

I have encountered only one male in my life who, to my knowledge, did not give his favorite toy a nickname.

Is the practice really that common?  I've never given a nick-name to my phallus.  The whole concept just seems a bit childish to me.

phoQ wrote:

Do guys really name their cocks?  I can understand measuring it . . .

I was never tempted to do that either.  I wouldn't know the size of my own had it not been for a former lover who wanted to measure it.  Sure, it seemed like a rather odd request at the time; But, she seemed to be rather excited by the idea and I'll try most any-thing once (Wearing an animal suit, of course, being one of those few exceptions).



#80 2009-08-03 21:07:31

Ok, it's time... I guess I'll have to confess my REAL fetish........



#81 2009-08-03 21:10:19

Tall Paul wrote:

Ok, it's time... I guess I'll have to confess my REAL fetish........

Butchering the English language?



#82 2009-08-04 05:46:35

tojo2000 wrote:

Tall Paul wrote:

Ok, it's time... I guess I'll have to confess my REAL fetish........

Butchering the English language?

No, that's what I do for a living.....

Oh God, it's so embarrassing!!! My real fetish is....is....



#83 2009-08-04 07:54:43

Tall Paul wrote:

sofaking wrote:

.....I tried to tell you mine (or part of it). Mine is bald guys, and hair removal.....

Then I'm the man of your wettest dreams, from the ears up anyway.

Back off man, I won Sofie in a contest a few years back.



#84 2009-08-04 11:39:41

Bigcat wrote:

Back off man, I won Sofie in a contest a few years back.

Yeah - That one didn't "turn out" so well for me.  I won a Pale Phoenix.  What in the fuck am I supposed to do with that?



#85 2009-08-04 11:58:16

Decadence wrote:

What in the fuck am I supposed to do with that?

Yardbirds wrote:

Well then, Mr, you're a better man than I,
Yeah, Mr, you're a better man than I,
Oh, Mr, you're a better man than I,
Yeah, Mr, you're a better man than I.



#86 2009-08-09 04:01:19

All I can say is: OMFG this thread was five pages long? Fuck furries.



#87 2009-08-09 04:06:15

No!  You'll only encourage them.



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