#2 2007-11-08 14:05:08
Dude. You want fries with that?
#3 2007-11-08 14:08:51
They get really drunk, and they’ll start yelling things at me.
Hey Loser! Get me a tequila!
#4 2007-11-08 14:33:32
What’s the most extreme reaction you’ve gotten?
There was a group of women in their early forties, one of whom was bawling. I walk over and they said, “Our friend just passed away. We thought you might be able to cheer [us] up, we know who you are and you’re an incredible human and you’ve been through a lot and you’re an incredible actor. We’re all DEA agents, and we think you should smoke as much pot as you want to. And we love you.”
#5 2007-11-08 15:06:35
Poor thing. He looks even more dissolute and grungy than ever. I strongly foresee a HS banner appearing with his sunken-eyed visage and the tag-line, "Dude, You're Goin' to HELL."
#6 2007-11-08 15:28:06
Dude, you're going to high-street.org, then HELL!!!