#1 2010-01-28 13:08:30

January 28,1986 ...Challenger Tape Transcript

The following transcript begins two seconds after NASA's official version ends, with pilot Michael Smith saying, "Uh-oh!" Times from the moment of takeoff are shown in minutes and seconds and are approximate. The sex of the speaker is indicated by M or F.
T+1:15 (M) What happened? What happened? Oh God, no - no!

T+1:17 (F) Oh dear God.

T+1:18 (M) Turn on your air pack! Turn on your air...

T+1:20 (M) Can't breathe... choking...

T+1:21 (M) Lift up your visor!

T+1:22 (M/F) (Screams.) It's hot. (Sobs.) I can't. Don't tell me...God! Do it...now...

T+1:24 (M) I told them... I told them... Dammit! Resnik don't...

T+1:27 (M) Take it easy! Move (unintelligible)...

T+1:28 (F) Don't let me die like this. Not now. Not here...

T+1:31 (M) Your arm... no... I (extended garble, static)

T+1:36 (F) I'm... passing... out...

T+1:37 (M) We're not dead yet.

T+1:40 (M) If you ever wanted (unintelligible) me a miracle... (unintelligible)... (screams)

T+1:41 (M) She's... she's... (garble) ... damn!

T+1:50 (M) Can't breathe...

T+1:51 (M/F) (screams) Jesus Christ! No!

T+1:54 (M) She's out.

T+1:55 (M) Lucky... (unintelligible).

T+1:56 (M) God. The water... we're dead! (screams)

T+2:00 (F) Goodbye (sobs)... I love you, I love you...

T+2:03 (M) Loosen up... loosen up...

T+2:07 (M) It'll just be like a ditch landing...

T+2:09 (M) That's right, think positive.

T+2:11 (M) Ditch procedure...

T+2:14 (M) No way!

T+2:17 (M) Give me your hand...

T+2:19 (M) You awake in there? I... I...

T+2:29 (M) Our Father... (unintelligible)...

T+2:42 (M) hallowed be Thy name... (unintelligible).

T+2:58 (M) The Lord is my shepherd, I shall...not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures... though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil... I will dwell in the house...

T+3:15 to end None. Static, silence.

To date there is no official confirmation as to the accuracy of this transcript.

but of course....

You can lay it at the feet of the imperial presidency:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? … a&aid=8658

Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye....

Last edited by Dmtdust (2010-01-28 13:09:29)



#2 2010-01-28 14:27:17

NASA immediately moved to implement a cover-up...a Presidential Commission was created by the White House which had its own cover-up agenda, namely to conceal White House involvement in the launch decision in connection with publicity for the teacher-in-space mission.

They needn't have bothered.  Everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knew at the time that it was a PR mission (the crew was so multi-ethnic and gender-riffic they could've been the cast of a "Star Trek" episode) and the pressure on NASA was transparent.  Even as a callow and disinterested 26-year-old I was aware of all this before the disaster.

Thanks for reminding me that I survived the Reagan years, Dusty.



#3 2010-01-28 14:34:32

In so many ways, the Reagan years continue.  I love how people are telling Obama to be more like 'em.



#4 2010-01-28 15:58:27

C'mon guys. This is a bunch of horseshit. This transcript was fabricated by a fucking trashy British tabloid, for Christ's sake. Don't be so gullible. Not everything is a evil conspiracy. Sometimes it's just utter stupidity perpetrated by people blinded by their own agendas.
The World Trade Center was not blown up by the Bush Administration. Chem trails are not an attempt to drug the masses into docility. There is no ghost in "3 Men and a Baby". Obama is not an African Muslim terrorist.
Jesus. I love High Street, but some of you people have been cruising the wacko sites a bit too much.



#5 2010-01-28 16:19:01

While driving around the mid-west/mountain states dressing up your little fellow for the various ladies in every town, some of us have to pick up where you left off searching for the whacked stuff.  Send pics or STFU... you have a new generation here of sweet young ladies to impress.  Disappointment in your lack of follow through, and welcome home!



#6 2010-01-28 16:26:38

Dirk wrote:

I love High Street, but some of you people have been cruising the wacko sites a bit too much.

Aw, hon, this thread is nothin'.


These here Internets are crammed with juicy crazy goodness.


And remember:  Truth Does Not Fear Investigation!

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#7 2010-01-28 17:20:46

Dirk wrote:

C'mon guys. This is a bunch of horseshit. This transcript was fabricated by a fucking trashy British tabloid, for Christ's sake. Don't be so gullible. Not everything is a evil conspiracy. Sometimes it's just utter stupidity perpetrated by people blinded by their own agendas.
The World Trade Center was not blown up by the Bush Administration. Chem trails are not an attempt to drug the masses into docility. There is no ghost in "3 Men and a Baby". Obama is not an African Muslim terrorist.
Jesus. I love High Street, but some of you people have been cruising the wacko sites a bit too much.

No ghost? But, but...



#8 2010-01-28 17:28:16

Dirk wrote:

C'mon guys. This is a bunch of horseshit. This transcript was fabricated by a fucking trashy British tabloid, for Christ's sake. Don't be so gullible. Not everything is a evil conspiracy. Sometimes it's just utter stupidity perpetrated by people blinded by their own agendas.
The World Trade Center was not blown up by the Bush Administration.

On the other hand, I watched those towers come down...

...and I can't erase that scene from my head nor can I erase the incredulous thought I had at that moment (before the conspiracy guys got going) that there was no possible way both towers would explode floor by floor and drop straight down.

The laws of chaos prevent such random scenario's



#9 2010-01-28 18:55:40

Emmeran wrote:

Dirk wrote:

C'mon guys. This is a bunch of horseshit. This transcript was fabricated by a fucking trashy British tabloid, for Christ's sake. Don't be so gullible. Not everything is a evil conspiracy. Sometimes it's just utter stupidity perpetrated by people blinded by their own agendas.
The World Trade Center was not blown up by the Bush Administration.

On the other hand, I watched those towers come down...

...and I can't erase that scene from my head nor can I erase the incredulous thought I had at that moment (before the conspiracy guys got going) that there was no possible way both towers would explode floor by floor and drop straight down.

The laws of chaos prevent such random scenario's

The Twin Towers: Maybe, JUST maybe I could accept that they fell straight down floor by floor IF an upper floor failed. WTC Building #7, on the other hand, came down by explosives, period, end of story. (no pun intended) And that, my credulous chum, means that the whole thing was a set-up. The all the rest is just a matter of detail.



#10 2010-01-28 20:49:56

Emmeran wrote:

Dirk wrote:

C'mon guys. This is a bunch of horseshit. This transcript was fabricated by a fucking trashy British tabloid, for Christ's sake. Don't be so gullible. Not everything is a evil conspiracy. Sometimes it's just utter stupidity perpetrated by people blinded by their own agendas.
The World Trade Center was not blown up by the Bush Administration.

On the other hand, I watched those towers come down...

...and I can't erase that scene from my head nor can I erase the incredulous thought I had at that moment (before the conspiracy guys got going) that there was no possible way both towers would explode floor by floor and drop straight down.

The laws of chaos prevent such random scenario's

I had the EXACT same thought. I have seen some buildings imploded by demo specialists and that is pretty close to how they go down.



#11 2010-01-28 23:44:51

The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of April 18, 1906,
and their effects on structures and structural materials.
(USGS report, 1907)

Bullock & Jones Building: Buckled columns and collapsed floor panel

Failure of basement column due to fire, Sloane Building.

Notice how the columns are collapsing vertically as they lost strength due to the fire. Buildings would have had every reason to fall sideways, as there were aftershocks galore. So I'm not all that uncomfortable with the notion of the pancaking floor-by-floor failure.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#12 2010-01-29 00:50:55

sigmoid freud wrote:

The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of April 18, 1906,
and their effects on structures and structural materials.
(USGS report, 1907)

Bullock & Jones Building: Buckled columns and collapsed floor panel

Failure of basement column due to fire, Sloane Building.

Notice how the columns are collapsing vertically as they lost strength due to the fire. Buildings would have had every reason to fall sideways, as there were aftershocks galore. So I'm not all that uncomfortable with the notion of the pancaking floor-by-floor failure.

That all makes sense, except for the part that all fail slightly off center, multiply slight * weight * velocity and we eventually explode horizontally.  Not to mention a non-linear acceleration that should have occured but did not.

Truth is always stranger than fiction, but occuring twice in short order is really pushing the limits of randomness.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#13 2010-01-29 09:30:14

People forget that in order to "tip over" when falling one side of the structure has to have enough compressive strength to support the entire structure. It only takes a single story collapsing to cause a compressive shock many times the static weight support. There have been a number of buildings that have collapsed straight down after a single set of pillars failed. A coworker of my neighbor was killed in just such a manner when an apartment building he was building collapsed like a stack of pancakes when the crane accidentally dropped a cement tipple onto the roof, shocking the structure. That killed more than 25 workers.

But I love good fiction as much as the next guy...



#14 2010-01-29 09:34:08

Nothing was dropped on the roof of the World Trade Center. They were hit from the side by airplanes.



#15 2010-01-29 10:23:21

I'm not any kind of engineer and about 30% of what you guys are saying has zipped right over my pretty little head.

However, Goober's story of a building collapsing "like a stack of pancakes" reminded me of an incident that happened when I was in college.  An entire apartment building collapsed in exactly that same manner (due to a gas explosion)--straight down.

I'd ask the people who still believe that 9\11 was somehow staged:  Look, first of all, I know some of you aren't batshit crazy; you have real doubts.  The question becomes:  if you're going to go to the trouble of staging a terrorist attack that kills 3,000 people, why ensure that the buildings collapse in a way that will raise suspicion?  Do you think the stagers were worried about people getting killed?  Or maybe they were worried about all the property damage?

I'm not even going to get into the notion of a conspiracy of that size, necessarily involving a huge number of people and several years of planning and setting up...and not one participant has blabbed?  No deathbed confessions? Nobody got pissed off or disillusioned?

Sorry, no.



#16 2010-01-29 11:27:40

George Orr wrote:

I'm not any kind of engineer and about 30% of what you guys are saying has zipped right over my pretty little head.

However, Goober's story of a building collapsing "like a stack of pancakes" reminded me of an incident that happened when I was in college.  An entire apartment building collapsed in exactly that same manner (due to a gas explosion)--straight down.

I'd ask the people who still believe that 9\11 was somehow staged:  Look, first of all, I know some of you aren't batshit crazy; you have real doubts.  The question becomes:  if you're going to go to the trouble of staging a terrorist attack that kills 3,000 people, why ensure that the buildings collapse in a way that will raise suspicion?  Do you think the stagers were worried about people getting killed?  Or maybe they were worried about all the property damage?

I'm not even going to get into the notion of a conspiracy of that size, necessarily involving a huge number of people and several years of planning and setting up...and not one participant has blabbed?  No deathbed confessions? Nobody got pissed off or disillusioned?

Sorry, no.

I'm not siding with the conspiracy theory folks, I'm just saying there are is a lot of oddness surrounding this event.

I do know that you cannot compare the structural failure of an apartment building to that of three skyscrapers (two of which were hit by airplanes and one that just said "fuck it" and collapsed on its own).

- but -

I am hard pressed to imagine a conspiracy of that size being successful - particularly if it was run by the government - for the same reasons Georgie stated.

-but -

I do know that trillions of dollars of profits were made off of the ensuing wars, more than enough money to be motivation if this were a conspiracy.



#18 2010-01-29 12:31:39

Emmeran wrote:

George Orr wrote:

I'm not any kind of engineer and about 30% of what you guys are saying has zipped right over my pretty little head.

However, Goober's story of a building collapsing "like a stack of pancakes" reminded me of an incident that happened when I was in college.  An entire apartment building collapsed in exactly that same manner (due to a gas explosion)--straight down.

I'd ask the people who still believe that 9\11 was somehow staged:  Look, first of all, I know some of you aren't batshit crazy; you have real doubts.  The question becomes:  if you're going to go to the trouble of staging a terrorist attack that kills 3,000 people, why ensure that the buildings collapse in a way that will raise suspicion?  Do you think the stagers were worried about people getting killed?  Or maybe they were worried about all the property damage?

I'm not even going to get into the notion of a conspiracy of that size, necessarily involving a huge number of people and several years of planning and setting up...and not one participant has blabbed?  No deathbed confessions? Nobody got pissed off or disillusioned?

Sorry, no.

I'm not siding with the conspiracy theory folks, I'm just saying there are is a lot of oddness surrounding this event.

I do know that you cannot compare the structural failure of an apartment building to that of three skyscrapers (two of which were hit by airplanes and one that just said "fuck it" and collapsed on its own).

- but -

I am hard pressed to imagine a conspiracy of that size being successful - particularly if it was run by the government - for the same reasons Georgie stated.

-but -

I do know that trillions of dollars of profits were made off of the ensuing wars, more than enough money to be motivation if this were a conspiracy.

Trillions of dollars of profit made by companies owned or partly owned by members of the executive branch of our government. No to mention that the war almost gauranteed re-election because this country has never voted a sitting president out during a war.



#19 2010-01-30 15:51:44

CV!  (or Dirck, whichever)



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