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#1 2013-01-02 16:34:11

The history of human knowledge is nothing more than the realization that yesterday's pieties are actually shameful errors. It is constantly the case that human beings of the prior generation enshrined a belief as objectively, unchallengably true which the current generation came to see as wildly irrational or worse. All of the most cherished human dogmas - deemed so true and undeniable that dissent should be barred by the force of law - have been subsequently debunked, or at least discredited.



#2 2013-01-02 16:42:34

Thank god. This is exactly the type of oppression humanity needs. I am all for these measures, and I say so as one of the first who will be put in jail. Humans acting under systems of personal liberty quickly reveal themselves for the shallow idiots they are - holywood, twatter and fartbook being prime examples. Only when all of these deceptive opiates are unacceptably regulated will we be actually free. Free to be angry, free to rebel. Those are the real freedoms - the rest are largely the neurotic twitchings of otiose minds. Vive l'oppression.



#3 2013-01-02 16:47:33

As long as single frog has a pulse, earth will never lack a reliable asshole benchmark. Expect an avalanche of Fuck the French tweets.



#4 2013-01-02 18:19:12

#1 - why does everyone automatically assume journalists are supposed to be paragons of objectivity?  Journalists are just as opportunistic as anyone else.  This particular one just happens to be a facist.

#2 - why keep holding onto those outdated ideas of 'individual liberty'?  to whatever extent it existed before, it was killed off by the patriot act.

#3 - shhh, shhhh, hush,........ don't struggle....it'll only make it worse......



#5 2013-01-02 19:51:38

#4 - Daaarrrf



#6 2013-01-03 00:32:50

Zee have beeen given zee Scooby le Doo traitement.



#7 2013-01-03 01:31:30

My opinion is protected- yours is libelous, promotes hatred and violence, and must be supressed. Everyone agrees with me, n'est ce pas?



#8 2013-01-03 02:45:50

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Vive l'oppression.

Mais oui!  Let's try to muzzle the peasants again because it worked out so well prior to the last revolution.

sigmoid freud wrote:

My opinion is protected- yours is libelous, promotes hatred and violence, and must be supressed. Everyone agrees with me, n'est ce pas?

Heh, American politics in a nutshell.  Also fascism in a nutshell.  :(



#9 2013-01-03 06:33:06

opsec wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Vive l'oppression.

Mais oui!  Let's try to muzzle the peasants again because it worked out so well prior to the last revolution.

You mean, for the four billion years prior to the last revolution? ("Last revolution," Ops? I had no idea you were so provincial.) But if that is what you meant, I agree completely. People who have nothing to fight against are as empty and corruptible as people who have everything to fight against yet don't - the only difference being that the latter have some excuse. Even the tyrannical machinations of evil corporatist stooges are better for the human spirit than the bland mediocrity of modern North American life. We need to end the charade of "democracy" and "freedom" and help the borderline cases realize that in our comfort and safety we are slaves. If part of that process is the dismantling of the open Internet then I'm all for it. New networks will be constructed - truly public, illegal I hope, with no ads, few pictures, no flash, no google or facebook. Phreaking will become de rigeur again as we make contact with each other's servers...and the things we will say to each other will be fraught with meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose are the gifts of oppression, and as far as I'm concerned it can't come too soon.

Last edited by WilberCuntLicker (2013-01-03 06:34:27)



#10 2013-01-03 10:15:42


Last edited by XregnaR (2013-01-03 10:16:00)



#11 2013-01-03 13:16:05

I can't wait till all you man-children realize that the new world order is to be the 5th manifestation of economic socialism mixed in with social fascism.

Just remember, the end of the age is coming up in 2150.



#12 2013-01-03 18:06:51

Lip shitz wrote:

I can't wait till all you man-children realize that the new world order is to be the 5th manifestation of economic socialism mixed in with social fascism.

Just remember, the end of the age is coming up in 2150.

Now I know you're not a sock puppet. Wilbur wouldn't get up out of his own vomit to babble like that.



#13 2013-01-03 18:10:40

Tall Paul wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

I can't wait till all you man-children realize that the new world order is to be the 5th manifestation of economic socialism mixed in with social fascism.

Just remember, the end of the age is coming up in 2150.

Now I know you're not a sock puppet. Wilbur wouldn't get up out of his own vomit to babble like that.

Doesn't mean it's not a puppet, only means that it's not WILBUR'S puppet---maybe. It changes it's tune often, kinda rings/reeks of Ahpoopsie today.



#14 2013-01-03 19:57:34

Whoever/whatever it is, it lost me with that remark about vaccines causing autism.



#15 2013-01-03 21:05:05

Tall Paul wrote:

Wilbur wouldn't get up out of his own vomit to babble like that.

What emetophiliac would?
And why, if I wanted to babble, would I get up in the first place?
I can babble perfectly well from any position.



#16 2013-01-04 05:55:55

Just because it vomits doesn't mean it's not a robot.



#17 2013-01-04 18:53:09

choad wrote:

As long as single frog has a pulse, earth will never lack a reliable asshole benchmark.

Well said, choad.



#18 2013-01-04 19:11:54

MSG Tripps wrote:

Well said,

Autos da fé!



#20 2013-01-04 20:35:32

The Spanish Inquisition? I didn't expect The Spanish Inquisition.

One of my favorites.



#21 2013-01-04 21:47:32

Bigcat wrote:

The Spanish Inquisition? I didn't expect The Spanish Inquisition.

Nobody does.



#22 2013-01-04 21:59:27

Bigcat wrote:

The Spanish Inquisition? I didn't expect The Spanish Inquisition.

Nobody does.  Their chief weapon is surprise.



#23 2013-01-05 14:26:02

George Orr wrote:

Whoever/whatever it is, it lost me with that remark about vaccines causing autism.

Sorry, i forgot to run that comment by the Ladies Auxiliary Committee on Social Validation before i posted it.  I hope you can forgive me.  I'll only have approved opinions from now on.

BTW, The 3 stooges sock-puppet routine is very boring.  Please get another schtick.



#24 2013-01-05 14:43:52

Lip shitz wrote:

BTW, The 3 stooges sock-puppet routine is very boring.  Please get another schtick.

How about a little Abbot and Costello?



#25 2013-01-05 14:56:00

Lip shitz wrote:

George Orr wrote:

Whoever/whatever it is, it lost me with that remark about vaccines causing autism.

Sorry, i forgot to run that comment by the Ladies Auxiliary Committee on Social Validation before i posted it.  I hope you can forgive me.  I'll only have approved opinions from now on.

Look, dickcheese, there are things in life upon which one can have opinions, such as Lady Gaga's shoes, the cultural significance of Star Wars, the best way to run the country, etc.  Then there are things in life for which "opinions" simply do not apply, e.g. gravity, the boiling point of water, whether ingesting drain cleaner will destroy your esophagus and kill you*, and whether vaccinations against deadly diseases cause children to develop autism.

*If you actually believe such subjects are matters of "opinion" then I suggest you try testing this "hypothesis."  Let us know how it goes.



#26 2013-01-05 16:31:28

Lip shitz wrote:

George Orr wrote:

Whoever/whatever it is, it lost me with that remark about vaccines causing autism.

Sorry, i forgot to run that comment by the Ladies Auxiliary Committee on Social Validation before i posted it.  I hope you can forgive me.  I'll only have approved opinions from now on.

BTW, The 3 stooges sock-puppet routine is very boring.  Please get another schtick.

I'm not sure how you would know George is a female unless you have been around for a bit--Sock Puppet.

Also, if you think you are bored with being called a puppet, you should see how bored I am with your stupid assed postings. Thread Killer- that should be your name.



#27 2013-01-05 16:55:40

Bigcat wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

George Orr wrote:

Whoever/whatever it is, it lost me with that remark about vaccines causing autism.

Sorry, i forgot to run that comment by the Ladies Auxiliary Committee on Social Validation before i posted it.  I hope you can forgive me.  I'll only have approved opinions from now on.

BTW, The 3 stooges sock-puppet routine is very boring.  Please get another schtick.

I'm not sure how you would know George is a female unless you have been around for a bit--Sock Puppet.

Also, if you think you are bored with being called a puppet, you should see how bored I am with your stupid assed postings. Thread Killer- that should be your name.

Don't forget childish and over-emotional. Hey Mo!



#28 2013-01-05 16:58:01

Bigcat wrote:

Tall Paul wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

I can't wait till all you man-children realize that the new world order is to be the 5th manifestation of economic socialism mixed in with social fascism.

Just remember, the end of the age is coming up in 2150.

Now I know you're not a sock puppet. Wilbur wouldn't get up out of his own vomit to babble like that.

Doesn't mean it's not a puppet, only means that it's not WILBUR'S puppet---maybe. It changes it's tune often, kinda rings/reeks of Ahpoopsie today.

If it was A_Clem I might tell it about the Mauritshuis exhibition in Kobe.



#29 2013-01-06 10:53:13

George Orr wrote:

Look, dickcheese, there are things in life upon which one can have opinions...

I see what the problem is.  You are wrong.  One can have an opinion on anything, without regard to your opinion on their opinion. 

Btw, I didn't know, nor do i care, that you are female.  When i made the 'ladies auxiliary' comment, it was not a sexist thing, it was a shot at the tough guys.  i suppose it can work for self-righteous, myopic females as well as self-righteous, myopic males.

Sorry about derailing this thread but you guys started it.



#30 2013-01-06 18:37:52

Lip shitz wrote:

Sorry about derailing this thread but you guys started it.

The last time we actually ended a thread on topic was in 2002.

Last edited by Taint (2013-01-06 18:38:31)



#31 2013-01-06 19:03:08

Taint wrote:

The last time we actually ended a thread on topic was in 2002.

Slander!  Prove it.



#32 2013-01-07 09:37:07

Taint wrote:

Lip shitz wrote:

Sorry about derailing this thread but you guys started it.

The last time we actually ended a thread on topic was in 2002.

That must have been the thread about sock-puppets and calloused genitalia.


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