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#1 2012-07-11 16:23:58

I''m loving reading this site.

On 18th July 1969, as the world waited anxiously for Apollo 11 to land safely on the surface of the Moon, speechwriter William Safire imagined the worst case scenario as he expertly wrote the following sombre memo to President Nixon’s Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman. Its contents: a contingency plan, in the form of a speech to be read out by Nixon should astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become stranded on the moon, never to return, followed by some brief instructions relating to its broadcast. Luckily for all those involved, the memo was never needed.’




#2 2012-07-11 16:25:01

Oh, and it does have a somewhat more seedy side...


Last edited by whosasailorthen (2012-07-11 16:25:33)



#3 2012-07-11 17:09:51

[i]On 18th July 1969, as the world waited anxiously for Apollo 11 to land safely on the surface of the Moon, speechwriter William Safire imagined the worst case scenario as he expertly wrote the following sombre memo

Thems were the days when you could despise everything about a person and thrill to everything they wrote. In truth, though, there was only ever one Bill Safire and they'll never make another.



#4 2012-07-11 17:17:18

Great find Sailor.  Lots and lots of stuff to go through.

“Before living publicly as a woman, Charle d’Éon de Beaumont was a famous French soldier and diplomat who had a key role in negotiating the Peace of Paris in 1763, ending the seven years war between France and Britain”

- Guardian




#5 2012-07-11 17:20:17

choad wrote:

[i]On 18th July 1969, as the world waited anxiously for Apollo 11 to land safely on the surface of the Moon, speechwriter William Safire imagined the worst case scenario as he expertly wrote the following sombre memo

Thems were the days when you could despise everything about a person and thrill to everything they wrote. In truth, though, there was only ever one Bill Safire and they'll never make another.

How true.

BTW, I loved the bit about telephoning the "widows-to-be"... how cruelly bizarre.  I wonder what one would say in such a conversation?  I'm envisioning something out of Monty Python, with the astronauts piping in every once in a while with "I'm not QUITE dead yet!"

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2012-07-11 17:29:59)



#6 2012-07-11 17:28:05

Nice find. This will be a major time-suckage for me for a while.

Might even keep me off spankingtube for a while.......nah.

Last edited by Bigcat (2012-07-11 17:29:09)



#7 2012-07-13 12:45:44

I, personally, was rather disappointed with the mission.  "One small step . . ." would have been, in my opinion, a much more entertaining moment had they over estimated our moon's gravitational pull *, and Neil were to have floated off mid-sentence (One small step for . . .  Holy fuck!  Guys, help! {Sorry, Dude; But, there is no way that we are stepping out of this shuttle after witnessing that.}).

* Or, as you Banjovians might know the term:  "Intelligent falling".  By the way, if you are still confused as to why the tides "come in and out", and you've a few minutes to spare, I can explain that.

[BillOhReally?]You're calling me a moron.[/BillOhReally?]

Mister Silverman was obviously too polite to admit to as much; But, your narcissistic behavior seems to address that query quite well by it's self, William.

[BillOhReally?]How did the moon get there?  How did the sun get there?[/BillOhReally?]

Excellent questions, William!  If only we had a High School Science text book which we could consult; But, so are life's conundrums.


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