#1 2013-08-03 16:19:45


MELONS:   "People need to stop using the terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' as general slurs and epithets for partisan namecalling, and start looking at what each term really means."

EMMERAN:  "This is the 'united we stand' theory: If you are able to split apart the electorate, you weaken both sides. However, the more they divide the parties, the more people are turning independent because they cannot align with either side."

Last edited by melons (2013-08-03 16:27:04)



#2 2013-08-03 17:11:53

melons wrote:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ … 7141_n.jpg;https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/ … 0817_n.jpg

MELONS:   "People need to stop using the terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' as general slurs and epithets for partisan namecalling, and start looking at what each term really means."

EMMERAN:  "This is the 'united we stand' theory: If you are able to split apart the electorate, you weaken both sides. However, the more they divide the parties, the more people are turning independent because they cannot align with either side."

Two sides of the same coin.  And the television industry does not want a multi-party system.  It's even getting so it's almost impossible for independents to get on the ballot of all 50 states for Presidential races.



#3 2013-08-03 18:24:54

Yep, until we exert control at the local level again we're screwed, this shit has gone too far.  By way of example my new home town want $2.5m to purchase a new cop shop,  seriously $2.5m in a town of 3,000 WTF is that? And btw the State police shop is just a mile and a half down the road.

Last edited by Emmeran (2013-08-03 18:27:27)



#4 2013-08-04 05:01:22



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