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#403 2014-01-19 15:58:44

Access to the Brandenburg Gate, the backdrop for his speech, was severely limited, as was access to Berlin’s entire downtown.

Sounds like a great plot line for a Doctor Who episode...



#404 2014-01-19 17:08:49

I really like the "Yes, We Scan" sign.



#405 2014-01-19 18:06:21


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#406 2014-01-19 19:58:47


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#407 2014-01-19 20:05:53

https://cruelery.com/sidepic/hsovdontspyonme.jpg https://cruelery.com/sidepic/youarebeingmonitored.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/tsacheckpoint.jpg https://cruelery.com/sidepic/totalinformationawareness.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/newbush.jpg https://cruelery.com/sidepic/trollthensa.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/nsa.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/nsainside.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/hsovnrospy.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/hsovcopters.png https://cruelery.com/sidepic/bigbrother9.jpg

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#408 2014-01-19 20:55:50


After Obama’s speech, The Guardian quoted Jan Philipp Albrecht, a German Green Party member of the European Union Parliament, as saying that the proposed change "is not sufficient at all. The collection of foreigners' data will go on. There is almost nothing here for the Europeans. I see no further limitations in scope. There is nothing here that leads to a change of the situation."

Sideline: gotta make the hocus-pocus secret, too.



#409 2014-01-20 06:23:07

and finally the Disinformation Campaign begins.



#410 2014-01-20 07:50:52

square wrote:

Sideline: gotta make the hocus-pocus secret, too.

“This is driven by personalities and not rationality,” said one federal security official with knowledge of the debate, who asked not to be identified for fear of being retaliated against for speaking to the press. “This information is all listed on the Internet. This is not a secret. The Russians and the Chinese know about this. Reporters know about this.”

This is a chilling quote, but all anyone really needs to know is:

Polygraph testing is already widely questioned as unreliable by scientists and not permitted as evidence against defendants in most criminal cases.



#411 2014-01-22 23:03:27

Calling out the media for uncritically repeating the "Russian spy" slur.

"It’s not the smears that mystify me," Snowden told me. "It’s that outlets report statements that the speakers themselves admit are sheer speculation." Snowden went on to poke fun at the range of allegations that have been made against him in the media without intelligence officials providing some kind of factual basis: "'We don’t know if he had help from aliens.' 'You know, I have serious questions about whether he really exists.'"

Snowden went on, "It’s just amazing that these massive media institutions don’t have any sort of editorial position on this. I mean, these are pretty serious allegations, you know?" He continued, "The media has a major role to play in American society, and they’re really abdicating their responsibility to hold power to account."

We've seen this movie before.



#412 2014-01-22 23:39:14


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#413 2014-01-24 00:59:04

No wonder Obama wanted to get his proposal out before an independent panel had its chance to report: NSA's phone data collection is illegal, unconstitutional, and ineffective.

However, the Board concludes that Section 215 does not provide an adequate legal basis to support this program. Because the program is not statutorily authorized, it must be ended.

Section 215 is designed to enable the FBI to acquire records that a business has in its possession, as part of an FBI investigation, when those records are relevant to the investigation. Yet the operation of the NSA’s bulk telephone records program bears almost no resemblance to that description.

Based on the information provided to the Board, including classified briefings and documentation, we have not identified a single instance involving a threat to the United States in which the program made a concrete difference in the outcome of a counterterrorism investigation. Moreover, we are aware of no instance in which the program directly contributed to the discovery of a previously unknown terrorist plot or the disruption of a terrorist attack.

Last edited by square (2014-01-24 01:03:41)



#415 2014-01-24 11:45:51

HA HA HA HA HA I can't wait to see these things bobbing around above DC!



#416 2014-01-24 12:59:40

The gas bags are watching!  The gas bags are watching!



#417 2014-01-24 13:15:26


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#418 2014-01-25 16:18:40

A few more...


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Last edited by choad (2014-08-02 02:33:58)



#419 2014-01-26 21:00:45

NSA Wants Your Kids


~ click ~

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#420 2014-01-27 20:03:10

"How can I work for NSA"? Marketing to teens? Easy: Turn in Mom and Dad, those fucking Commies!



#421 2014-01-27 21:29:47

choad wrote:

NSA Wants Your Kids


~ click ~


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#422 2014-02-04 02:48:33

He's not just popular on High Street; the government has its very own Taint Review Team.



#423 2014-02-06 02:35:54

Seems things were as fucked up 40 years ago as they are now.
http://pando.com/2014/02/04/the-first-c … one-cares/

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Last edited by choad (2014-02-07 03:22:03)



#424 2014-02-06 17:20:59

Fear the Russians, they might be grabbing your shit also.



#425 2014-02-06 23:55:16

sigmoid freud wrote:

Seems things were as fucked up 40 years ago as they are now.

http://pando.com/2014/02/04/the-first-c … one-cares/

I caught Otis Pike's obit in the NYT, Pike's hometown paper, and was dumbstruck to find the Times scrubbed his record clean of the NSA. Not one note.



#426 2014-02-07 04:15:31

Just to re-affirm, everyone is playing the data capture game these days

On the upside, should you ever want to relive a moment of your electronic life you can rest assured that there are at least three copies of it out there...



#427 2014-02-07 08:33:04

sigmoid freud wrote:

Seems things were as fucked up 40 years ago as they are now.
http://pando.com/2014/02/04/the-first-c … one-cares/

Hmmm, One of the most disturbing observations here is how we have internalized into the culture the belief that exposure transforms wrongdoing. When really exposure may not matter as much as we think. Now that the politicians and authorities are so adept at deflecting any real transformation. Scary to contemplate how easy it is to be be fickle and accept the fate we are being sold.

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#428 2014-02-08 01:54:11

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

Hmmm, One of the most disturbing observations here is how we have internalized into the culture the belief that exposure transforms wrongdoing. When really exposure may not matter as much as we think. Now that the politicians and authorities are so adept at deflecting any real transformation. Scary to contemplate how easy it is to be be fickle and accept the fate we are being sold.

To think otherwise is a thoughtcrime. "WAR IS PEACE," "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY," "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH."

Due process never happened.



#429 2014-02-08 18:52:44

choad wrote:

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

Hmmm, One of the most disturbing observations here is how we have internalized into the culture the belief that exposure transforms wrongdoing. When really exposure may not matter as much as we think. Now that the politicians and authorities are so adept at deflecting any real transformation. Scary to contemplate how easy it is to be be fickle and accept the fate we are being sold.

To think otherwise is a thoughtcrime. "WAR IS PEACE," "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY," "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH."

Due process never happened.

I had a black friend ask me what I thought about a Federal ban on using the word, "nigger".  I said, "Eh, we'll just start calling you Double-Plus-Un-Whites."



#430 2014-02-08 20:06:46

Baywolfe wrote:

I had a black friend ask me what I thought about a Federal ban on using the word, "nigger".  I said, "Eh, we'll just start calling you Double-Plus-Un-Whites."

Well now then the Sochi games will require a rethink of what Caucasian really means.   I'm a fucking Teuton bitches, go ahead and choke on it.



#431 2014-02-09 22:38:50

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

When really exposure may not matter as much as we think.

Exposure is a necessary condition for reform, but not a sufficient one.



#433 2014-02-11 08:30:13


~ click banner ~

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Last edited by choad (2014-02-11 09:40:01)



#434 2014-02-11 13:52:30

State secrets privilege

Eric Holder wrote:

disclosure that an individual is not a subject of an FBI counterterrorism investigation could likewise reasonably be expected to cause significant harm to national security



#435 2014-02-11 14:05:48

Emmeran wrote:

http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2014/02/no-fly-coverup/]State secrets privilege

Better than any of their emails...that made me renew my ACLU membership.



#436 2014-02-11 16:49:04

Emmeran wrote:

State secrets privilege

Eric Holder wrote:

disclosure that an individual is not a subject of an FBI counterterrorism investigation could likewise reasonably be expected to cause significant harm to national security

Do you still feel Congress was out of bounds for finding Holder in contempt for basically doing the same thing in the "Fast and Furious" scandal?



#437 2014-02-11 17:10:28

phreddy wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

State secrets privilege

Eric Holder wrote:

disclosure that an individual is not a subject of an FBI counterterrorism investigation could likewise reasonably be expected to cause significant harm to national security

Do you still feel Congress was out of bounds for finding Holder in contempt for basically doing the same thing in the "Fast and Furious" scandal?

Hard to say as I hold Congress in complete contempt anyway.  One neat coincidence here is that both of these situations began in the Bush administration sooo do you still feel that the Bush conservatives were upstanding citizens working for the good of the country?



#438 2014-02-12 04:04:53

NSA collections are no big deal; it's just metadata, right?

According to a former drone operator for the military's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) who also worked with the NSA, the agency often identifies targets based on controversial metadata analysis and cell-phone tracking technologies. Rather than confirming a target's identity with operatives or informants on the ground, the CIA or the U.S. military then orders a strike based on the activity and location of the mobile phone a person is believed to be using.

But that awful Snowden should have just reported his concerns to his superiors!  Surely that's the way to fix things.

When he would raise objections about intelligence that was "rushed" or "inaccurate" or "outright wrong," he adds, "the most common response I would get was 'JSOC wouldn't spend millions and millions of dollars, and man hours, to go after someone if they weren't certain that they were the right person.' There is a saying at the NSA: 'SIGINT never lies.' It may be true that SIGINT never lies, but it’s subject to human error."

The government's assassination program is actually constructed, he adds, to avoid self-correction. "They make rushed decisions and are often wrong in their assessments. They jump to conclusions and there is no going back to correct mistakes." Because there is an ever-increasing demand for more targets to be added to the kill list, he says, the mentality is "just keep feeding the beast."



#439 2014-02-12 06:48:49

square wrote:

NSA collections are no big deal; it's just metadata, right?

"They jump to conclusions and there is no going back to correct mistakes." Because there is an ever-increasing demand for more targets to be added to the kill list, he says, the mentality is "just keep feeding the beast."

They're deluded kid cunts, playing cowboys and indians, and like the Honey Badger, they don't give a fuck.


Last edited by choad (2014-02-12 06:53:56)



#441 2014-02-13 08:40:45

Fled wrote:

Just to keep it interesting,
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ … ml?hpid=z7

This is the most cheerful thing I've heard all week!



#442 2014-02-13 09:51:42

Tall Paul wrote:

Fled wrote:

Just to keep it interesting,
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ … ml?hpid=z7

This is the most cheerful thing I've heard all week!

Yes, it is a world of bed strangefellows.



#444 2014-02-19 00:54:20

Attorney-client sabotage.


Clapper was asked directly by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?" At the time Clapper responded, "No sir." Wyden then asked, "they do not?" Clapper responded, "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps collect, but not wittingly."

Gee, he was confused.  But it's not like he could have anticipated the question or clarified his answer after the fact.  Oh, wait, he could have.



#445 2014-02-19 06:26:41

Sure it's for the  illegal immigrants

edit: Drink your coffee, Em! Fixed the stray space hosing the link.

Last edited by choad (2014-02-19 07:03:00)



#446 2014-02-23 17:21:16

It's reassuring to know that our national security apparatus is geared up to crack down on forty year old rekindled romances which carry the hint of a possibility of immigration fraud.

I haven't seen this story in any other news outlets.  An overwhelming state apparatus used for selective law enforcement, how comforting.  It's a shame that in a society run by cannibalistic retards the bloodthirsty shits aren't satisfied devouring their own.



#447 2014-02-24 18:39:32

thefriendsofeddiedoyle wrote:

It's reassuring to know that our national security apparatus is geared up to crack down on forty year old rekindled romances which carry the hint of a possibility of immigration fraud.

I haven't seen this story in any other news outlets.  An overwhelming state apparatus used for selective law enforcement, how comforting.

Next up on the nightly news, a "review" of a movie produced by our parent company, plus an expose on how many geese are infesting a golf course! Stay tuned...



#448 2014-02-28 01:59:00

If you perverts could just keep your pants on, we wouldn't end up with all this undesirable nudity in our archives of your webcam chats!



#449 2014-02-28 02:54:22

square wrote:

If you perverts could just keep your pants on, we wouldn't end up with all this undesirable nudity in our archives of your webcam chats!

GCHQ does not have the technical means to make sure no images of UK or US citizens are collected and stored by the system, and there are no restrictions under UK law to prevent Americans' images being accessed by British analysts without an individual warrant

And that's how you get around those pesky warrant requirements, you spy on my citizens and I'll spy on yours.



#450 2014-03-08 05:31:34

Who watches the watchers?  The watcher-watchers, who are watched (and constrained) by the watchers.

Don't worry, the watchers are grabbing the watcher-watchers by the balls over here, too.

Another reminder that no one's safety has been threatened by the information that has been revealed, and this was not done for personal gain.

Someone's irony meter isn't working.

"We work in an Agency of secrets, but this kind of secrecy begets more secrecy and it becomes a downward spiral that destroys teamwork. What if you put an end to all the secrecy by bringing it out in the open? . . .

"Trust is hard to rebuild once it has been broken."


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